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Never Let Go

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“That’s not what I thought you were going to say.”

“Yeah, well I wouldn't give it much light. From what I gather the rich think he’s a dick because he doesn't fall in line. He’s new money and doesn't play by any of their rules or care to.”

“I could see that.” I smile into the phone.

“I can’t find any exes either. To be honest, I think he’s one of those good old boys. His ranch did well on its own. Then he went and struck oil.” All of this makes sense to me and lines up with a lot of what Jameson said today. We spent most of the day talking while he showed me around.

“He’s a breed of his own.” I think Jameson is one of a kind.

“Oh God. You are falling in love. That’s some corny shit right there.” She laughs. I join her because even though some psycho is after me I can’t help feeling happy about my current situation.15Jameson“You’re going to have to teach me how to cook like this.” Bunny takes another bite of her steak. I’m not teaching her how to cook a thing. This is part of my plan to get her to stay here forever.

“If you want it you’ll just have to stick around.” I take another bite of my steak. I normally love a good steak, but tonight I’m not a fan. All it seems to be doing is washing the taste of Bunny out of my mouth.

“I really do love it here.” She looks out the window. The sun has set but the moon still lights up the field.

“I really do love having you here.” She looks back to me. “I don’t know what’s going to happen but even when Michael pops up and he’s handled, I don’t want you running out of here.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want this having a time limit either but I also don’t want to stay past my welcome.”

“I can promise you that will never happen.” She picks up her wine, taking a small sip.

“This is all new for the both of us. Your feelings could change.”

My feelings have already changed into ones of love for her. “Am I the only one whose feelings could change?” I toss back. Her full lips part for a moment, her cheeks shading pink as they do when she’s feeling shy.

“I don’t think mine ever will.” She licks her bottom lip. “I was dancing for you. I felt you before I saw you. I know it’s crazy but-”

“It’s not crazy. I hadn't seen you, but I had heard someone make a comment about how beautiful you were and I was jealous. I didn't know how or why. Then you stepped onto that stage.” Her whole face lights up. I hook my foot under her chair, sliding her between my legs. “You can do anything you want, Bunny. You don't have to deal with any more contracts or your asshole father trying to control you.”

“You like to control me.” She looks up at me. That blush on her cheeks spreads further.

“I get off on it because you get off on it.” That is the truth. There’s no way it would turn me on if she didn't enjoy it. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling herself over into my lap. I pull her closer.

“Then stop teasing me. I want all of you, Jay.” I wonder if she knows she calls me Jay when she’s turned on.

“I’m not teasing you. I’m barely holding on.” I was trying to take it slow. I don’t want her thinking I am only after one thing. I am playing the long game.

“Let go then.” I stand with her in my arms.

“I’m never letting go.”

“Good.” She pulls me down for a kiss as I try to lead us toward the bedroom. I don’t make it far as she wraps her legs around me. I pin her to the wall, deepening the kiss. She tastes like wine. I want to remove the taste and leave nothing but mine behind. To brand and mark every part of her. When I’m done with her I don’t want her to know where she begins and I end. There will only be us.

My hands grip her ass as I pull my mouth from hers, going for her neck. She rubs against me. Her cunt presses against my cock, looking for the friction she needs. “Jay.” She moans my name as her fingers grip my hair.

“Bed,” I grit out, pulling my mouth from hers. It’s her that goes for my neck this time. My knees almost give out as she begins peppering kisses there. My body is begging for me to take her to the floor and have my way with her. To drive my cock into her tight, untouched cunt until she’s screaming my name and begging me for more.

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