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Phantom's Destruction or Destiny

Page 7

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She had turned from them a moment and Flynn made his move.

He had his hands on his hips as he stared down into her eyes. His looked so dark and angry. She was practically shaking.

“I don’t know why you’re being like this. We want to know what she said, and why you hit her. The police were notified and she wants to press charges. We got a call from Cash thirty minutes ago.”

She gasped and the anger overtook her at once.

“That dirty rotten piece of trash. How dare she try to press charges against me? What about her? There were witnesses that heard her threats and saw her push me and then take a swing. I was defending myself and I was defending you. How the hell could I wind up behind bars over that?” She raised her voice.

“She’s claiming that you broke her new nose and that you started it. She wants to sue us,” Jett added as he stepped closer.

“Sue you? Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I cannot do this. I can’t get sued. I don’t have enough money as is.”

Flynn chuckled, but Jett remained straight-faced.

“You’re laughing at this?” She was so angry. How could he think this was funny? She was already behind on the bills from the hospital for Bryer’s procedures. She was paying a loan shark on the loan her sister took. Fuck!

The sight of Flynn’s smug expression as he crossed his arms, and the fact that her body reacted despite the anger she felt toward him at the moment, truly enraged her.

She shoved her finger into his chest. “This is all your fault. If you could keep your dick in your pants and wouldn’t allow every woman who flaunts herself at you into your bed, I wouldn’t be in this situation.”

“How is that my fault?” Flynn asked as his arms fell to his sides and his expression changed to one of insult.

“You were so drunk you didn’t even hear Tess’s intentions. If I didn’t step in—”

“Then what? What would you have to step in about?” Jett stepped closer and eyed her over as if she was meaningless or of unimportance.

She growled and then stared at Jett with clenched teeth.

“Fuck you both. I saved your ass, Flynn. Tess was planning on having sex with you without protection and getting pregnant so she could gain some of your wonderful fortune. I guess since you think my losing what little I have, and not being able to pay all the medical bills that have accumulated over the past three years is funny, then you can start looking for another manager. I quit, you asshole.” She went to leave as she heard Flynn raise his voice about Tess trying to trap him and it sounded like he didn’t believe it. But then he turned her toward him and stared down into her eyes.

“You’re telling me that Tess wanted to trick me into getting her pregnant?”

“Yes,” she stated through clenched teeth.

He stepped away and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at his brother and both men were angry.

“Can I leave now?” She asked with an attitude that didn’t win her any kudos from either man.

“First of all, Tess didn’t call the police and press charges. We just said that to get you to tell us what she said to piss you off. Now we understand,” Flynn told her. That somehow got her even angrier.

“That’s just wrong, Flynn.”

“How is it wrong? You were really going to keep this from me? From us?”

“It’s wrong because I thought that I could trust you, and that you trust me. That’s why you give me so many responsibilities in both of your business and personal lives. I took care of it, just like I took care of you. It’s my job, remember? It’s over. Now can I go?”

“You’re not quitting,” Flynn stated firmly. She was going to argue but the truth of the matter was that she needed this job. She took an unsteady breath.

“What did you mean when you said medical bills and being behind?” Jett asked her. There he was doing that whole interrogation thing he did so well.

She shook her head.

“My personal business is none of your business.”

“My personal business is yours though, huh?” Flynn replied.

She swallowed hard. “I would have done that for anyone I work with here.”

He looked a bit hurt by her comment, but hurt was better than him or his brother pushing her for her own information. She just needed to get out of the small space with them. She needed to refocus on work, and move on, without erotic thoughts of Jett and Flynn Greyson.

“Adelina, it’s not like that—”

“Go. I’m sure you’re needed downstairs. If your hand hurts too much, put on the sling like the doctor ordered,” Flynn interrupted Jett. A glance was exchanged between the two brothers, but Adelina didn’t know why.

“I will.” She turned and walked out of the room.

* * * *

“Damn it!” Flynn yelled and then slammed his hand down on the desk.

Jett walked closer.

“What the hell just went down in here? Adelina has never lied to us, gone off like that, or even hesitated in answering our questions.” Jett knew exactly why, and it pissed him off that he couldn’t react the way he wanted to. Like a true Dom, a man in charge of his woman would do. But Adelina wasn’t his and Flynn’s. But she wanted to be, and they both probably ruined any chances of having her in their bed.

“She wants us. She’s attracted to both if us. And if I didn’t just make her leave and push her away, then I would have kissed her, ripped that fucking dress from her body, and carried her to the bedroom. Fuck!”

Flynn yelled out again, and then he moved from the desk, with his hands on his hips and his temper flaring.

“What are we going to do? Her image of us is pretty clear.”

“Yeah, we like to fuck any woman who throws herself at us.”

“That’s you, Flynn, not me. I’m more particular.”

“You haven’t had sex in months.”

“Thanks for pointing that out. For you it’s been what?” Jett glanced at his Rolex. “Forty-eight hours? Holy shit. That’s a fucking record.”

“Why the hell are you giving me shit about my sex life?”

“Cause you’re getting tired of the same shit, too. Stop pretending that you don’t like Adelina. I see the way you watch her.”

“What?” Flynn shot a look at Jett.

“Every time some guy flirts with her or one of our friends asks about her, you get that look in your eyes.”

“What look? The same fucking look you get, too?” Flynn countered, and Jett opened his mouth to reply and then shut it quickly.

“It doesn’t matter. We’re not right for her. It would never work.”

“Because we’re too closed hearted? Our fucking trust issues have always stood in the way of any meaningful relationships.”

“We have our friends.”

“That’s different and you know it, Flynn. Adelina saved your ass big-time. You would be in a serious situation right now, if it weren’t for her.”

“No, I wouldn’t.”

“Come on man. I saw you this morning. You looked like shit, and you said you didn’t remember much.”

“I remembered enough. For the record, I’ve never gotten so drunk that I didn’t know where I was, what I was doing, or who I was doing.”

“You are really one narcissistic bastard. Who the fuck are you kidding?”

Flynn looked up and held his brother’s gaze. Jett knew that look. His brother wasn’t lying. Had he been lying about not remembering? Had he known all along what happened?

“That’s fucked up.” Jett raised his voice. Now even he was pissed off at Flynn.

Flynn raised his hands up, palms forward.

“Wait. Just hear me out. I’m not saying that I wasn’t drunk. I know that I was. What I’m saying is that I wasn’t so drunk that I would do something stupid. I knew that Tess said something to upset Adelina, but the next thing I know, Murph is walking me toward the elevator and then Adelina reappeared.”

He moved closer to the desk. Jett watched him pick up the small ceramic bat, with the bulging white eyeballs that moved when you touched the bat. Adelina had placed it on their desk. It was after a bat somehow got into the club and scared the hell out of the staff before the doors opened one night. Flynn wasn’t too keen on having the creepy critter around and called an expert in to catch the thing. But somehow it wound up in the bedroom one night while Flynn was sleeping and the bat flapped around the room, freaking Flynn out. The following day, after the expert caught the bat, Adelina had placed the goofy ceramic one on his desk. It made them both laugh.

“I knew she was taking care of me.”

“What?” Jett asked him whispering.

He looked up at his brother, while he still held the ceramic bat.

“I knew she was there, Jett. I knew she would take care of me and be sure that I went to bed alone. But I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted her. The moment I pressed my lips to her neck and held her in my arms at the bar, I knew I was taking advantage of the situation. I didn’t fucking care. She smelled so good, and she felt amazing.”

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