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Phantom's Destruction or Destiny

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“She’s a gem. She really cares about us. Murph said that you argued with her when the bar closed, and that Tess tried to connive her way up here with you. She had her hand down your pants and said something to Adelina that really pissed her off,” Jett stated and then took a sip of coffee.

Flynn stood up and drank the orange concoction. He gagged and then coughed, and quickly swallowed the water with the three pills. Jett chuckled.

“What do you think Tess said to her?” Jett asked as he thought about the redhead who was constantly trying to get him in bed. He allowed her to suck him down one night, but then he and Flynn got a call from an old friend in need of some help and he had to cut the night short. Tess wasn’t too pleased.

“I don’t know. Murph was sworn to secrecy,” Jett stated, as he glared at Flynn.

“Why are you looking at me like that? I don’t remember shit about last night.”

“Drinking a shitload of tequila will do that to you.”

“I was trying to drink things off my mind.”

“Don’t you mean Adelina?”

“We’ve been over this, Jett. We decided that we aren’t right for her. She needs a man that can be sweet and understanding. We’re hard. We have a sexual appetite and a need for dominance in the bedroom. We both want to share her, and she’s old school. Dates, movie night, shit like that. Can you see her tied up on the bed and allowing us to have our way with her body?”

Jett snickered then shook his head. “You don’t get it. Flynn, she’s tough, yes, and she’s independent, but she’s also the sexiest woman we’ve both ever known. She has a submissive side, and we’ve both noticed it.”

“She does what we say because we’re her bosses and she knows damn well she better.”

“Stop being like that.”

“Being like what?” Flynn asked as he walked over toward the doorway. He needed a shower and a change of clothes.

He was certain that a new set of clothes were laid out for him in the closet near the bathroom, and that Adelina would have set everything he might need up in the bathroom. She knew him and Flynn better than anyone.

“I’m not arguing with you about this now. I’m just saying that I’m getting tired of the no-strings-attached sex. I’m tired of not having someone aside from you to come home to. Living this life, at this pace and in this type of constant club atmosphere is killing me. We’re getting old, Flynn.”

“Fuck that. We’re thirty-four years old.”

“I’m not going to settle. We keep up this pace, this lifestyle, and no decent woman will want to look at either of us.”

“Holy shit, what the hell happened to you in the last twenty-four hours?”

Jett stared at Flynn, lowered his eyes, and then looked back up. He looked angry and concerned.

“We’ll talk after your shower and after Adelina’s special remedy helps clear your head.”

Flynn headed toward the bathroom, and found everything as he expected. Adelina took care of it all for him. She even had his cologne, razor, shaving cream, and favorite black robe set up with towels for him. He wondered if she had feelings for him and Jett. He would catch her watching them every now and then, and she always came along with them when they attended a barbecue with their friends and their friend’s women. Those times, more recently, made him want things he thought he could live without. A family, a woman to call his and Flynn’s. But every time he felt a bit of happiness or confidence toward having that bond with someone, the fear hit him.

He and Flynn did some crazy shit in their previous careers with the government. They also had family involved with not-so-legal activities. They had connections. They were resourceful. And ultimately, that was what put the fear in him to stay clear of Adelina. He wouldn’t put her in harm’s way, and especially not right now.

* * * *

Jett stared at the contents of the folder as Flynn looked on and then locked gazes with him.

“Whoever this is, they want Uncle Vick out of the club business. Have you spoken with Cash and Zane?” Flynn asked.

“Not yet. But they’re going to be over here in thirty minutes. I received a phone call last night, and these people are threatening Uncle Vick and now us, too. They want us out of here.”

“Yeah right. They don’t know who they’re dealing with,” Flynn stated with attitude and cockiness.

Flynn gave his arm a flick.

Then he held his gaze.

“We don’t know who the fuck these people are. They could be anyone. They could have already infiltrated The Phantom. People could be planted around here and ready to sabotage us. This situation could stem from our pasts when we were federal agents or more recently, after we retired and pulled a few moonlight jobs. We don’t have shit and neither does Uncle Vick. He’s been threatened for months.”

“And he just told us about it now?”

“Only because I called him to find out about that situation with your friend, Peter. That led to some bad news about Viper. He’s been helping out some mafiosos from Brooklyn. He messed with the government computer system as well as the security cameras down by the ports.”

“You mean to help bring in drugs?” Flynn asked, totally shocked.

“As in guns and other shit. At least that’s what the inside sources are stating. Uncle Vick was getting in on the action.”

“Shit.” Flynn leaned back in the chair.

“Exactly. We’re guilty by association, yet we need to help protect the family name and the businesses. This situation has the capabilities of sending us to jail if we’re not careful.”

“We run everything legit. We’re not buying guns and drugs. We don’t allow any of the riffraff to come in here and sell either. Family or not, we’re not doing what a lot of them are. We’re not going down for their crimes.”

“I hear you, Flynn, but we’re being pulled into the same category and group as the rest of them. Someone is threatening us, threatening The Phantom’s existence and our control. We need help.”

“And so you called in Cash and Zane.”

“You bet I did. We’re going to have to pull all our resources on this one. And be sure to watch your back, be aware of where you are and who’s around you while you’re out and about. I don’t like where this situation could be headed.”

“Me either,” Flynn replied.

Flynn ran his hands through his hair. The main reason for his overindulgence in tequila last night was the sudden and tragic death of his friend, Viper, and the news that his good friend, Peter, went missing during a government operation in the Middle East. By midnight, Flynn got news that Peter was killed.

He was a government agent and had been found with a bullet wound to his head. It was believed that he committed suicide, but Flynn didn’t buy that. Peter was a top-notch guy, and he was still involved with investigative work per diem. That was two friends, Viper and Peter, killed in the last forty-eight hours. Both he and Jett had worked with those guys on different investigations for the government. Some of them, they swore they would never talk about ever again.

“Well, what did you find out about Peter?”

“The detectives working the case think that it was a staged suicide.”

Flynn locked gazes with his brother and felt his heart ache. He hadn’t felt right about the news since he heard yesterday.

“He was murdered?”

“Yeah, it looks that way. His fiancée is so distraught, and now the detectives are looking into his past with the government.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Exactly. So, I think we need to find out more about Peter and any new investigative work he’s been hired for. It’s the least we can do for his fiancée, Sally. Cash and Zane want to help since they knew Peter, too.”

“Great. We have the wake to attend.”

“I know. Adelina took care of ordering some flowers and she also suggested sending some food to the family’s home. She took care of that, too.”

Flynn leaned back in the chair. Jett wondered what was going through Flynn’s head. Hell, he wondered what was going through his own head.

“Any word on what Tess said to Adelina and what Adelina did to her?” Flynn asked him, and Jett shook his head.

“We’ll have to ask her when she gets here tonight.”

“Good luck with that. Murph isn’t budging, either.”

* * * *

An hour later and they were in the surveillance room going over last night’s video. Cash and Zane had helped them try to come up with a plan of action to secure the club, as well as themselves.

As they finagled through the video, Jett paused the tape as the camera near the bar caught Flynn holding Adelina and whispering in her ear. Cash zoomed it closer and it became quite clear that he put his mouth on Adelina’s ear, and kissed her neck and skin.

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