Phantom's Destruction or Destiny - Page 23

“Hey, sis, how’s it going? Is everything okay?” Adelina asked.

“Oh, God, Adelina. Oh God, they’re going to kill us,” Kaitlin cried. Adelina felt her heart race and the panic feeling hit her chest.

“What is it? What’s wrong? Is someone there? Where are the guards?”

“Dead, and your sister and your nephew are next if you don’t find a way out of The Phantom alone. We know you have guards watching you. We know that they figured out the boss’s plan. You come alone, ditch the feds and the cops, or they both die.”

Adelina knew that Sergio was serious. The moment he spoke she knew it was him and defeat instantly consumed her. Even with high-tech security guys, Raymond succeeded in capturing her sister and nephew. She needed to find a way out of here.

“Where do I go?” she asked as she reached for the handle of the door that led upstairs. There were a series of exits that led out from the building. She would have to be quick.

The sound of her sister’s voice and the fear in it got her to move quickly. Before she ran up the small, narrow set of stairs, she locked the door and the dead bolt. That would give her a little more time once the men realized she had gone. Jett and Flynn were going to be upset, but as soon as she knew her sister and Bryer were safe, she would send them a message. They would find them and they would catch Raymond.

* * * *

Flynn was losing patience with his uncle. Both him and Jett insisted that Cash and Zane stay in the room and hear the details as of how their uncle knew Raymond, aka Raul. But he was a stubborn, cocky Italian mobster. He didn’t like to be told what to do. He sure as shit didn’t like feeling vulnerable. Well, join the fucking club.

“Listen, I don’t give a shit about what illegal activity you were involved in. I just want to know if this is the same guy. If it is Raul, then he decided to go after you first and for a reason. You did something to piss him off. Jett and I already know what we did to piss him off,” Flynn stated.

“What did you do?” Uncle Vick asked.

“We took out his boss’s entire drug-manufacturing operation in Columbia. But we’re not at liberty to discuss the full details.”

“So he found out that you’re my nephews and now he wants you dead?”

“That’s the gist of it, Uncle Vick. So is Raymond actually Raul?” Jett asked.

Flynn’s uncle was silent.

“He killed two other federal agents. Friends of ours who were on that mission with us. Please, he wants to hurt Adelina. He already got his hands on her once. We can’t let that happen again,” Flynn told him.

“Adelina was hurt by him? He touched her? What happened?”

Cash explained as Flynn became more frustrated.

He stared at their uncle.

“It’s him. Raymond and Raul are one in the same. We were involved in a similar operation like you, except to make money and sell the drugs. Things went badly. I took over and basically stole the shit out from underneath Raymond. End of story. He’s been seeking revenge since. But I don’t understand who this other guy is. This Margliado, who suddenly wants to own all our properties and investments. Who the fuck is this guy? He sure as shit doesn’t know how we do it old school. Dumb fuck.”

“Uncle Vick, they’re one in the same. Raymond is Margliado.”

Their uncle’s eyes widened. “Then the news I just got in before you arrived may help you. Carlo, come in here. Tell my nephews about the shipment.”

Carlo entered, stared at their uncle a moment, and Uncle Vick waved his hands in the air. “Go ahead and tell them. They can hear. It’s not our deal. This guy is fucking crazy.”

“Tell us what you know.”

“There’s a shipment going out tonight. It’s already loaded on a barge. They’re going to stop en route and transfer the product to a large ship that’s supposed to be having engine trouble. That’s why the barge is needed. You know, to push the boat. Anyway, it’s a done deal. They’ve done it before,” Carlo told them.

Jett looked at Cash and Zane. “You know what to do, right?”

“On it. Hey, Carlo, what about Raymond, or Margliado? Is he supposed be nearby this operation?”

“I don’t know. That guy was faceless until now. He lives in Venezuela. So maybe that’s where he’s going.”

“This could be his plan. Get the drugs shipped off to other states to sell, take over our clubs and restaurants to get his revenge, and—”

“Try to kill us. I think we need to move on this. We need protection at the club,” Jett began to say as Cash’s cell phone rang. Cash answered it and then whispered that it was Al.

“What did you say? How the fuck did she know? How did she do that? Yeah, you’d better. Track her down. I’ll tell them.” Cash disconnected the call.

“What? What the fuck happened now?” Jett asked.

“It’s Kaitlin and Bryer. Raymond’s guys killed the two guards and took them.”

“Fuck. Adelina is going to be so scared. We need to get to her,” Flynn stated as he pulled out his phone.”

“She’s not there, Flynn,” Cash said.

“What? What do you mean she’s not there?” Jett asked.

“They called her when they abducted Kaitlin and Bryer. They must have threatened to kill them if she didn’t go to Raymond.”

“No. Oh, God, no, this is what he wants. He’ll kill Adelina,” Flynn stated loudly.

“We need to find these guys. We need to use every one of our resources and locate them. Let’s start at the fucking drug transport. Get the commander on the phone and give him an update. Let’s cease what we can from O’Connor’s bar while we’re at it,” Jett told Cash and Zane. Both men nodded their heads and pulled out their cell phones.

“Uncle Vick. We need your help. Adelina’s life depends on it,” Jett said.

“I’ll make some calls and do what I can. I’ll contact you both. You find her and you kill that son of a bitch.”

Flynn nodded and then they all headed out of there.

* * * *

“I’m scared, Mommy.”

“I know, baby. So am I,” Kaitlin said as she held Bryer on her lap. They were in the backseat of a car, and headed into the seaport district.

“I don’t think they’ll hurt us, Bryer. If they were going to, then they would have by now.”

“They want to hurt Aunt Addy. We can’t let them. Will Jett and Flynn save her?”

“I don’t know. Let’s be nice and quiet and listen.”

Kaitlin was trying her hardest to keep it together for Bryer. She was so scared right now she didn’t know what she should do. Should she try to fight them so Bryer could escape? Would he be able to get to safety? He wasn’t exactly a hundred percent healthy and filled with energy yet. It didn’t seem like a good option.

“Yes, we will place them there now. Adelina is with you? Good. I’ll meet you at the port. I’ll be there at nine and off to the boat to Venezuela,” Sergio stated as he closed up his cell phone.

Venezuela? They were going to abduct Adelina and take her out of the country to Venezuela? Oh, my God, he was going to make her his woman. Raymond wanted Adelina this entire time. That would be the complete revenge against Jett and Flynn. Oh, God, no.

* * * *

Adelina tried to fight Raymond off as he ripped her dress and tossed her over his shoulder. The sound of the rotors to the helicopter echoed above her, sending her hair slapping against her cheeks. She tried hitting him but it was no use. The man was stronger. The moment he tossed her up into the large helicopter, there were two other men and the pilot. One of them grabbed her and strapped her in while the other one spoke with Raymond.

“Where is Sergio? If he doesn’t come now, we have to leave.”

“He’ll be here. It’s essential that he gets rid of all of them,” Raymond stated. He reached over and placed his fingers under Adelina’s chin. She turned her face away from him, but he gripped it hard, and forced her to look at him.

“You will learn to obey me, Adelina. There is nothing left for you here. They are all dead now.”

“No. No, they’re not. You’re lying, you sick bastard. You’re lying!” She screamed and he shoved her head with such force, she knocked it against the thick, hard, glass window. She huffed at the pain as she grabbed her head, the tears hit her eyes, and she could hardly focus on him. Raymond looked downright feral and wild. “Life as you knew it is officially over.” As his words sunk in, she felt the larger man grab her arm, just as Sergio jumped into the helicopter. As she tried to pull away, she heard his voice. “They’re as good as dead. The container should blow in about ten minutes.”

“They’re all in there, or close enough to die in the explosion?” Raymond asked.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dywer Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024