Never Let Go - Page 23

I already belong to him. He’s marked me inside and out.* * *“I like waking up like this,” I say into Jameson's neck. My whole body is wrapped around him. I remember bits and pieces of him carrying me to bed but I’m pretty sure I was out cold before he laid me in it.

“I like it too.” His mouth brushes the top of my head, making me smile. The more time I spend with him the more parts I am seeing of him. I didn't know a person could be so bossy and sweet at the same time. He is my rough but gentle giant. He is perfect. For me at least.

“I guess I’m a cuddler.” My body shakes with laughter. I lift my head to look up at him. “Or is it clinger?” I tease. I let my arms loosen some.

“I think a little of both.” He smiles at me as his mouth comes to mine for a kiss. “You passed out on me.”

“Sorry. What time is it?” I stretch my arms.

“You’ve been out for an hour.” I look to the window to see the sun is long gone. I really do think this has been one of the best days of my life. I am not only falling in love with the place but with him too.

“You didn't sleep did you?” I clung to him and gave the man no option but to lay down with me. He did, because that is the type of man Jameson is. He’d let me sleep even if it meant he had to lie in bed and stare at the ceiling.

“I relaxed. It was more than nice. I can promise you that.” He sits up, taking me with him. Another thing I love about him. He can put me right where he wants me. “I promised you steak.” He digs his hand into my hair, tilting my head back to take another kiss. This one seems deeper. I sigh into his mouth. He’s bossy and cooks me food. Does it get any better than that? “Take your time.” He lets me go before standing from the side of the bed.

“I should call PJ.” He opens his nightstand and pulls out my phone and hands it to me. It’s off. She’s going to kill me. “Have you talked to her?”

“Yeah, when you took your bath. Forgot to tell you to call her. You distracted me.”

“I did. I’ll totally take the blame for that.”

“I’ll leave you to it.” I watch as he fixes his jeans before finding a shirt. I power on my phone, seeing a bunch of missed texts and voicemails. I am surprised to see my father's name mixed in with them. But I don’t want to think of him now. This day has been perfect and I don’t want to ruin it.

I read through PJ’s messages before tapping the button to call her. I swear it barely rings once before her voice comes over the line.

“Well look who it is. Today must be my lucky day.” I try not to smile at her sarcasm but it’s almost impossible. I already know she’s spoken to Jameson but I’ll let her be a little dramatic. I deserve it for not reaching out to her sooner.

“I’m good. How are you?” I try to lighten the mood. She lets out a long sigh.

“Why do you sound different?” I can tell she’s the one smiling now. My cheeks get all red wondering if she can really tell over the phone. But I know she’s just fishing for details.

“It’s probably because I’ve never been so relaxed.”

“You need to make sure you communicate with me, Bunny. I can’t protect you if you don’t.” Her words burst my happy bubble for a few seconds, reminding me exactly why I’m at Jameson’s to begin with. “Don’t make me have to come out there.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Any new updates on Michael?”

“Nothing new. We’re monitoring the situation. You’re free to continue doing whatever it is that you’re doing over there.” She throws out that lure again, trying to get me to budge on the details. “That’s the safest place for you. But you have to stay in touch with me. Not only because I’m your security.”

“I’m falling in love with him.” I give. PJ is my best friend and I should give her something.

She’s quiet for a few seconds. “If he breaks your heart I’ll have to kill him,” she teases but I know she’s not joking. I bet she told him the same thing when she spoke to him.

“I might be naïve about this kind of thing, but I don’t think he’s the type to break my heart because he can.”

“I think you’re right from what I’ve gathered on him. Since I know you don’t want to ask but want to know deep down, I’ll just tell you.” I laugh because she’s right. I’m not one to dig but if someone shares I can’t help if my ears hear it. “He’s a dick.” That has me sitting up straighter.

Tags: Lucy Darling Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024