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Forever Her Cowboy (Always 1)

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“Is someone going to explain to me what the heck happened? Have you been crying?” I glare at Eric. If he made Daisy cry again, I’ll nut punch him.

“She barely talked to me for years. For fucking years I wondered every night and day what I had done to make her hate me. How I managed to lose the most important person in my life.” Eric takes a step closer to Josh.

“I’m sorry. I-“ Josh’s words are cut off when Eric hits him right in the gut. He leans forward, grabbing his stomach. I gasp, not sure what to do. Daisy just stands there. After a moment Josh stands all the way back up, facing Eric—who proceeds to hit him again. Josh isn't even trying to stop him.

“Eric.” Daisy pulls at his arm, getting Eric’s attention. “I’m pissed too, but this isn’t getting us anywhere. Let's go to bed.” Daisy pulls at his arm again. “Take me to bed.”

He goes with her. I step out of the way for them to head down the hallway, leaving Josh and me alone.

“Are you okay?”

“No.” He walks over to the sofa, dropping down and putting his face in his hands.

“What was that all about?”

“I fucked up.”

“I’m getting that, but I need you to break it down for me.” He lifts his head to look at me.

“It’s going to piss you off.” I sit there and wait. “Eric’s and my graduation party.”

“Oh Josh, what did you do?” I remember that day well. I sat in a tree with my best friend as she cried her eyes out when not even an hour before that she was telling me how Eric promised her it would be him and her one day. No wonder none of it made sense to me.

“She came out looking for him. I was in a shit mood. Knew I had to fucking go off to college and leave you. The Davis brothers wouldn't stop flirting with you either,” he grits out. “Shit hurt. I was getting worked up and knew the next two years were going to be rough. I didn’t want that for Daisy and Eric. I thought it would be better if they parted ways back then. I figured they could come back together later.”

“What did you do?”

“I made her think Eric had been with Missy.” I stand up. He grabs my hand. “It was fucking stupid. I see that now. I was a stupid kid who thought I knew better. Truth is I didn't know shit. Now my best friend might never talk to me again. My sister won’t even look at me and you-” I look down at him. He gives my hand a pull, and I sit back down next to him.

“As mad as I am and as mad as they are, everyone will get over it eventually.”

“Not so sure about that.” He lets out a deep breath.

“Yes they will. The moms won’t let it go until everyone does. I mean, isn't this what family is? Fighting and fucking up and all the things in between, but at the end of it, all of you know you’re going to be there for each other. Unconditional love. That’s what you guys have. It’s special. Not every family has that.”

“You’re right. That’s what family is all about.” He looks over at me. His face is somber. I know that he feels terrible, and he should for what he did. “Let’s go to bed.” He grabs my hand, helping me up from the couch.

“I’ll get you a blanket and pillow.”

His eyebrows furrow. “I already have a blanket and pillow in your bed.”

“I said eventually we would all forgive you. So I’ll get you that blanket and pillow because the only place you’ll be sleeping tonight is this couch.”


Him saying my name almost breaks me, but I continue down the hall to get him what he needs to spend the night on the couch. I grab what I need and make my way back, the whole time telling myself that I need to stick with this because he hurt my best friend. Even though I want him to spend the night with me. For us to spend every second we can together before I tell him about the baby. Before things have the chance to change.

“Noelle,” he tries again.

“Don’t you Noelle me. Here’s your pillow. You’re sleeping here tonight, and I’ll see you in the morning.” He tries to grab me, but I evade him, walking quickly back to my room. We’ll see about that are the last words I hear him utter before I shut my bedroom door.6Josh“Fuck.” I run my hand down my face. I’m actually enjoying the throb Eric left in my gut. I deserve it. It’s what I get for always thinking I know what’s best for my sister. Instead I ended up hurting her more. It wasn’t because I didn’t want her and Eric to be together. I knew that would happen eventually. I just didn’t want the years until then to be hell for either one of them.

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