Phantom's Destruction or Destiny - Page 10

“Not gonna happen. Now come on. Join Jett and I.”

Reluctantly she followed him toward a table near the back. The place was slowly closing down. Just a few more stragglers.

As she approached the table, she noticed Murph talking to Jett. Then Jett looked at her. His dark blue eyes were a deep contrast to the black shirt he wore tonight. Both he and Flynn had such serious, sometimes cold eyes. Their jet black hair, tan complexions and ability to unnerve most people with just their stare alone, was powerful. Like right now. Jett looked lethal. Her whole body reacted. When he looked at her like that, she wanted to raise her hands up into the air, throw her head back, and moan “Take me.” Jesus, I need some serious help.

Murph locked gazes with her, and he shrugged his shoulders then whispered the word, “Sorry.” She had no idea what that meant, but it didn’t sit right at all with her.

“Adelina, please, sit down.” Jett motioned with his hand for her to take a seat at the table. His tone and his expression were dark, and she immediately knew that he was up to something. She could read it in his eyes. He held her gaze as she looked up at him. A bottle of wine sat on the table, along with three glasses. Flynn poured them each a glass and then handed her one.

“To another great night. You’re appreciated, Adelina, you know that, don’t you?” Jett asked, as he made the toast. She clinked her glass against theirs and held tightly as she took a sip. Her belly ached.

“Thank you, Jett. I appreciate that. So what’s going on?” she asked. She wanted to get down to it. Being this close to and sharing glasses of wine with the two men she fantasized about fucking for the last year was too difficult to handle.

Jett leaned back into his chair, his debonair expression and confidence suited him well.

“So, how is life?” he asked. Small talk? Interesting.

“Life is good, and you?” she replied hesitantly. What the hell were these two getting at?

* * * *

Jett was trying his hardest to figure out how to ask her about the guy from tonight. Murph initially wasn’t too keen on giving up any information, but it seemed that Adelina just recently met the guy. Kind of soon for him to show up at her work place and then hold her the way he was.

“About the Tess situation,” Flynn said, and then licked his lower lip as he stared at her deeply.

“He appreciates the fact that you were looking out for him, but we are grown men. We can handle things.”

“Speaking of looking out for one another, who was the guy that visited before?” Flynn interjected and Jett didn’t think it was a smooth way to handle the questioning at all. It seemed that Flynn was just as anxious to know.

Her eyes widened in shock as she stared at Flynn and then Jett.

“What guy?” she asked.

“The one from earlier? The one who showed up while we were handling the Tess situation,” Jett said.

She opened her mouth to speak and then thought better of it. She leaned back into her chair and stared at Flynn and then Jett.

“I don’t believe this.”

“You don’t believe what?” Flynn asked, and Jett had that instant feeling that Flynn’s direct question sent the wrong message.

“This is what this is all about?” she asked, motioning with her hand at the wine glasses.

“We care about you. You’ve never brought a guy around here,” Jett stated, and just saying the words made him angry, jealous, and sick to his stomach. He never felt like this before.

“I didn’t bring a guy around here. He showed up. But as you said earlier, the same goes for me. I’m a big girl and I can handle things on my own.”

“Who is he?” Flynn asked as he leaned forward and gave her the stare down. She swallowed hard. Despite her ability to try and remain calm, his brother was intimidating her. Jett cleared his throat.

“Listen, we were just surprised that’s all. We didn’t know that you were seeing anyone. You don’t really share your personal life.”

“That’s because neither of you have ever asked. Not once. Just general ‘How are you?’ and ‘Thank you for taking care of this.’”

Jett looked at Flynn and now Flynn was biting his cheek.

“Well, is he treating you right? Does he have a job, is he from around here?”

“Whoa. What’s with all the questions? I don’t ask about all your lovers.”

“You’re sleeping with him?” Flynn asked, and then stood up from the table. Adelina slowly got up and so did Jett.

“I have no idea what the hell is wrong with the two of you right now. You don’t care about my personal life and never have. And then now, when some guy shows up interested in me and wanting to date me, you both start caring?”

Flynn took her hand and brought it to his chest. “Baby, we’ve always cared about you.”

She yanked her hand from his hold and stepped back. Her face was flushed, her temper flared. Jett could tell she was about to explode.

“How dare you? You two need help. Stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours.” She turned around and stomped off.

“Well, that didn’t go very well.”

“Why did you push so much? We just wanted to find out if the relationship was serious. We have to respect her wishes and stay clear.”

“Fuck that, Jett. We know what we want. Are you willing to let that suave asshole who showed up, sweep her off her feet and take her from us, right underneath our noses?”

“Excuse me, boss, I got Cash on line one for you. He says it’s important.”

“Let me take this. We’ll talk later,” Jett stated, and then walked toward the bar to answer the call.

“Yeah, Jett here.”

“Buddy, I got a name for you, but no picture. The guy’s a ghost. But he’s definitely looking to take over the area, if you know what I mean.”

“Who is it? Did something else happen?”

“Your uncle’s place was just written up by the health department. Numerous citations, they instantly closed him down tonight. He also had multiple liquor suppliers deny deliveries this weekend.”

“What? Holy shit. I should call him. Who is this guy?”

“The name is Margliado. He’s a resourceful individual, and involved with a lot of businesses, but he wants to franchise out. He already brought out Louie Perez.”

“Louie? Holy shit, Louie’s on Fifth is a gold mine. What the hell?”

“I heard the threats on Louis’s life and loved ones were justified.”

“Son of a bitch. We need to beef up security here. I haven’t gotten any hints of any takeovers, threats, or even non-shipments of supplies here.”

“Adelina is in charge of those, right?”

“She sure is. I’ll talk to her. In the meantime, I’d better call my uncle. I can’t believe that he’s shut down. Don’t we know people in the health department?”

“Yes, we all do, but our lips are sealed. No one is breaking the silence on this one.”

“Can you find out more about this Margliado character? A face would be great.”

“Sure thing. But as I said, he’s like a ghost.”

“Great, nothing like fighting an enemy blind. Talk to you tomorrow.”

Jett hung up the phone and quickly pulled out his cell as he waved Flynn over. He saw Adelina leaving for the night, and she hadn’t even said good night. They had upset her. But right now, Adelina was the least one for them to worry about. They had bigger concerns.

Chapter 4

Adelina was nervous. She stared at herself in the mirror and at her very simple, yet sexy black cocktail dress. She was talking to Chiara.

“So you’re going through with this anyway?” Chiara asked. They had become good friends over the last year. Between Chiara, Toni, Tia Rose, and Chastity, the women had their bets on Jett and Flynn to make a move on Adelina sooner than later.

“I can’t go on like this, Chiara. They don’t care for me in the same way that I care for them.”

“That’s bullshit. I’ve seen the way Jett and Flynn look at you when you’re in the room. Those two are fighting their attraction. They have fears none of us probably know about. Plus, Cash and Zane mentioned some family issues going on right now, and that Jett and Flynn have a lot on their minds.”

“I know they do. They had two friends pass away within forty-eight hours of one another. I get it. I just can’t stand wanting them and knowing that they don’t want me.” She felt the tears reach her eyes. Her sister, Kaitlin, grabbed her hand and squeezed it as she listened to Adelina talk on the phone. Kaitlin showed her two pairs of earrings and Adelina chose the small dangling crystals.

“Well, you go have a good time. Be careful. You really don’t know this guy at all. I could have Cash and Zane check him out.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dywer Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024