The Billionaire's Bargain - Page 13

Tess put her hand in his and followed him out onto the dance floor. All the other couples scattered as they went onto the dance floor. Duncan signalled to the live band, and a tune slowly began to filter through the room. Her eyes widened as she recognised the tune. It was one of her favourite songs. His hand went to her waist as the other cupped one of her hands against his chest. With her free hand she wrapped it around his shoulders. They were close together, the song the only sound she was able to hear.

“How did you know?” she asked, unable to tear her gaze away from him. She felt captivated by him.

“Out of all of you books aligning your walls I noticed the case for this song on top of your stereo. It looked like you listened to it a lot.”

She was touched by his consideration.

“Thank you. That means a lot to me,” she said.

“I want you to have everything you need for this day.” Everyone faded away as she stared into his eyes. For the first time she saw something more to him. His eyes were not dark and sinister. She saw gold in his depths.

He held her close, the song drifting over her as she kept her gaze on him.

“No matter how long this lasts, I appreciate it.”

They were silent as the dance continued. Neither looked away. Tess held onto him until the last chords of the last line were finished. Silence descended on the hall. Duncan held her close. The chemistry between them mounted with every passing second. She licked her lips then pulled away, their hands the last to part as she walked off the dance floor. Tess kept on moving regardless of the gossip that followed. When she rounded the corner where there was privacy, she leaned against the wall for support.

She wrapped her arms around her body as the tears she kept at bay unleashed. They silently poured down her face. She was pleased she’d said no to mascara when the stylists had tried to fix up her face.

Music drifted through the hall. Tess left her space searching for the ladies’ room. She closed and locked the door as she made her way to the mirror.

“You’re not going to let him do this to you,” she said to her reflection. Duncan was worming his way into her mind and heart. She felt her feelings expanding for him. The way he held her. He captured her attention and held it. She wanted to be with him at all times. Tess knew she needed to stop any such feelings for him. Duncan would never be hers. This marriage was for another reason. She wasn’t stupid.

“Don’t fall in love for a man who could never love you back.” She spoke the words, wiped the tears then went out to join him. Even as she fought her own body, she searched for him. He stood on the edge of the dance floor.

Tess declined any more dances. She wanted it to be over. Her heart raced as Duncan walked towards her. She knew she was falling.

She hoped she was strong enough to hold off her feelings. Duncan would only destroy any chance at love she had.

Chapter Nine

Duncan, however, couldn’t take his eyes off his new bride. After their dance when she’d walked off the stage leaving him alone, she seemed to withdraw into herself. She’d come back from the ladies’ room and stood on the edge of the dance floor watching the other couples dance to the music. She remained as still a statue, declining all other offers. When she’d been in his arms she’d melted against him. He’d felt the closeness building as they danced. For the first time he hadn’t been concerned with anything other than the woman in his arms. They were two individual people and felt like one to him. The moment she’d come back into the room her entire body language seemed indifferent to his presence. Where he searched for her in the room at every given moment she appeared not to care about him. His ego felt battered and bruised. No woman had ever left him feeling like a hindrance. His temper was close to the surface at her lack of response. He wanted any excuse to unleash it.

He walked towards her. It was time for them to leave. Duncan wanted her alone with him.

You want to feel that closeness again. No other person, not even your mother, has ever left you feeling like that.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. He noted the way she wrapped her arms around herself as if to ward him off. Duncan didn’t like it. He wanted her to be open to him.

You want to feel love.

He shook off all of his thoughts concentrating on the now.

“We’re leaving,” he said.

“Isn’t it a bit early to be leaving?” He caught her arm then began to walk out of the hall.

“I think we’ve caused enough of a scene for one day.” They walked out of the hall. Mark, his friend, followed them out. He knew his friend was concerned. Mark had spoken to him after Tess left him standing in the middle of the dance floor. Duncan helped her into the car. Guests filtered out of the hall to watch them leave.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Mark asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He stopped to talk with his friend. He knew Tess wouldn’t hear the conversation.

“She’s different from the others, Duncan. I already see a change in you.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. Duncan knew there was something going on between Tess and himself. What, he didn’t know. “She’s different, but like all the other she has her own price.”

“You’re falling for her, Duncan. I can see this.” Mark followed him round to his side of the car.

“I don’t do love, Mark. You know that.”

“Don’t hurt her.”

Duncan ignored him getting in the car and starting it up.

He pulled away from the curb as she waved to their guests. His hands were shaking from the words Mark had spoken. He knew she was different, and he refused to believe he was falling in love with her.

“Where are we going?” Her voice was soft within the confines of the car. Duncan wondered if he had imagined her speaking to him. He took a quick glance to make sure she’d spoken.

“My country house,” he said when he noticed she was waiting for him. With another quick glance he saw her nod then look out the window. Darkness was falling. He knew she’d struggle to see anything outside. He needed to talk but remained silent.

Silence filled the drive leaving Duncan even more riled and annoyed. He needed to talk to her. The more he heard her voice the easier it was to calm down. After what Mark had said, he needed to feel calm. By the time he made it to his country house he was in a foul mood. Tess didn’t seem to notice as he snapped at anyone who crossed his path. The few drivers on the road got more of his anger than anyone else. He pulled up outside his home. She didn’t say a word as she opened the door. Duncan ground his teeth together to stop himself from snapping at her.

Even at this late hour his two staff were up and awaiting his arrival.

Both were attentive towards Tess. They ignored him completely. Everyone seemed to love her on sight. What was it about her that everyone loved? Even Mark thought she was a brilliant person, a perfect match for him. He knew she was different from all of his other women. Were the others really that bad?

Her father was a thief and a criminal. How good could she be?

Duncan knew it was his own foul mood causing him to lash out at her character.

“Will you show Tess to her room?” He cut off his house keeper’s cheery conversation. The sooner she was settled the better he’d feel. His housekeeper glared at him but took Tess by the hand giving her a welcoming smile. The moment his housekeeper and Tess were making their way upstairs he got an approving nod out of Gerald.

Gerald was the one who kept his house in pristine condition when he was away on business. Duncan nodded back, happy that Gerald approved of his choice of wife. He went to his study to have a very strong whisky. He finally loosened the tie that had caused him problems all day. He released the top buttons of his shirt as well. He finally owned the first part of his father’s estate. His step-mother would receive a surprise eviction notice within the week, and his mother could go and claim her rightful place. Everything was coming together. He was satisfied with the way today had gone. Except for the episode he’d had with Tess, the day had gone smoothly. Duncan sat behind his mahogany desk, booting up his computer to check for any important notices.

Several of his emails were from business associates congratulating him on his big day. One was from his secretary informing him of his honeymoon arrangements. She informed him his honeymoon would be starting that weekend along with all the necessary arrangements he’d need. The final email came from his head of security. He’d requested two weeks ago on the day he met Tess for them to find out anything on his future wife. The information was attached in a file for him to peruse. It looked like they had finally found some information on his wife. Duncan opened the secure file attached to the email. There were a few security options for him. The moment he downloaded the file, he opened it straight away. He didn’t want to lose any more time finding out about his wife.

Some stuff he already knew like her being a librarian. It hadn’t taken long for the press to find her and make work impossible for her.

Tags: Sam Crescent Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024