The Billionaire's Challenge - Final Google - Page 19

“Don’t even go there!” she laughed, relieved that he was being honest with her now. “There’s no way I’m moving into your house.”

“Why not?” he teased, liking the idea more by the moment. If she lived with him, he might be able to understand her a bit more.

“Because I need my own place,” she asserted. “And…”

“Fine. Then you’ll move in here. It’s your own place. It has locks, a separate key, and everything you could possibly need.”


He laughed, enjoying her stubbornness. “I’m going to win on this, you know.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not falling for your charm, Reid. You don’t offer your guest house to all the new employees of Rembrandt Cosmetics. I’m not going to be the first. It will be a trend that you can’t sustain.”

He shrugged and moved closer. “I don’t want to kiss all of the new employees of Rembrandt Cosmetics,” he said, his voice becoming deeper. Huskier. His eyes dropped lower, looking at her lips.

She stepped back, her mind going blank as heat flared low in her belly. “You don’t…! I can’t…!”

He smiled slightly. “Not yet. But soon you will feel comfortable around me and we can explore this tension between us.” He stepped back, giving her space to breathe. “In the meantime, let’s go get your stuff from the hotel so that you can settle in. I’ll have my assistant arrange for a storage unit for your furniture.”

Chapter 4

The cool air drifted around her, but it no longer chilled her. The chilling effect had stopped about two miles ago. But she wasn’t stopping. It felt too good to be out here, feeling the air and admiring the mountains in the distance. This was living, she thought, thrilled that she’d actually taken the leap to move out to Colorado.

Thankfully, Reid hadn’t allowed her to wobble on making the decision. She smiled as she rounded another corner, the mountains hidden behind the buildings and the trees. No matter, she thought, pushing herself harder. Down a few steps and she was on the Cherry Creek path. The water was low at this time of the year, but it still moved beside the pathway. She loved jogging this trail, listening to the trickle of the water. It seemed that everything in Denver invigorated her lately! Including the man who lived on the other side of the pool.

Flashes of his eyes yesterday haunted her and she wanted to laugh. Reid wanted to kiss her. Was he kidding?

Selena had no idea and, at this point in the morning, she wasn’t going to worry about it. Right now, she was going to revel in the flirtations of a handsome man, knowing that nothing could come of the flirtations. Reid was her boss and neither of them would dare to mess with that issue. It was too…wrong. A relationship with her boss would create too many problems. Too many complications.

But still…

It was nice to think about, even if she’d never dare to follow up. Nor would Reid ever push her in any way. Instinctively, she knew that and respected him more for it.

“You’re going to kill yourself with this pace,” a deep voice came from behind her.

She stumbled but, thankfully, caught herself in time. “What are you doing out here?” she asked as Reid jogged up beside her.

“I run this trail three or four times a week. I like Cherry Creek, and at this time of the morning, there aren’t too many runners out here.” He pointed up ahead at a runner coming towards them and they both moved to the side, letting the other person pass them.

“So, do you need help moving your stuff into the guest house?” he asked.

Selena smiled, thinking he was persistent and charming. “Who says I’m moving into your guest house?”

He laughed and she wondered how he had the breath to do that while running.

“I do. And you know that it’s a better place than you’ll ever find. More space and better rent.”

“I decided last night that I’ll take you up on your offer to stay in your guest house, but only because I want to find a house to rent instead of living in an apartment. So this move will only be temporary.” They rounded another corner and jogged up a flight of stairs. “You were right about wanting more space. Until you showed me your guest house, I’d never thought about living in an actual house. But I like the idea.”

Tags: Elizabeth Lennox Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024