The Billionaire's Bargain - Page 21

She took his bowl. Her whole face was animated. Duncan wanted to see that smile on her face more often.

You’re falling for her.

You’re falling in love with your wife.

He didn’t care how he felt as long as he got what he wanted. The feelings wouldn’t last long. They never did. She came back to him wiping her hands on a towel.

“What about your work though? You’re a businessman. Won’t you be needed here?” she asked, her smile disappearing.

He didn’t like to see her eyes dim.

“Will I have to go on my own?”

Duncan saw the disappointment in her eyes, and that gave him hope. She looked so sad when she thought he wouldn’t be able to go with her. His spirits lifted at her expression. She might think she disliked him, but her mind wanted to be in his company no matter what she tried to make him think.

There was hope for him. His plan began to look more promising. He chuckled, feeling happier about their situation.

“All taken care of. I’m the boss, so I can take any time off I like; but I have put in place some back up to make sure if any problems occur during my absence they can be in touch straight away.” The light brightened within her depths. It was like watching a child at Christmas time.

“This is going to be amazing. Thank you so much.”

He liked seeing her smile. Duncan liked seeing her happy. The feelings were a first for him. What shocked him the most was how much he liked the fact he was the man to put the smile on her face.

She stood close to him, her honey and vanilla scent invading his senses. The jeans and white shirt she wore emphasised her curves to perfection. He’d been right in the size of clothes to get her.

He recalled all of her softness against his own body.

Soon, she’ll be in your arms, and then you can wipe all memory of last night from her mind.

Duncan wanted to give her a night to remember where he worshipped all of her body all night long.

“Don’t worry about packing either. I hate packing, and I’ve sorted everything so that anything we need will be ready and waiting for us tomorrow.”

Duncan took another chunk of bread from the stand, popping it into his mouth. His soup was long gone, but his hunger for her was still present. He stood ready to leave. If he stayed longer in her company he couldn’t be held accountable for his actions. She made him yearn for her in ways he’d thought long gone in his teenage years. When he was around her he felt like a horny teenage boy.

Before he got chance to leave Tess did something really taking him by surprise. She came up close to his body and wrapped her arms around his neck. He curled his hand around her waist supporting her as she brought her face close to his. His heart pounded inside his chest. Staring down into her innocent face did things inside him he didn’t understand.

“Thank you, Duncan. This really means a lot to me. I’ll never forget it,” she said, and then she kissed him.

Her lips brushed his, gentle at first, but she then built into a passionate kiss that took his breath away. His hold tightened around her. The tips of her breasts pressed against his shirt like rock-hard pebbles. He’d tasted them and knew their sweetness on his tongue.

He moaned in between her kisses. Duncan tilted her head back, feeling her lips part, then plunged his tongue inside. She moaned, her own fingers tugging at the strands of hair at the back of his neck. Their moans echoed round the kitchen. The fire and hunger urged them both on.

Duncan fisted his hands in the shirt at her back. He wanted to turn the kiss into so much more but restrained himself. His seduction needed to be perfect. Losing control now would damage any chance he had of repairing their relationship.

Tess Williams was messing with his head. And God help him, his heart. She was the first woman to ever initiate a kiss with him. All of his life he’d been the one in charge, always demanding rather than being given. His other conquests had taken great care to act and play hard to get. Tess was different. She was an innocent. It meant so much to have her take the first step. He stepped back from her loving the hot flush adorning her skin. He kissed her on the head in order to end the fire blazing between them. She was the first woman to leave him fevered by the passion she provoked.

His plan of getting her to fall in love with him was on track.

He cut off his own thoughts. Duncan refused to consider his own seduction.

If he was to get Tess to fall in love with him then he risked falling in love with her.

Chapter Fourteen

The following afternoon Tess was still buzzing with excitement. Duncan’s private jet was about to lad on the helipad on the grounds of his villa. She looked out of her small window to see a picturesque mansion staring back at her. It was everything she’d imagined Duncan would possess.

“How rich are you?” she asked. The smile remained on her face. The beauty before her was worth the wait. She couldn’t wait to go explore the beautiful country.

“What makes you think I’m particularly rich?” She turned towards him. His eyes and voice were teasing her. Ever since he’d announced their honeymoon he’d been like a different man.

“You own a private jet. A huge mansion in Italy. Your country house, and not mention all the other property you must own. And the fact you run your own business. It kind of makes a girl a little impressed. Impressed but also intimidated.” She smiled at him. He chuckled as he pocketed his cell phone. For most of the journey he’d been working while she stared out of the window. It was her first trip abroad. His wealth scared her. He was used to so much luxury. She must look unsophisticated to a man of his riches.

“All right, I am very, very rich,” he said.


“You’re not going to ask anything else?” he asked.

Tess laughed. “I’m sure you’ll tell me more when you want me to know.”

She looked out of the window as the helicopter began to lower. Duncan took her hand. She stared at his hand in hers. He gave her a squeeze, but he never let go. Tess turned towards the window. She didn’t see any of the view. Her mind was on the man holding her hand. He’d been so attentive.

Late last night when she’d struggled to sleep and had gone in search of something to do he’d been working in his office as she passed. He’d come out to see her.

Tess drifted to last night as the pilot and Duncan began to prepare everything for their departure.

“Tess? Are you okay?” Duncan asked. She stopped as he walked out of his office.

“I’m fine. I can’t sleep. All right, I’m excited about tomorrow. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy. I’m acting all immature and childish, aren’t I?” She pulled the robe tighter around herself.

Duncan chuckled. “Not at all. I should have kept it to myself. Come on. Grace tells me a hot chocolate and conversation are what an excited mind needs.” He took her hand leading her through to the kitchen.

“Do you know your way around a kitchen?” she asked when he helped her into a seat.

“Yes, I’m not completely useless. I make a great hot chocolate. Do you like marshmallows?”

She nodded watching as he grabbed a pan and some milk out of the fridge. “What are you doing?”

“Well, Grace taught me how to make the best hot chocolate. I’m following her recipe, and she demands proper chocolate with milk, cream, honey, and a dash of rum.” He came back to the stove with his ingredients.

Two mugs were filled with milk then poured into a pan with two whole bars of chocolate. “Do you wish to squirt?” He offered her the honey.

She gave a generous squirt as he added a dash of rum. “Grace loves this stuff.”

Tess giggled licking at the honey on her finger. He put the pan on the heat and stirred. She watched with her head in her hand. The chocolate permeated the room. “It smells good.”

“Wait until you taste.” When the chocolate had melted he poured the mixture back into mugs and dropped in some marshmallows. “Here it is.” He handed her a mug then walked ‘round to take a seat next to her.

She took a sip and sighed. Heaven.

“What do you think?”

“Jus what the doctor ordered.”

He laughed. “You’re an easy woman to please.”

Tess took another sip. “Why are you up late?”

“Working. All I seem to do is work.”

“And play hard. At least the tabloids like to say you do.”

“I know.” Silence descended between them. Tess didn’t feel uncomfortable. She liked him talking, and she wanted to know more about the man she’d married.

“How much is true?” she asked.

“What?” He glanced her way.

“The stories the press run, how much is true?”

“No one has ever asked me that before.”

She waited for him to speak.

Tags: Sam Crescent Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024