The Billionaire's Christmas Baby - Page 23

“Why did you end things the other night?”

She felt her face ignite at the memory. Her eyes darted to her antique bed and she couldn’t stop the image of the two of them sprawled across it. What was he doing to her? She finally looked up at him, and realized he stood way too close. And they were both standing way too close to her bed. Years of self-control and self-preservation could be easily tossed out the window when she stood this close to this man. And why did he have to look so good without a shave? It was that darn firm jaw, the eyes that were so…

“Why aren’t you answering my question?”

Hannah looked up at him guiltily. “What was the question again?”

Then he smiled, that arrogant, mischievous smile that somehow didn’t seem to bother her anymore. “The other night, when we were about to make love.” His voice turned throaty and his fingers began circling her wrist.

“We weren’t about to make love,” she said shaking her head, lying through her teeth.

“Really?” he said, lowering his face to hers, probably to make sure she could see that he wasn’t buying her innocent act for one second.

She shook her head. “Nope. It was just—”

“You can’t claim it was the alcohol because you were within your own prescribed limit of intoxication.”

She frowned. Damn him and his smug reminder.

She crossed her arms. “You’re very amusing, Jackson.” She had to pause since there was no use trying to speak over his laughter.

“One minute you’re telling me deeply personal information and the next you’re lying.”

“I don’t lie.”

“So you don’t think we were on our way to bed together that night?”

She forced herself to look up at him. “It was a momentary lack of judgment. You rescued me from a blizzard, so naturally—”

“You’re a virgin, aren’t you?”

Jackson Pierce had no discretion whatsoever. Hannah wished her ancient floor would give in and swallow her whole.

“What on earth makes you think that?”

“I’m starting to piece two and two together.”

“Two and two makes four.”

He took a step closer to her. Her body temperature rose by at least ten degrees. They needed to get off this topic and out of her bedroom.

“You know, your avoidance is only proving my theory,” he said, again taking a step toward her. She refused to back up in case she looked cowardly, but his proximity made it even harder to ignore her attraction to him. “You’re not usually a liar, but you are a master at avoidance.”

Hannah sighed theatrically.

“So, I’ll ask you again, Hannah. Are you a virgin?”

“Stop saying that stupid word,” she said finally, emphasizing stupid with a poke into his rib cage.

He chuckled. Low and deep. She glared at him until he stopped.

“What word? Virgin?”

She sighed and nodded stiffly.

“Stop laughing at me.”

“You think I’m making fun of you?”

She nodded.

He moved slowly and her breath caught in her throat as she watched his eyes take on that warmth that had the ability to turn her knees into jelly. He softly touched her face, his thumb grazing her lower lip. She felt a heat spread through her and was unable to stop herself from turning her face into the palm of his hand. And then, shocking both of them, she kissed his skin. She heard a low sound from Jackson’s throat and then she was in his arms, feeling the solid heat of his body against hers. She felt her heart beating as rapidly as his. All she did was feel. He trailed kisses down her face until he reached her lips. Hannah wanted nothing more than to kiss him.

“You are the last person I would ever make fun of. Ever,” he said in a low voice.

She felt her body melding into his as her arms wrapped around him.

“I’ve never had so much respect for another human being.” It was sweet, sweet torture, hearing him say this to her and touch her. “God, you make me want things, Hannah.” He groaned, shattering all her defenses. She returned his kiss with the same desire, the same understanding. She couldn’t walk away from him, from this glimpse of heaven he offered. He offered himself, his niece—a family.

Jackson slowly pulled back, his eyes still dark with desire. Hannah felt her body tremble, felt the loss of not having his lips on hers.

“Marry me,” he said gruffly, gently brushing her hair off her face.

Hannah felt her heart swell and she knew she couldn’t say no anymore. She nodded, knowing that nothing would ever be the same.

Chapter Ten

“Good morning, Mr. Pierce.”

Jackson’s pace slowed for a second, and he was vaguely aware that everyone in the office was trying their best not to stare at him. The offices of Pierce & Dane Software were situated on the top floor of one of the tallest buildings in downtown Toronto. Jackson and Ethan knew they’d made it the day they were able to purchase, staff, and run this office ten years ago.

“Morning, Ann,” Jackson said with a nod, and resumed his fast pace towards Ethan’s office. He gave a knock and walked in without waiting for a response. His friend looked up from his computer monitor, his mouth dropping open.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“Nice to see you too.” Ethan’s office was next to his and nearly identical. A massive, modern mix of glass and steel with floor-to-ceiling windows framing the city’s skyline.

Jackson sat down across from Ethan’s desk with a thud, tossing his briefcase on the leather chair beside him. His friend continued to stare at him as though he’d grown a second head. Much like everyone had outside.

“It’s December. You’re never here,” Ethan said, frowning.

“Oh, that,” he said flatly. “I’m back because I’m getting married tomorrow.”

Ethan shook his head and gave him a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I could have sworn you just told me you’re getting married.”

Jackson sighed and stretched out his legs on Ethan’s desk, crossing them at the ankles. This was going to be fun. “You heard right. Tomorrow. Getting married.”

Ethan leaned forward. “You are getting married?”

“Yup,” Jackson said, noticing the interesting way the snow was falling in the windows behind Ethan. Funny, he’d never really noticed that. Had snow always looked that good from this high up?

“To who?”

“Someone I met.”

“Did something happen to you? You are Jackson Pierce, right? Cold, self-centered, egotistical?”

“Hey, hey,” he said holding up his hands. “Take it easy there. I’m not cold.”

“Is it too early to drink?” Ethan mumbled walking toward the bar. Jackson wasn’t sure if he should laugh, be insulted, or join him.

He waited for Ethan to sit back down. “Call Ann in here, would you?”

“Why?” Ethan said, looking even more worried than before. He noticed Ethan had opted for coffee instead of alcohol.

“I need her help with the wedding details,” Jackson said, glancing down at his phone. He kept expecting Hannah to phone him saying she’d changed her mind.

Ethan swore loudly. “Wedding planning?”

Jackson scowled at his tone. “Yes. Either you get Ann in here or I will.”

Ethan rested his elbows on the desk. “First, you tell me what woman on earth agreed to marry you.”

“You’ll meet her tomorrow.”

“Why am I meeting her tomorrow?” Ethan groaned, massaging his temples.

“Because that’s the wedding,” Jackson said with a rough sigh. Ethan gave him a look he’d never seen before and then marched back to the bar, this time reaching for the scotch instead of the coffee.

“Listen, buddy, you’ve been gone for a little over a week into your yearly three week pity-party—”

Jackson held up a hand. “It’s not a pity-party. It’s a man-cation.”

Ethan gave him a long look. “Whatever makes you feel better. So, now you’re back early, and you’re telling me that you, the man that doesn’t date the same woman more than three times, is getting married. Tomorrow. And this woman entrusted you to the wedding planning.”

So maybe it sounded a little out of character for him. Jackson shrugged. “Change of plans.”

“At least tell me how you met.”

“She showed up at my door.”

He ignored Ethan’s loud curse. “And so you decided to marry the first woman that knocked on the door of that godforsaken cabin in the middle of nowhere? Did it ever occur to you that she’s after your money? I hope you’ve had the common sense to have a pre-nup drawn. What kind of woman goes knocking on a stranger’s door?”

Tags: Victoria James Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024