Never Let Go - Page 31

I pick up the rhythm, chasing the pleasure that I know he can give me. His hands reach up, groping my breasts. His fingers toy with my nipples as he continues to thrust up into me.

“Give it to me, sweet girl. Let me feel you come all over my cock.” That’s all it takes to send me over the edge. I scream his name as the orgasm hits me. My vision blurs for a moment as it moves through my body until I slump forward, lying on his chest as he continues to pump into me. “So fucking tight.” My name slips past his lips seconds before I feel his hot seed fill me.

I bury my face in his chest, not wanting to move. I don’t have to. Jameson would lie like this forever if he knew it would make me happy. It is the kind of man he is. Rough around the edges but with me he is nothing but sweet. Except when I need those bossy tendencies of his. Then he gives them to me.

“I love you.” I turn my head, kissing his chest.

“Love you, too.” His arms wrap around me, holding me tight. The night I met Jameson, fear pushed me right into his arms. I was leaving a life behind because I thought I was scared. When really I didn't love the life I had. Then there was Jameson. I took his hand and he took me home. All my fears faded away even though the threat of what I thought I feared was still out there.

It was Jameson that washed them all away. Showed me the life I truly longed for and then gave it to me. Sometimes you have to walk through your fears to see what you’re truly afraid of. On the other side there might be a whole new life waiting for you.

I have mine and I’m never letting him go.EpilogueJameson“Is that glitter on Princess’ hooves?” my son Joshua asks. I don’t have to look to know it is. I hope glitter is a phase because that shit is messy. “Ah, man. She put it on King too.” I look over at my son. He pulls his ball cap off, running his fingers through his short dark hair that is every inch of his mama’s. He’s got her eyes too. The rest of him is all me. It had been hard for me watching Bunny in labor.

She is so tiny and I believe Josh weighed almost as much as her when he was born. She had to have a C-section because our son was too big. She handled it like it was nothing, smiling from ear to ear asking when we’d have our next. I’d needed a minute. That whole thing had scared the shit out of me. But then I remembered how it felt to spill myself deep into her, knowing we were creating life and the way she’d looked round with my child. That caused me to reconsider.

“I think it looks good on them.” He gives me a look I’m sure I’ve given him a time or two. “If you take it off she’ll just put it back on.”

“I know.” He grabs an apple, giving it to Princess before he starts brushing her again. I see him smiling now. “It’s not too bad.” I had a feeling he’d come around. I knew he wasn't going to go in and tell his sister it looked like shit. That little girl has everyone in this house wrapped around her finger. That talent she definitely gets all from her mother. Us Price men are suckers for these girls.

“I’m headed in.” Josh nods at me.

“I’ll be in soon.” I grab ahold of him, pulling him into me. He wraps his arms around me as I kiss him on top of his head. I don’t care how old he gets, he’ll never be too old for me to show him my affection. It’s something that Bunny and I do a lot. She didn’t have that growing up and she wants to make sure our kids know they are loved. She said one hug or one compliment could make a world of difference.

“Help me with dinner when you’re done.”

“Yeah, I’m going to grab some of the eggs. I told Daisy that we could make a cake tonight.”

“You’re a good brother.” I let him go, heading inside to check on our girls. The sound of music has me moving to the other end of the house toward Bunny’s studio. I built it not long after we got married. I knew she didn't want to perform anymore, but she loves to dance.

I wanted her to still have access to that creative outlet. It had been such an important part of her life for so long. Plus, she is so talented. It was good for her to finally be able to express herself without all of the lights on her. She dances for herself now. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy watching her too. There have been many nights that I’ve taken her in that studio. Pretty sure our daughter was conceived in it.

Tags: Lucy Darling Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024