Forever Her Cowboy (Always 1) - Page 20

“You’re supposed to ask.” I stare at her. A smile pulls at her lips. “I guess you wouldn't be my Josh if you asked. Put the ring on me. I want to wear it while we make love for the first time in our home.”

I slide the ring on her finger. It fits perfectly. I snag her wrist, pulling her up on her knees so we’re eye level. She rests her hands on my chest.

“You want this? The baby?”

“Yes,” she says instantly. “I’ve always known I’d want kids one day. When I saw those two lines I realized how badly I wanted that.” I grab her face, kissing her. She moans into my mouth. I kiss her until we’re both breathless.

“You’re going to be my princess?”

“You’re never going to stop calling me that, are you?”

“Do you really want me to?” I think it annoyed her before because she thought I was saying it because of all those beauty pageants she used to do. When she was all dressed up, oftentimes she did look like a princess.

“No, I like being your princess.” I kiss her again. “You’re going to be my king?” she teases me.

“You can call me your king all you fucking want.” She bursts into laughter, throwing her head back and filling our bedroom with the sweet sound.

“God, I love you.” She grabs the front of my shirt.

“I love you too.”

“Then take your clothes off and get in this bed with me. I’ve missed that dirty mouth of yours.”

Fuck me. I grab my shirt, pulling it over my head and tossing it to the ground. “Any other demands, princess?”

“No. What more could a girl really ask for?”

“I’m sure you’ll eventually think of something.”

“You’ve given me everything I could ask for by making me forever yours.”EpilogueNoelleMany months later“Princess, why aren't you in our bed?” I turn at the sound of my husband's voice.

“You’re not supposed to be up yet,” I huff. I set the eggs down on the counter. “It’s your birthday. I’m making you breakfast in bed.”

“You can sit on my face to do that. No need to leave bed.”

I grab my stomach when I laugh. “Don’t do that to me. You’ll make me pee myself!”

He shakes his head, smiling while closing the distance between us. “You’re about to give birth to our boys. I don’t care what fucking day it is. You’re not making anyone breakfast in bed.” His hands come to my face, tilting my head back so he can kiss me. I sigh. “Shit.” He breaths against my mouth.

“What?” I huff again. When he’s all sweet I can’t control my hormones.

“I’m just going to start yelling at you. Then maybe you won’t cry.”

“Do it.” I step back. “I dare you.” I tilt my chin up.

“Sit your ass down, princess. I’ll make breakfast.” He points to one of the chairs at the giant kitchen island. I walk over. Well, more like waddle over and sit down. Before my butt is fully in the seat, he’s already got an orange juice in front of me with my prenatal vitamins. I take them, watching him cook us breakfast. He’s so handsome. I’m thankful every day for the life we have.

I’ve enjoyed this time with only the two of us. We’ve only gotten a few full weeks of it really. I finished out my year. I could go back at any time for more classes if I wanted to, but I learned a lot in the time I was there. I’ve always thought a lot of cooking has to do with the chef at the end of the day. You have either got it or you don’t. I’m fortunate enough to have it. Not only in the cooking section, but in life.

I know I have the talent. I know the option to go back will always be there. Josh wouldn’t have it any other way. He wants me to do whatever makes me happy. To follow my dreams. Right now, though, the two little boys growing inside of me are going to take all my attention. I don’t want anything else to take the attention away from my family. Except my husband, but he always has it anyways.

“Have you given much thought to what my mom suggested?” He places one of my chocolate chip muffins in front of me. It’s been my addiction for five months. Every morning I must have one with my orange juice.

“Some.” I bite my lip. “Do you think I should try it?”

“I think you should do whatever you want. There is no pressure, and you don’t have to do it today, tomorrow, next month or even this year.” I gave making baby food a try. It turns out it’s not only relaxing, but I am really good at it too. Now Bunny thinks I should see it through. She said she can get it into the local grocery store to test out the market for it.

Tags: Lucy Darling Always Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024