Never Let Go - Page 19

“I don’t count other people's money.”

“You don’t count your own either apparently.” I keep falling more for him by the second. “So what do you count?”

“Since I met you I’ve been counting how many times I can get you to smile.”

“I think that comes easy for you too.” I can’t stop smiling so he’s winning that one.

“Good.” He reaches for me. In one easy move he has me sitting between his legs. “Now how is it that you don’t date?”

“I’m either working or running from a stalker,” I try and tease, but it’s the truth. I feel him tense for a moment. “You still haven’t told me why you don’t date either.”

“I’ve lived out here most of my life. There aren't many people around.” He brushes a piece of hair off my shoulder. “Then the whole hitting oil shit happened and I had to go into the city. I didn't much care for the attention I was getting or the reason why I was getting it.”

“Yeah, I get that. I think sometimes people have an idea of who they think I am. Like this Michael guy. He thinks he’s in love with me.” I shake my head. “He doesn't even know me. He thinks he does because he saw a few of my shows. Isn't that crazy?”

“Not sure I’d call it crazy. You have a strong effect on others. A certain pull that makes them want to be closer to you. At least that’s how it felt for me.”

I lick my lips. That’s true. I am having all kinds of feelings for Jameson and I haven't known him for long. I guess there’s a fine line. “I guess you’re right. I feel a pull to you too. But shouldn't it be mutual? Two souls coming together and recognizing each other?”

“That does sound nice. To be honest, I’m not sure. I’ve never felt this before.”

I stare into his eyes. “Me either.” I lean towards him, my eyes falling closed as my mouth meets his. His hand tangles into my hair as he tilts my head to take my mouth the way he wants. He gives himself room to work so he can devour my mouth. His kisses are consuming, showing me a part of who he is. He’s a man that wants control and I find I get off on him having it. It lights up my body.

“We gotta stop or I’m going to take you right here.”

“Who says that’s such a bad idea?” I say between kisses.

“Too much sun.” He pulls back. I stare at him for a moment.

“Truth.” I nod.

“Some creep is stalking you. I doubt he’s out here but I’m not chancing getting you naked out in the open like this.”

“Oh.” I look around.

“No one is here. If they were, I'd take care of it.”

“How? What if they have a—" I trail off, not wanting to finish that thought.

“This is Texas. Everyone has a gun, sweetheart.”

“Oh. Like right now?”

“Yeah.” I didn’t notice him carrying one. He reaches behind him and pulls out a gun. My eyes go big. PJ has a concealed weapon license and generally has one on her, but you never see it.

“Can I?” I lift my hand.

“If you want to learn I’ll teach you. Maybe tomorrow.” He tucks the gun back behind him.

“Tomorrow.” I contemplate the word. “We really don’t know how long I’ll have to stay here, do we? Is that okay? I know you said it was but I really don’t want to be a bother.” Jameson lets out a deep laugh.

“You’re far from a bother.”

“Good, because I’m enjoying myself here. It feels like a real vacation. I get why you didn't like going into the city. Why would you when you could stay here in the peace and quiet?” I turn a little, leaning my back up against him. I don’t know if it’s him or this place but I feel so relaxed. I shouldn't be. There is a lot going on and with Michael still on the loose I should be nervous. But I’m not. It feels as though for once in my life I have someone else to look out for me besides PJ. It feels good that Jameson wants to keep me safe and what better place to do it then right here?

“Then I should keep treating you like you’re at a five-star resort.” Jameson pulls the basket over closer to us. He grabs a lemonade, handing it to me. Then he starts pulling out all sorts of different goodies from inside.

“Wow, your mom is not messing around.”

“Not when it comes to food,” he agrees. I pick up one of the sandwiches, taking a bite. “I’m going to gain weight here. I haven’t eaten this well in a really long time.” I want to say that I never ate this well because a lot of my meals were eaten alone. My dad was always too busy to spend the time with me. While the food may have been quality, it wasn’t special. It wasn’t made by someone who cared for me. Since I’ve gotten older and I travel so much with the show, most of my meals are takeout now.

Tags: Lucy Darling Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024