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Glancing at his watch, he muttered a curse. It was after midnight. Damn it! He’d texted Selena earlier in the evening, letting her know that he was still planning on talking to her. But at the time, he’d thought he’d be done five hours ago.

He drove back to his house and parked the car. As soon as the lights turned off, Cat raced around the corner of the guesthouse, rubbing up against Reid’s ankles. Bending down, he scratched the little guy’s back, hearing him purr. “Hey buddy. Were you all snuggled up with the lady?”

Cat didn’t reply, too happy to have attention.

“Yeah, you’re a sucker.” With one more pat, he stood up and headed for his back door. But at the last minute, he heard the door to the guesthouse open.

There she was! Selena looked…hot! The tee shirt fluttered around her upper thighs. There were no lights on in the guest house and her hair was mussed. Had she been asleep?

Walking over to her, he had a thousand things he wanted to tell her. But as soon as he reached her, all he could do was pull her into his arms and kiss her. Just one kiss, he thought. One kiss and he’d tell her what she meant to him, how he wanted to define their relationship. But that one kiss led to another. And then another.

He lifted her into his arms, carrying her back to her bedroom. He was vaguely aware of Cat curling up on the chair.

Clothes were torn off. Bare skin. His hands cupped her breasts and it wasn’t enough. Their breath mingled together as they strained, frantic to make up for the past three nights apart.

“Hurry!” Selena gasped, handing him a condom. “Reid, hurry!”

He would have laughed if he could have slowed down. But he couldn’t. Not even a little!

“Bedroom,” he groaned as he rolled the condom down his painfully throbbing erection. He hadn’t even taken off his clothes. Selena had just unzipped him and released his shaft.

“No time!” she told him.

He agreed. With a flash of brilliance, he lifted her into his arms. Pressing her against the wall behind her, he wrapped her legs around his waist. “Hold on, Selena. Just…” he closed his eyes and tried to be gentle, but three days without her was three too many.

“Now!” she gasped, wiggling against him as she tried for the same goal.

So instead of slowing down, which he didn’t think he could accomplish, he lowered her down, impaling her on his shaft. As soon as her tight, wet heat surrounded him, he groaned, burying his face against her neck.

“Move!” she ordered, grinding her hips as her fingers tightened in his hair. “Move, please move!”

He might have responded. Reid wasn’t sure. In his mind, he laughed, but his body was too close to the edge and he needed to feel her climax. He wanted that more than he wanted his own release. So he moved, shifting his body and using the wall behind her for leverage. Thrusting in and out, he pushed her closer and closer. Normally, he would use his hands and fingers to help her to the edge, but his hands were busy holding her butt liked where they were. Besides, he could feel her body tightening, getting closer and closer. She looked wild and beautiful and…then she shifted again, her body frantically reaching for that release.

When it came, he knew and tried to make it better for her. But the way she was moving against him, plus her inner muscles clamping down around his shaft, he couldn’t hold back. The release was powerful and it took only two more thrusts before she was screaming his name.

Silence. He moved slightly but her already relaxed body stiffened with outrage that he would dare to move after such a perfect experience.

“Just a moment longer,” she whispered, her lips grazing his ear. Just that touch and he hardened again, ready for another round. What was it about Selena that just got to him so intensely?

She felt his reaction as well and pulled back, a soft, lazy smile to her beautiful features.

“Aren’t you exhausted?” she asked softly.

He could smell the mint on her breath and the subtle perfume that was all Selena.

“Obviously not,” he replied, shifting to nuzzle her neck.

With that, he carried her to her bedroom and started the whole process over again, but much slower this time. And more thoroughly.

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