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The Ultimate Millionaire (The Million Dollar Catch 3)

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“I could work on a charming European accent if you want.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Let it go.”


He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I never thought getting as sick as we did would be fun, but this has been. You don’t need to rush home tonight if you don’t want to. You could stay.”

She knew how he meant the invitation. She could stay in the guest room. It was a polite and well-meaning invitation.

“A sleepover,” she teased.

She looked at him, expecting to see an answering smile. Instead she found heat, desire and a need that made her weak. Then he blinked and it was gone.

Her insides clenched, her heart began to beat faster and her throat when dry. “Todd?”

“I’m trying to be smart here, Marina. I can come up with a hundred reasons why this isn’t a good idea.”

She pressed her lips together. “A hundred. Wow. I can only come up with about eight.”

“I might have been exaggerating.” He stood and held out his hand. “Come on. We’ll defrost brownies and lose ourselves in the sugar.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

She put her fingers against his palm and allowed him to pull her to her feet. When she was standing, she found they were really close together. She would have stepped back, but he didn’t let go of her.

She let herself get lost in the fire in his eyes. It warmed her and enticed her, and she swayed toward him.

“Damn,” he muttered, right before he reached for her.


His mouth was warm and smooth and when he kissed her, Marina felt heat clear down to her feet. Her toes curled, her thighs trembled, her midsection tightened and her br**sts pouted because they wanted some attention, too.

He pulled her close and she let him because she needed to be pressed against the hard planes of his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in, making sure they touched everywhere.

He explored her mouth, kissing lightly, gently, but with enough passion to keep her breath locked in her throat. There was a promise in his kisses, a promise that there would be a whole lot more in the near future. As the anticipation was nearly as amazing as what he was already doing, she was willing to wait.

As he continued to tease, rubbing his lips against hers, nibbling, pressing, but not quite taking, she explored the hard muscles of his shoulders and upper back. She ran her fingers through his hair, then raked her nails lightly across his nape.

Wanting poured through her, pooling low in her belly, and her most feminine center ached to be taken.

Finally he tilted his head and touched her lower lip with the tip of his tongue. She parted instantly, welcoming him inside. At the first intimate stroke, a shudder raced through her. Passion grew until her skin felt too tight, too sensitive, too impossibly needy.

She clung to him through deep kisses that touched her soul, through his hands moving up and down her back, until he cupped her rear and she instinctively arched toward him only to encounter the impressive hardness of his desire.

She gasped as she imagined him filling her over and over again. She wanted with a desperation that made her rub herself against him, like a lonely cat. Hunger made her frantic. She’d been very comfortable not dating, not getting involved, not having a man in her life. Suddenly she was starving for contact, for skin on skin na**dness. But not just with anyone…only Todd could scratch this particular itch.

Some of her need must have gotten through to him. Or maybe it was the quick pace of her breathing and the way she clamped her lips around his tongue and sucked. Whatever the method of communication, he seemed to get the message. He moved his hands to her hips, eased them under her long-sleeved T-shirt and rode her curves up to her breasts.

He caressed her with the skill of a man who loves women. Even through the fabric of her bra, she felt the gently but purposefully caress of his fingers. He cupped her, then used his thumbs and forefingers to tease her ni**les into a frenzy.

Fire shot through her, diving down between her legs and stirring everything up. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe, could only stand there lost in the pleasure of him touching her. Her only conscious thought was to wonder how much better it would be if she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Todd took advantage of her inattention to kiss his way along her jaw, then down her neck. He nipped her earlobe, kissed the sensitive area just below, then traced wildly erotic patterns with his tongue.

The combination of sensations was pretty incredible. She felt herself tensing in anticipation of release that couldn’t possibly happen. Not like this. Sure it had been a long time, but she had some pride, didn’t she? Shouldn’t she at least let him take her jeans off before she gave in to passion?

But as he continued to tease and touch and play with her breasts, she found herself getting closer and closer. Apparently he realized it, as well, because he leaned in and murmured, “We need to get you into bed.”

Before she could say anything, he’d grabbed her hand and tugged her out of the kitchen and into the hallway. She hurried alongside of him, eager to get upstairs, get na**d and fall into paradise.

They started up the stairs.

“Is sex better on five hundred thread count sheets?” she asked.

He stopped, laughed, then pulled her close. “Of course,” he said, right before he pulled her T-shirt over her head and kissed her.

She went willingly into his embrace, kissing him back, needing him more than she’d ever needed anyone.

Even as his tongue stroked hers, she felt him reach for the hooks on the back of her bra. Seconds later, the scrap of lingerie drifted down her arms and onto the stairs.

He broke the kiss and bent his head to take one of her br**sts into his mouth. There was immediate heat as he sucked deeply, then circled her nipple with his tongue.

She swayed slightly, then put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. The powerful pull of his mouth caused every nerve ending to quiver in delight. Between her legs there was dampness and heat and anticipation. More, she thought hazily. She needed more.

But for now, this would be enough.

He used his fingers to mimic the movement of his tongue, caressing both her breasts, forcing her into a higher and higher state of arousal until she knew it would take almost nothing to push her over the edge.

“Todd,” she breathed, wanting her release, yet wanting to hang on for a little bit longer.

“Tell me about it,” he muttered, then grabbed her hand and pulled her up the last few stairs.

They hurried down the hall and burst into a bedroom the size of lecture hall. She had a brief impression of warm colors, massive dark furniture and a big, comfy, inviting bed.

Finally, she thought as he released her hand and yanked off his T-shirt.

They were barefoot, so it didn’t take much manipulation on his part to get them both na**d. One second she was topless, then next her jeans and panties were pooling on the floor. His jeans and briefs followed. Then he was easing her back on the mattress and she was in his arms and they were touching skin on skin and it was glorious.

He stared at her, his dark eyes bright with passion. She traced his mouth, then smiled when he gently bit down on her finger.

“I want you,” he told her. “You’re sexy as hell.”

“I find you mildly interesting, as well,” she said.

He grinned. “Mildly, huh. So I have some work to do.”

“Absolutely.” Brave words from a woman on the edge, she thought happily.

“I don’t mind getting down and dirty now and then.” He shifted so he was next to her, on his side, his hand supporting his head. “Where should I start? Here?” He put his hand on her belly.

While that felt nice and all, it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. “Um, no.”

“Here?” He ran his fingers from her wrist to her elbow.

She shifted slightly. “Not what I had in mind.”

He slipped his fingers between her legs and rubbed her swollen flesh. “How’s that?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

It took every ounce of self-control to keep her eyes open. She desperately wanted to fall into a passionate trance and get lost in her orgasm, but not just yet.

“That works,” she breathed as he explored all of her, finding her center and rubbing it.

Tension rose up inside of her. Muscles tensed. She let her legs fall open in a blatant and time-honored tradition of invitation.

“Good. What about this?”

He leaned toward her and stroked her nipple with the tip of his tongue.

It was an amazingly perfect combination. It was exquisite, it was magic, it was more than enough to make her lose control.

She did her best to hang on, to at least take three minutes to come. But he began to move his fingers faster and faster, with the perfect amount of pressure. Then he sucked on her breast.

It was incredible. She pulled her knees up and dug her heels into the bed. Not yet, she told herself. Not yet. Not…

It was too late.

She fell into her release, caught in the waves of sensual pleasure that swept through her. Every part of her sighed in relief as he continued to touch her, easing her onward until her muscles gave out in sheer exhaustion.

Lethargy stole through her. She had to force herself to open her eyes and when she did, she found Todd staring at her.

She’d expected a self-satisfied male smile—one that more than hinted at his expertise and how everything had felt so good because he was so darned talented in bed. Instead he looked serious and intense and instead of smiling, he leaned in and kissed her.

She parted her lips for him and felt the lethargy fade. As his tongue teased hers, passion returned and she found herself eager to have him inside of her.

He was hard…she could feel him pressing into her leg. She reached between their bodies and lightly stroked his arousal. But instead of reaching for a condom and then entering her, he slid down her body, kissing first her neck, then between her breasts, along the center of her rib cage, her belly, before coming to rest at the top of her right thigh. He parted her swollen flesh with his fingers.

While she appreciated the gesture, it wasn’t required. “I’ve already…”

Then he did smile. “I know. I was there.”

Her mouth curved in response. “It was great.”

“I’m glad. Now let’s do it this way.”

A man on a mission, she thought as she let her eyes slowly close. Far be it from her to tell him his attentions weren’t welcome.

Her stomach clenched in anticipation of his touch. She felt a faint breath of air, then a warm tongue began to explore her.

She groaned as he circled around her still-swollen center. A quick, light brush and then he was gone, caressing the rest of her, getting close, but not actually touching her there. It was exquisite torture. It was incredible.

She parted her legs even more and drew back her knees. Heat burned through her as he kissed and licked and sucked everywhere but that one place she wanted the most.

There it was again. One brief moment of exquisite contact, then nothing. One hint of what she could be feeling, then only anticipation.

She began to squirm. She got closer and closer, but knew she couldn’t find her release until he focused on that one place. Until he finally—

His tongue brushed her again. She nearly screamed from the glory of the contact, then prepared herself for him to move away. She was an adult and she wouldn’t whimper. Only this time he didn’t stop. He stayed in that one spot, licking and circling, teasing, arousing, pushing her closer and closer until her cl**ax became as inevitable as the sunrise.

He intensified his attention and she was lost.

The shuddering began deep inside of her midsection and worked its way out. Her thighs trembled, her hands shook and then she was launched into a release so powerful, she truly thought she might never experience anything like it again.

He continued to kiss her, teasing her into coming and coming. She gave herself over to him, letting him take all of her, until the tension finally eased and she was still.

Todd sat up and looked at Marina. A flush stole across her chest and climbed to her cheeks. She was limp, but if the smile was anything to go by, also incredibly satisfied.

Her golden-blond hair spilled across his pillow in sexy disarray and when she opened her eyes, her pupils were so dilated, he could barely see any of the blue.

“Wow,” she said, her voice thick and husky. “I don’t even know what to say.”

He’d been complimented before. Most women made it a point to gush and while he appreciated the praise, he’d sometimes wondered how much of it was earned and how much of it had to do with his bank account.

Marina wasn’t like that. Somewhere in the process of planning the wedding, they’d become friends. He liked her. He thought she was funny and smart and sincere. How often could he say that about the women in his bed?

Which made this experience different. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d made love with a friend.

She put her hand on his arm and urged him closer. “So far this had been a pretty one-sided show.”

At her words, he once again became aware of the pressure of his arousal.

He opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. After slipping it on, he knelt between her thighs. She reached for him and guided him inside.

Immediately he got lost in the sensation of tight, wet heat. She surrounded him, drawing him in, letting him fill her.

Her scent teased him. He could hear her breathing, feel the light stroking of her hands on his back and sides. For once he wasn’t thinking about how quickly he was going to have to get away once this was over. For once he could just enjoy the experience and let the rest of it go.

He pumped harder, faster, in and out, losing himself in the growing pressure. She wrapped her legs around his hips, urging him closer. Her body tightened around him and he was lost.

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