The Billionaire's Bargain - Page 32

Duncan made love to her. There was nothing rushed this time. He didn’t demand anything from her. He gave, bringing her to around his shaft. He listened to her moans. When he could bear it no longer he thrust frantically, ing within her, his moans more the growls of possession.

He collapsed on her. His strength left him as all his energy had been used in the most amazing sex of his life.

All the time Tess held onto him, and her words echoed around his head.

Chapter Twenty-One

One month later

There honeymoon had come to an end. Duncan’s business called to him to return. She’d spent the last two weeks moving all of her stuff out of the apartment to move into his country home. When they’d been on their honeymoon she’d told him about her dream to become a writer. He’d set up her office in his home.

Most of the days she sat staring at a blank screen. She missed him so much. He phoned her throughout the day.

And every morning he woke her up to his passionate lovemaking, even though he took pleasure from her at night. He’d come home late, and she felt him waking her up. It was still dark outside. Whenever he was near her body grew hot. This night was no different.

Tess’s breathing deepened, and she opened her eyes to see the intense heat radiating out of Duncan’s gaze. His hands moved from her neck to her collarbone following the curve down to stroke her arms. Goose-bumps erupted over her body causing her to shiver ever so slightly.

“Are you cold?” he asked in a whisper against her ear.


Her body felt tense and in need of loving. She wanted him to touch her anywhere and everywhere. She felt consumed and on fire.

Tess moved and waited for the sickness she’d been getting to spoil the moment. It didn’t happen, and she smiled at the man above her. His hands roamed around her body stroking her belly, her arms, her neck, but never near the places she felt so desperate. She moaned every time he moved away, frustration driving her insane.

“Do you want me to touch you?” He teased her. She hated it when he made her beg for more.

“Yes, please, Duncan.” She begged him to understand her need.

“Where do you want me to touch you?” He looked into her eyes in the mirror. Duncan had made it so they’d be able to watch each other in the mirror. He was watching her entire body’s reaction in the full length mirror. She knew he was enjoying the havoc he was creating with her body.

Tess groaned. He was going to make her say it. He’d already made her beg, and now he was going to make her instruct him.

“Please, Duncan. Don’t make me tell you.” She pleaded with him.

His hands dropped from her body. “I’ll leave you here unless tell me what you want, Tess.”

Tess moaned in anger and frustration. He broke down all of her inhibitions until she was a panting, wanton mess.

“Touch my breasts, and stroke them.” Her moan echoed as his hands went straight up to cup her breasts covered by the silk negligee he’d bought. Her eyes closed as her breasts throbbed from the mere touch.

“Open your eyes. I want you to see what I’m doing to you.” The command in his voice made her pussy weep with wanting him.

Her eyes opened. He took her on a rollercoaster ride the moment she looked into Duncan’s gaze. His acute desire was written in his eyes. This pleasure was about both of them taking and giving at the same time.

“Take off the negligee.” Tess did as he asked. She stared at her reflection. Her breasts were bared for him to do with as he wished.

When his hands caressed her naked breasts, she almost collapsed because the touch so intense. They were so sensitive to touch of late. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Duncan held her close to his body. She felt the pulse of his cock behind her, begging for attention.

She turned cutting off his touch. Tess pulled open his shirt. The buttons went flying around the room. She smashed her chest to his taking his lips in a deep searing kiss. She took his moan, matching it with her own. His arms wound around her back, pulling her even closer into his body.

Soon they were on the bed, their clothes forgotten on the floor.

They kissed and stroked each other’s bodies, bringing each other so close to but stopping before they reached the peak. They heightened each other’s experience ‘til they could no longer wait. Duncan moved over her, opening her legs and driving home into her pussy. The groans were loud around the walls of the bedroom.

Duncan found her breast and took her erect nipple between his lips, grazing it with his teeth making her squirm and moan around him. She panted, begging him to stop because it was too intense but begging him not to because she loved it so much.

His thrusts became erratic and uncontrollable. He took her lips making love to her mouth the same way he was making love between her legs.

Tess felt the pleasure building. Before long she was soaring over the edge screaming his name. Her pussy pulsed around his hardened shaft. Moments later, Duncan followed, pulsing his seed deep into her womb. His scream of pleasure was her name shouting out of his lips. They gave way, his weight completely on top of Tess. Their breathing was fast and strong.

Tess loved the feel of him around her. She wrapped her arms around his back trying to keep him close. She loved this man with her mind, her heart, and soul. She could not even think about life without him. He meant so much to her. Their connection grew stronger. They were no longer married out of necessity. She wanted to be with him.

Moments later, Duncan lifted up. He moved the hair from her face.

“That was amazing.” He kissed her lips, smiling.

They kissed and made slow love into the night. They showered together lathering attention on each other, and finally when they were both exhausted and extremely satisfied, she curled up against him then fell back to sleep. Tess knew she’d need to see a doctor soon. The exhaustion and sickness were not doing her any good. She didn’t want to worry Duncan. He’d not said the words of love to her, but she knew he cared for her.

At least, she hoped he did.


Duncan watched Tess sleep. He enjoyed being with her, and he liked talking to her about anything. No matter how much he tried he couldn’t speak the words of love he felt. He continued to hold himself back even though he didn’t want to.

Work was starting to get difficult. Most of the time he wanted to spend his days with Tess. He knew she was writing her story, and he was proud of her. Duncan hoped he’d provided her with plenty of inspiration. He’d found her saucy material the other night, the erotic books she liked to read.

He loved seeing the passionate side to his woman.

Duncan found as days passed with Tess he did not think about other women. The passion between them was growing stronger, and he certainly wasn’t getting bored. Tess was fresh, vibrant, and brave, an absolute beauty, and a lady in the company of others. She was funny and innocent with him, but in the bedroom a wild wanton woman appeared. He’d have never put both women together. Her wildness was all for him. She constantly tested him to his limits. Tess was unpredictable, and he never knew what was going to happen next.

Gerald and Grace were still enjoying a much needed vacation. Tess liked running his home. She seemed to thrive from working.

His plan to simply have Tess fall in love with him so she’d have his children had been a silly one. An even bigger mistake had been in thinking he’d keep a mistress. That seemed just cruel to him now. Yvonne had been in touch to try to start up their affair. He’d declined, hating himself for ever going near the spiteful woman. Being with Tess was opening his eyes up to the cruelty over the years. He’d used women like toys for his own pleasure. He no longer wanted any other woman. He only wanted Tess, his beautiful, unpredictable wife. He stroked her hair from her eyes. She looked so innocent in her sleep. Their time together meant everything to him.

Duncan knew he’d need to tell her the truth soon. He didn’t want any secrets between them. His mother wanted nothing to do with his marriage. She didn’t like the fact he’d married a woman without money of her own.

His mother had never lost her temper until then. Duncan hadn’t liked what he saw. His mother was usually a calm person.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you,” he said.

Her eyes stayed closed. Her body was curled up in a call. He leaned over and kissed her temple, but she didn’t move. Duncan lay beside her, staring at her.

“I love you, Tess.” He knew she was asleep and wouldn’t hear the words. Duncan spoke them over and over while she slept. Saying them to her face when she was awake was impossible for him.

“You’re my world.” He gave her another kiss then lay back. His hand lay on her stomach, and he wondered if his baby grew inside her. He’d not worn a single condom with her. Duncan knew it was selfish. When he was with her he didn’t want anything between them, not even the latex of a condom. He didn’t feel anything different about her. She’d been sick a couple of mornings, but other than that he’d not seen any other signs.

Tags: Sam Crescent Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024