The Billionaire's Bargain - Page 4

His heir would be the final condition in his father’s terms of his will. Duncan would have full control over the family estate and business. He knew the first thing he’d do and that would be to cut off his money-grabbing stepmother. Once Miranda was out of the picture his mother would be back in her rightful place, where she belonged. Plans of his future began to map out.

The dreams he’d held onto for so long were so close to coming true he could almost taste it. Tess had no choice.

Duncan looked forward to getting Tess to fall in love with him. Her seduction would provide him with so much pleasure. The anticipation alone was enough to make him yearn for her.

Spending time with her wouldn’t be a hardship. She was sweet, beautiful, and it was his pleasure to bring her closer to him. Tess didn’t need to know what he wanted from her. He’d make sure she never doubted her position at his side. She’d be perfect as the woman by his side and the mother of his children. Once his place in her life, and the fulfilment of his father’s will, was guaranteed he would proceed with his own life. Duncan would take a mistress like his father had done before him, a woman to sate his appetite while Tess graced his own bed. She’d stay at home, and he’d be free to lead a life separate from the family. His plans were suitable to him and easily achieved.

The more he thought about them, the more he liked his plan. Tess need never know of his intent. He’d treat her with the utmost respect and care.

Everything sounded so clear to him.

He waited for her answer.

“Yes, I will marry you.”

He nodded, containing his smile. An hour ago it had seemed all hope was lost to him. Tess was about to make it all happen. The revenge he’d wanted for the last ten years was firmly within his grasp. For that he’d be deeply indebted to the woman before him.

“Excellent, I will get my secretary to contact you with the details.”

Duncan moved round the desk to stand before her. He noticed she took a step back.

“You don’t have to be scared of me, Tess. I’m not going to bite unless you want me to.” He leaned against his desk staring at her.

The drab suit did nothing for her curves. He’d make it his mission to fit her in the finest fabrics and silks. She had a body he craved to know every inch of.

“I’m not afraid of you.”

“Then why are you walking away from me?” he asked.

She stopped. Her hands fisted at her sides. “There, I’m not going anywhere.”

Duncan took a step towards her. She stood her ground. Her gaze dropped to her feet. In no time at all he’d closed the distance between them. He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head up to face him.

“I always want to see your eyes on me,” he said.

“Why did you pick me?”

“Because I knew you wouldn’t say no. Your father’s freedom depended on your answer.”

“You’re Duncan James. You could have any woman. I’ll never understand why you picked me.”

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her. Tess pulled away shaking her head. “I’m not ready for that.”

“You’ll need to be ready in two weeks.”

“But not today. I agreed to marry you. You’ve got any number of women on your list to bed. I don’t want to be another notch on your bedpost or anything else you think. This will be a marriage in name only.”

Duncan smiled. She was only setting a challenge to him. He couldn’t wait to get started in breaking down her barriers.

“Fine, we’ll play it your way. In two weeks you’ll be mine, Tess.”


Tess nodded at him waiting for him to say something else. When no other words were spoken she made her way to the door. Her exit was silent. She felt uneasy and for some strange reason as if she had sold her soul to the devil in order to help her father. Tess rode down the elevator with her heart aching. She knew her life was about to take one of two paths. One was filled with love and happiness, and the other was so painful she could not bear to think about. She didn’t know where her thoughts came from, only that the feeling wouldn’t go away.

She tried shaking off the doomed feeling, but it followed her for the rest of the day. Before she went home she stopped off at the supermarket. She’d booked a day off at the library. The rest of the day would be spent baking at home.

Once inside her small apartment, Tess went straight to the kitchen. She tore her jacket off then turned on the oven. All of the ingredients she’d purchased at the supermarket were spread out on the counter. Tess gathered her bowls and began measuring out everything she needed. While she gave herself up to the pleasure of the kitchen she could forget about the meeting she’d had with Duncan.

She zested lemons and squeezed the juice. For the rest of the morning and into the afternoon she absorbed herself in the pleasure of the kitchen. When everything was done she collapsed on her sofa. All the energy had been sucked out of her from that meeting and the cooking.

Then her predicament dawned on her.

She was getting married.

It seemed so surreal. In two weeks she would be married to one of the most ruthless but wealthiest of businessmen, Duncan James.

Tess took a moment to think about him. He held so much control in his large frame. He’d startled her with his presence. The way he’d stared at her had made her feel bare. It was like he’d stripped off all of her clothes, and she was naked in front of him.

Her nipples hardened as she remembered the way he’d stared at her. The desire pouring from his eyes had startled her. No other man had looked at her like she was something to eat.

Her mind was awhirl, and she was so preoccupied with her upcoming nuptials she didn’t hear the phone. She jumped when the ring of her telephone finally invaded her mind. Tess nearly fell off the sofa in her rush to answer the call.

Her nerves were completely fried. No wonder Duncan was so powerful and a force to reckon with. He never showed any fear, whereas she felt ready to crumble at the sound of the telephone.

She groaned as she banged her knee on the floor then moved to pick up the phone. “Hello,” she said, hoping it wasn’t some salesperson.

“Tess? Honey? Are you all right?”

“Dad?” She ran her fingers through her hair. The wild curls fought against the clip she’d put them in when she’d started baking and cooking. He sounded panicked. It was the first time he’d called her “honey”. He must really be rooting for her. “No, I’m fine. The phone just startled me. I wasn’t expecting anyone to call me.”

Erik was silent on the other end. Tess could almost sense his embarrassment. She knew he hated the fact his daughter was coming to the rescue. What other choice did he have? Prison? The thought almost made her laugh—almost. His situation was stupid. She couldn’t believe he’d gotten in so deep.

“I sorted it, Dad.” She felt her anger rising. The only reason he’d called was to get an update on his situation. Erik didn’t care about her. For the last couple of years he’d barely talked to her. He was so silent because of his embarrassment, and yet she’d not only had to feel the humiliation of having to go and grovel to his boss, she also had to listen to the rants that shouldn’t have been aimed at her at all.

She had nothing to do with his business. Tess never got involved with anything Erik had going on. He was happy for her to feel as if she’d committed the horrid crime.

Her father was getting off scot-free while she had to sacrifice her freedom in order for him to get it.

Her precious freedom was being sacrificed for his greed.

“What did you need all that money for?” Tess demanded from him, no longer caring about his feelings. She deserved to know the answers.

Thinking about her predicament made her scared. She had a right to know where the money had gone.

Tess deserved answers.

“That’s none of your business,” he yelled down the line.

Enough was enough.

“None of my business? I’ve just gone and sorted out all your problems. I’ve sacrificed my freedom so you won’t go to prison, and you’re telling me it’s none of my business?” Tess heard the anger rising inside her voice. She was tired of constantly being made to feel like a spare part. When she was growing up Erik made it abundantly clear she wasn’t the ideal daughter. After everything he’d done she was still trying to gain his approval.

A knock at the door cut off Tess’s rant. She growled in frustration and anger. Tess rarely got chance to voice her opinions to her father. The one time she finally got the courage she was interrupted by the door. She answered the door, fuming at her father’s stubbornness. He was moaning down the phone at her. Tess planned to ignore him until she got rid of whoever it was on the other side of the door.

Not only was she his daughter, but she was the one who would suffer from his actions. Why couldn’t he be grateful? So many thoughts ran ‘round her head as she opened the door.

Tags: Sam Crescent Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024