Their Boy (The Game 2) - Page 43

I don’t want to be a burden.

“I’m not a child,” I mumbled.

He snorted and turned to stand in front of me. “That’s the beauty of being kinky adults, baby boy. We can pretend to be whatever the fuck we want. Come here.” He picked me up right then and there, his hands under my armpits, like I weighed nothing. I squeaked and clung to him, wrapping my legs around his middle, and then he literally carried me like one would carry a toddler. I sat on his hip.

“People can see us,” I hissed.

“I don’t fuckin’ care,” he whispered back. “Let us take care of you. It ain’t like we’re tearin’ up your ass in the street.”

I turned a wide-eyed look to Lucas.

He offered a slight shrug. “He has a point, Kit. You’re in pain. You don’t have to force yourself to handle it on your own.”

I huffed, only to be interrupted by a crippling amount of pain, and then I put my tail between my legs and buried my face against Colt’s neck.

“I like this.” Colt smacked a mwah kiss to the side of my head and placed one hand right on my ass. “I haven’t been your size since I was eleven. You’re what, five-six?”

“Five-seven, I’ll have you know,” I grumbled uncomfortably. He made me flush, and more than that, he was pushing hard at my mind-set. He made me feel smaller, and it wasn’t bad… It was just different. So different.

“Five-seven and a hundred pounds soaking wet,” he chuckled. “But hey, we can’t all be six-five behemoths like me.”

I was way more than a hundred pounds—close to 150, actually—and as soon as my stomach wasn’t dying, I would show him.

“Six-four, you bullshitter,” Lucas said with a snort.

“Dammit. I forgot you knew,” Colt said. “Six-five just sounds so good.”

“I think you won the genetic lottery enough, baby.”

Did Colt ever break a sweat? All the way to the hotel, he carried me that way with only one hand under my ass to keep me in place.

I kept my face hidden as we crossed the hotel lobby toward the elevators. It was a little embarrassing, to be honest. Yet, I was feeling too clingy to let go.* * *The clinginess stayed with me throughout most of the night. In a hotel room mostly made up of one huge bed and four big pieces of luggage, Colt and Lucas told me there was no space for pride. One second, I could be snuggled up in between them, only for one of them to wait outside the bathroom when I was being tortured from within the next. They wouldn’t freaking budge.

“We’ll take all your moods, sweetheart,” Lucas said one time when I was complaining.

“You can bitch all you want. I ain’t leavin’,” Colt said another.

Around four in the morning, I had no energy left. The pain had thankfully dissipated, but my body was sore and I felt weak as hell.

Not to mention guilty. Lucas had told me he was staying home from work tomorrow—or technically today—and I knew it was because he’d barely slept. He’d stayed up and rubbed my stomach and cuddled and watched three movies with me.

Colt had gotten a couple more hours, though not nearly enough.

Because of me.

I left the night-light on as I climbed into bed a last time. Hopefully.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Lucas gathered me in his arms and hiked my leg over his hip. “I might kidnap you and keep you with me all day tomorrow.”

I smiled sleepily, but I was still troubled. “Are you sure I’m not being too much?”

“You couldn’t possibly.” He cupped my cheek and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Colt and I have dreamed of having someone to take care of, Kit. Then you come along, and you’re so much better than the dream. I don’t think you fully grasp how happy you make us. Especially when you let down your guard and let us take over.” I searched his eyes. How could a man be so kind? What had I done to deserve this? “We notice how you try to stay in control,” he murmured. “Our relationship is very new, so it’s completely understandable. But know that what we ultimately aim for is you surrendering that composure and leaving things to us. That’s how we want you. That’s how we want to make you happy. So you can be the little boy you identify with whenever you feel like it. We’ll be there for you.”

My vision became blurry as I let his words settle. The concept of letting go was foreign to me these days, and evidently, I clung to that composure harder than I’d thought.

In my head, the way I reasoned, it was because I didn’t want to be a chore. I didn’t want to add a burden to their already stressful lives. Lucas ran a marketing firm and had four employees, and Colt was in the middle of starting his own security business. Plus, they had friends and family, and I came into the picture…

Tags: Cara Dee The Game Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025