Their Boy (The Game 2) - Page 58

“A tad sweatier than in my imagination.” I grinned impishly.

He chuckled and freed his mangled hand to wrap an arm around me instead. Wait, nope. He was just going to grope me a bit. I flushed and looked around to make sure no one could see, and Lucas ghosted a hand over my crotch.

“It’s still there, I swear,” I joked.

“I have to make sure.” But if he kept fondling me, I was going to get hard.

Oh God. It was happening.

He stroked me along the zipper of my chinos and slid two fingers under my balls.

When the train slowed down for the next stop, I panicked and pressed myself up against him. No one could see!

“Daddy,” I complained under my breath.

“Hush, boy.” He didn’t stop. If anything, he rubbed me harder, more seductively. And Colt didn’t make things easier. When people were getting off the train, he shuffled closer and pressed his chest to my back. There was a bulge in his jeans, and I wanted it inside me.

A bead of sweat trickled down my temple, and I wiped my upper lip.

“When we get home,” Lucas murmured in my ear, “I’m going to need you. It’s been so long since Daddy got to taste his little boy’s come.”

“Oh God,” I exhaled.

This was quickly turning into the train ride from hell. Now I was horny, and I couldn’t do anything about it. Just my luck.

Why were we not at home right now? Oh right, I’d wanted to try the Metro, and I’d thought it was a brilliant idea to introduce Colt and Lucas to my old tradition of people watching at the Lincoln Memorial.* * *“Wait! I want a picture.” Lucas retrieved his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and studiously ignored Colt’s ribbing about being an Instagram slut. “I’m not going to apologize for finding Kit’s ice cream choices fucking adorable.”

What was weird about my ice cream? It was a regular vanilla soft serve. Okay, it had rainbow sprinkles on, but that was just pretty and yummy.

“At least it’s not boring like yours.” They didn’t have sprinkles on theirs. “They’re just so…vanilla.”

Colt chuckled. “Yeah, that sums me up pretty well. I’m vanilla.”

His ice cream sure was.

The three of us held our cones together, and Lucas took his picture. Then, while he was browsing for the appropriate filter, we sat down on the nearest empty bench we could find.

I was snug as a bug in the middle and had Colt’s arm draped behind me.

“I want a picture of the three of us too,” Lucas said. “Your arms are longer, love.” He reached over me and handed the phone to Colt. “It’s time to collect memories.”

I smiled, and the three of us huddled together so Colt could take the picture of us from slightly above. My first picture ever of this nature. Not counting senior prom in high school when I’d gone with my best friend at the time. We’d struck funny poses for the photographer, and Mom had sighed in that “I love you, but you are a goofball” kind of way.

Afterward, Lucas stared at his phone with a fond grin. “We look good together.”

“Of course we do. We’re us.” Colt slid down his shades from the top of his head and tasted his ice cream. “This is a good spot to come people watch.”

“Mmhmm.” I licked at my ice cream and looked out over the Reflecting Pool and everyone walking alongside it to and from the Lincoln Memorial. How many times had I come here with Vincent?

I wondered what he was doing today. He’d so rarely had weekends off like this when it was only me.

“Are you excited about your friend visiting?” Lucas asked.

I nodded lots. “Super-excited. Can we make more plans? Abel asked what I wanted to do, and I want us all to be together every minute of the day. That’s what I’ve decided, in fact.”

“Oh, have you?” Lucas laughed softly. “We’ll certainly do our best. He and his Daddy will be here a week, right?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied. “Is it possible for them to attend the event with us in Mclean?”

It was members only, so I had doubts.

“I’ll talk to River and Reese, definitely,” Lucas said. “We’ve made exceptions before. We just have to be able to vouch for the visitors.”

“I gotta take y’all to a proper steakhouse too,” Colt said. “With some good ol’ Texas barbecue.”

“There’s one near us,” I exclaimed. “I’ve never tried it, but it’s very popular judging by the reviews online.”

“I know. They do all right, but it ain’t Texan.” Colt scratched my head lightly. “I’ll get you out on the dance floor with me, too.”

“I’m not a good dancer,” I warned.

He turned his smirk on me. “If I can teach Lucas some moves, I can teach anyone.”

“I wasn’t that bad,” Lucas defended.

Tags: Cara Dee The Game Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025