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Forever Her Cowboy (Always 1)

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I laugh. “They were in love with the idea of me. They didn’t know the real me. They also thought because of my name they’d live out some rich fancy life.”

“You are rich,” she points out.

“But we don’t live that way. We still get our hands dirty and go to work every day.”

“Yeah, I love that about you guys.”

“Do you ever get jealous?” I steal a glance over at her.

“I wasn’t fond of always hearing the girls at school talking about you. You know some of them would try and suck up to your sister hoping she’d put in a good word for them with you.” I bark out a laugh. If that’s not the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. I’m sure Daisy handled it just fine. “But there was never much talk about you dating in high school, and you never brought anyone home during college, so I didn’t really have a need to be jealous. Plus I didn't think of you like that.”

I pull over into the diner right outside the city. I want to feed her before we get there, but I also want more alone time with her.

“Are you thinking about me like that now?” I throw the truck into park.

She unsnaps her seat belt, turning to face me. “I think you know I am.” She licks her bottom lip, her eyes dropping to mine. “I didn't think of you like that back then because I wouldn't let myself. You were in a whole other league, Josh Price.”

“You've lost your mind, princess.” I open the door, grabbing her hand to bring her out with me. “If anyone is in a whole other league, it’s you.” She gives me a funny look as she presses her glasses up her cute little nose. “You really have no idea how breathtaking you are. Do you?”

She runs her hand down her hair. “Not like this.”

“Especially like this.”

She sucks in a breath, peeking up at me through her eyelashes, and I know I just got through another one of her walls. Each one that comes down brings me closer to having her forever.3Noelle“I think this is more than enough,” I tell Josh. He insisted we stop at the store and get a few things. I told him his mom already said she was coming by tomorrow with food.

“Mom is going to bring food. I want you to get the crap you bake with.” He starts grabbing all kinds of things and tossing them into the cart.

“Is this your way of getting me to make you my triple chocolate cake?”

“Maybe.” He winks. My heart does a little flutter that it shouldn’t be doing.

“Okay, okay. Let me get the stuff.” I pick up a few more things he missed. He already got some snacks to hold us over tonight and stuff for Daisy and me to have for breakfast tomorrow. We head toward the front of the store. “I forgot milk. You check us out and I’ll run and grab it.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I turn to go, and he slaps my ass again. I glare at him. He just shrugs. I see two girls staring at him. I roll my eyes and keep walking. When I look back, Josh doesn't even seem to notice them. His eyes are still on my ass until I get to the end of the aisle and turn, ending right in the pharmacy. I glance around thinking this might be my chance.

I scan the shelves, finding what I’m looking for before I check out there.

“Anything else?” the pharmacist asks me.

“Nope.” I can feel my face getting hot. I’ve been telling myself for the past two weeks there is no way I could be pregnant. We had sex one time. Thing is, I haven't had a period since. I wouldn't have noticed if Daisy hadn't said something about being on hers last week. We are normally on the same cycle. “Thanks.” I take the test and shove it down into my purse before I speed walk to find the milk and make it back up to the front of the store. Josh’s groupies are still lingering.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” I jerk my head up in surprise that Josh dropped the F bomb in the middle of the store at someone. I thought he might be talking to the girls, not sure who else, but nope. He’s staring at the cashier, who mumbles an apology and doesn't look my way again.

“You’re growly and possessive.” I laugh when we get out to the truck. He grabs me, lifts me up by my ass, and kisses me. I love the way his mouth feels on mine.

“Doesn't this feel good? You and me doing everyday shit. Just being together.”

I nod because it does. He lets me slide down his body.

“You have groupies.” I nod to the girls coming out of the grocery store. He gives me a funny look like he doesn't know what I’m talking about. “They can’t stop staring at you.” I snort a laugh. Some things never change, but as much as girls are always looking at him, Josh has never had an inflated ego or come off as a manwhore. That said, I have no idea what his college years were like.

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