Phantom's Destruction or Destiny - Page 4

“Holy shit. What the fuck, Flynn?” Jett raised his voice. Jett looked embarrassed as he ran his hands over his face and then behind his neck as if trying to loosen up suddenly tight muscles there.

“Forward through this. You know I was fucking drunk.”

They chuckled and Cash and Zane made comments about Adelina and how hot she was.

“You two have a woman. What would Chiara say if she knew that you were talking about another woman like this?” Flynn asked them.

“We were just saying how good the two of you looked together, Flynn. Too bad you have to be shit-faced to make a move.”

Flynn went to give Zane a quick punch to his arm but then Flynn raised his voice.

“Wait, hold that right there.”

Cash froze the picture and then hit play in slow motion. Again Flynn was drunk and walking with Adelina and Tess was there. She was trying to take position where Adelina was as Tess whispered to her friend, and ran her hands through Flynn’s hair.

Adelina turned around and asked her what she just said. It was obvious that a confrontation took place. Tess shoved Adelina, and Adelina stuck her hand up palm forward and tried to gain control of the situation. Murph was there, he exchanged words with Adelina and then Tess, and the two friends. Now Murph looked pissed, and then Tess shoved Adelina, said something to her, and Adelina stepped into Tess’s space. She poked her in the chest and told her something, and when Tess pulled back ready to punch Adelina, Adelina did a quick self-defense move, dodged the fist punch and then countered, landing a punch directly into Tess’s nose. The redhead went down and her friends gathered around her, half laughing and half falling down drunk. Adelina grabbed a hold of Flynn, along with Murph as the bouncers took the girls out.

“Damn, Adelina is fast, and what a right hook. I wonder what the hell that redhead said to get her so fired up?” Cash asked.

“I don’t know, but it must have been pretty bad for Adelina to take so much lip from the woman, and then to actually have to defend herself. That redhead was trying to push Adelina around,” Zane added.

“We’re going to have to talk to Adelina,” Jett stated firmly.

“I’ll talk to her. Whatever happened, it’s my fault. Let’s just go over the rest of the video and see if we notice anyone out of the ordinary or suspicious,” Flynn stated.

“Any guy who winds up with Adelina is one lucky bastard,” Zane stated, but Flynn and Jett were both very concerned.

Chapter 2

Adelina thought about them now. Even lying here on the damn examining table after the X-ray the doctor insisted that she have. She iced her hand last night, after pulling herself from the lust-induced fog she was in while caring for Flynn. She dreamt about the way his lips felt against her ear, and how gorgeous his chest was as she helped him into bed. So easily she could have had her way with him. Hell, she could have done a lot more, and he wouldn’t have remembered a damn thing. When she took off his shirt, and trailed her fingers across his hard muscles. She saw his pants tent up. That both surprised her and complimented her. Then, of course, she had the whole “devil on one shoulder and angel on the other” conversation. That was hell to get through.

The little devil said, cop a feel. The angel told her to step away. It wasn’t right, and how would she feel if she were drunk and had Jett or Flynn carrying her to bed? Of course, in that moment, she wished something like that would happen to her. But these men didn’t see her in that light. She was the manager of their club. A friend. Someone they trusted. Nothing more. What did these other women have that she didn’t have? I won’t throw myself at them.

Her heart ached and her belly tightened. That wasn’t her. She wasn’t that kind of woman. Adelina despised women who threw themselves at men. Especially at Flynn and Jett. In particular, Tess. That conniving, no-good, little tramp. She actually thought her plan could work. Tess actually planned to trap Flynn into a relationship by getting pregnant. God, that really pisses me off.

Adelina clenched her teeth and when she clenched her hands into fists, the pain made her gasp. She felt the tears reach her eyes. She thought for sure she had broken it when she slugged Tess. She didn’t feel the least bit upset about slugging the woman, or breaking her eighty-thousand-dollar new nose. She provoked Adelina. Tess blatantly told her friend her intentions with Flynn, in front of Adelina, and then had the nerve to shove Adelina away from Flynn and call her used goods.

Me, fucking used goods? I don’t think so. So what that every damn person around thinks that I’m sleeping with my bosses. I wish. No, scratch that. I can’t deal with this crap any longer. They don’t care for me in that way. They don’t want me like I want them. They don’t dream of touching me, holding me in their arms, and taking me together, like I dream of them doing. God, I’m sick of this. I’m sick and tired of waiting around for them to grow up, to do commitments or damn it, to just do me. How many women am I going to have to beat off of them? And if Flynn wasn’t so drunk, would he have willingly gone to bed with Tess?

“Miss. Parker, I have the results from the X-ray and the good news is that your hand, knuckles, and fingers are not broken. They are badly bruised and sprained, including your wrist. I’d like to wrap it up and have you wear a sling for a week or so.” The doctor returned, interrupting her thoughts.

“A sling? No can do. That will never work for me.”

He moved closer. He was a very attractive man, at least ten years older than her, and assertive. But he was nothing like Flynn and Jett. Those two just instantly did something to her. Something that made her become speechless and feel aroused.

“Where do you work?” he asked, and she adjusted her blouse as it slid lower off her shoulder. She was wearing a nice camisole underneath, and a pair of dark skinny jeans. She hated having to come to the hospital, but the small clinic’s X-ray machine had been broken. She walked the four blocks to here and now dreaded having to walk back.

“I work at a night club. I’m a manager. The Phantom, ever heard of it?”

He raised one eye up and then looked her over. “Nice establishment. I’ve been there a bunch of times. I didn’t think the owners tolerated bar fights.”

She chuckled.

“It wasn’t a bar fight. Well, I guess you could call it that since we were near the bar. I was just trying to protect my friend.”

“From a man?” he asked as he began wrapping her hand.

“Oh, no. My friend was the guy, and I was protecting him from a woman.”

He raised his eyebrow again at her. She felt her cheeks warm and she chuckled again.

“It’s a complicated story. But I had no choice once the woman attacked me.”

“She attacked you? Is that how you sustained this injury?”

“No. I sustained this injury when I decked her.”

Now the doctor chuckled as he continued to wrap her hand. “Well, how is she doing?”

“I do not know nor do I care, as long as she stays clear of my friend.”

“Well, it sounds like she would be stupid not to listen.”

Adelina smiled.

“Okay, so could you at least wear the sling when you can?”

“I’ll try. I don’t exactly want to be wearing this whole sling and bandage in case the woman comes back to the club. That would look bad.”

“I don’t think it’s possible for you to look bad, Adelina.” He smiled. He patted her hand and she felt her cheeks warm again. Even the doctor was flirting with her, yet she wasn’t interested.

“Thank you, Doc. I appreciate everything.”

Adelina stepped down and took the paperwork from him that she needed to bring to the front desk.

She headed out and worried about heading to work tonight. She really needed to get home to change. She didn’t know how she was going to explain this one. She didn’t know what to expect from Flynn and Jett. Well, she needed to start considering her options. She couldn’t wait around for them. She was twenty-four years old. They were nearly ten years older than her. She couldn’t stand by and watch these other women trying to bed them and play their sex games with them. It was getting to be too hard to handle. Maybe it was time to move on? Maybe she needed to start accepting some of these offers for dates.

She turned back toward the hospital, now a good two blocks away, but she could still see the tall brick building, and the long sidewalk leading up to it. Maybe she should have flirted with the doctor?

As she turned back around and continued walking, she smacked right into someone. That someone had very large hands and was tall.

“Oh, my God. I’m so sorry,” she blurted out as he held her steady. She instinctively held her bad hand against her chest.

“I’m sorry, too. I didn’t mean to knock into you. I’m trying to find Third and Lexington,” he told her with a very thick accent. She locked gazes with him. He was about five feet nine or so, and very handsome. He wore dress pants and a designer dress shirt, and held a briefcase in his hand. He looked like a businessman.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dywer Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024