The Billionaire's Bargain - Page 27

“Didn’t your father tell you anything?” he asked.

She shook her head. Tears sprang to her eyes at the bitter memories she recalled from being a girl. “No, nothing. I’ve asked, and all he says is it was a girl he knew. My birth certificate has the name Bessie Williams. He won’t tell me any more. I have no way of knowing who she is. I wish I knew her. There is so much I’d love to ask her. I don’t even know if she’s alive.”

“Do you want to know the truth? If your father told you, what would happen if it hurt you more?” Duncan reached out taking her hand.

“I don’t know. If she’s alive I’d like to know why she left me behind. What was her connection with my dad? I can’t even begin to think of everything I’d ask her.”

“Why didn’t you get a private investigator?” he asked.

“I can’t afford that kind of money. I never thought it would work, and I hoped my dad would tell me.”

“What if she did die?”

“Then I’m left not knowing.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. Duncan pulled her from her seat and into his lap. She cried into his shirt as he held her.

“Let it all out. I’ve got you,” he said.

After some time she pulled back wiping the last of the tears off her cheeks. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I didn’t want to make you cry.”

“I had to tell someone. I’ve spent most of my life locking it up.”

He took hold of her braid. “Cute.”

She chuckled. “It is the only way for me to tame my hair.”

“I like your hair. It’s wild and free how it’s supposed to be. Here, let me do the other.” He took the band from her fingers then ran his fingers through the strands of her hair.

“How did you learn to do a woman’s hair?”

“Giada taught me.”

“She taught you well.” He let her hair fall back in place.

“I’m taking you out shopping. I think a trip to Milan will be perfect.”

class=Section10> “You don’t have to take me to Milan, Duncan. I’m happy here.” She took his hand in hers stroking his fingers.

His free hand caressed her leg. “I want to do this, Tess. Please, let me.”

“Why are you being so nice to me?”

“You’re my wife.”

Tess let him fly her out to Milan. He always got what he wanted, and she didn’t see a point in arguing with him. She enjoyed his company as he took her to each designer boutique. Most of the clothes she wouldn’t dream of wearing. He sat and waited while she tried on new clothes.

The whole experience delighted her. Duncan knew how to treat a woman. When women came on to him, he brushed them off as if they weren’t important. Once they were done he booked them into a fancy upscale hotel. They shared a room and spent the whole night watching movies. She lay with her head in his lap.

Tess knew it was the start of a whole lot more.


The days passed. Duncan didn’t mention leaving Italy, and Tess didn’t ask. Her time was filled with delight, sight-seeing and exploring Italy and Rome. Duncan would fly them out to a lavish restaurant for a top dining experience, even though she’d have preferred to stay home. They visited the theatre and went on shopping expeditions. They ate by candlelight in Duncan’s villa.

Duncan had thought he would have to leave her for a short time to sort out some emergency, but he was actually able to get it sorted out over the phone shut away in his study. His business was soon cleared up, and he came to apologise by taking her to another theatre and expensive dinner.

Tess fell in love, completely head over heels in love, with Duncan James. Her feelings for him were so unexpected but so welcome. She wanted to be near him constantly. Tess listened to all his troubles when he talked about them. She laughed when he teased her or told jokes. She loved the way he cared for her, the time he spent making sure she was okay. Her feelings were so strong she thought she’d burst with the emotion welling up inside her.

She knew she would tell him tonight. Some of his work had come to Italy. He’d told her they needed to attend a gathering of some kind, a charity ball where money was splashed everywhere. It was her first appearance out with him, and she wanted to make a good impression.

He’d bought her a beautiful red silk gown. Her curves looked subtle as the dress fell around her waist and her hips. The neck plunged in the centre. It had taken her several minutes to arrange so her breasts wouldn’t tip out. She felt beautiful. Another silver studded diamond necklace danced around her neck with matching diamond ear rings. Her hair was pulled up in a lose bun, a red hair clip in her hair keeping everything in place. Small ringlets of hair escaped around her face to enhance her features.

Sofia had come to help her with the dress and hair. She’d left some time ago as she finished her make-up.

She knew Duncan was watching her from the doorway as she twirled in front of the mirror.

He made his presence known by coming up behind her and kissing her neck. He smiled at her in the reflection of the mirror. She loved it when he touched her, his arms holding her and protecting her.

“You look dazzling, a true beauty.”

“Thank you for the dress. It’s beautiful.”

“I love giving you nice things. Are you sure you don’t mind going tonight?” he asked.

“This is our first outing together. I think it will be good to show a united front.”

“You’re amazing,” he said.

Tess felt her whole body zing to life, and goose-bumps erupted over her exposed flesh. Her nipples hardened to soft peaks. His hands landed lightly on her shoulders. His smoldering eyes looked at her in the mirror. She recognised his desire as it mirrored her own. She felt his arousal against her ass. Tess hoped he’d stop tormenting her and make love to her by the end of the night. The days they’d spent together had been magical.

She felt seduced. Her body was ready for him to claim.

“Every woman will envy you tonight,” he said with a whisper.

She sighed, loving the feel of his body close to hers. Her heart pounded erratically in her chest.

“Only because I’m with you and every other woman wants you.”

“But you are my wife. No other woman can have me.” He turned her head to the side and moulded his lips to hers taking and giving a passionate kiss. Duncan left no doubt of the meaning of his words.

Tess felt the love she had for this man growing deeper. He was no longer the horrible ogre she’d first met. Duncan James had become her white knight and the first man she’d ever loved. Her body craved for him to take her and possess her. Tess wanted him to claim her the only way he could.

He’d arranged for a limousine to pick them up. Duncan helped her with the wrap then followed her inside the limo.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

“Only a little bit. It’s not every day a girl gets to go to a ball.” She locked her fingers on her lap.

Duncan chuckled. “You have nothing to fear. Everyone will love you.” He took her hand kissing her fingers as he laid her hand back in his own lap.

“What happens if I embarrass you?”

“I’d have to care what the people think. Tess, this is not a social gathering. The people we’re about to meet are not my friends.”

“They’re not?”

“No. Mark, the best man at our wedding, he’s my friend. These people don’t rate very high on my list,” he said.

“Then why go at all?”

“It’s good for business. There is a lot of stuff I have to do which is good for business. I don’t always like it.” He stroked the pulse in her wrist. She noticed he liked doing that. “The only part of tonight I find bearable is the fact I’ll be leaving with you.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Duncan. I’m here to stay.”

“Do you mean that?” he asked.

She stared at him, knowing there was more meaning to his question.

“Yes, for as long as you want me, I’ll stay.”

“You’re special to me, Tess.” He leaned over and kissed her. She moaned. They’d been sharing kisses for several days. No matter how many times he kissed her, his kisses felt as wonderful as if they were the first time.

When he pulled away she stared into his eyes. “You’re special to me, too.”

“I better leave you alone. I’ll mess up your make-up and hair. You look stunning.”

They moved apart. She stared out the window. None of it registered as she was lost in her own little world. Her lips tingled. Gazing out of the window she saw her nipples rock hard and pressing against the dress. Her pussy was wet. She wanted Duncan. If he didn’t take her soon she’d die of anticipation.

This is how women felt. She understood the passion now. She was experiencing it herself for the first time.

Tags: Sam Crescent Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024