Thrill Me (Fool's Gold 18) - Page 48

Up and down, his thumb in place, rubbing in time with his thrusts. The end was inevitable. The only questions was—


She gasped his name as her climax rocketed through her. Every cell in her body cried out as she came. His free hand clamped onto her hip and held her in place as he thrust in deep, and she lost herself.

When they had both finished, he pulled her close and held her.


Her name was a breath. An exhale. The sound cut through her, opening her until she was completely bare to him in every way possible. With that vulnerability came a truth so sharp it finished the job of separating her from the facade she’d been hiding behind for the past ten years.

The reason she hadn’t fallen for anyone else, the reason she’d never found love, was because she couldn’t. Del had claimed her heart and to the best of her knowledge he’d never given it back.

She was, after all this time, still in love with him.


THE NEXT MORNING, Maya avoided looking at herself in the bathroom mirror. While it made putting on makeup somewhat complicated, she was terrified of what she would see in her eyes. She tried to tell herself it wasn’t as if there was a reader board proclaiming in bright letters “I’m in love with Del.” At least she hoped there wasn’t. In the end, the need to apply mascara defeated self-preservation. She sucked in a breath and stared at her reflection.

Except for looking a little tired, no doubt due to not getting home until after two in the morning and then being unable to sleep, she seemed to be the same. There was no telltale expression of guilt or confusion. No newly formed I love Del–shaped birthmark. She’d escaped unscathed.

At least on the outside.

The inside was a totally different matter. To be honest, she had no idea what had happened. Or when. She couldn’t believe she’d been in love with Del for the past ten years and hadn’t known. That was impossible to imagine. She’d been happy. Living her life. Having a career. Surely she would have noticed ongoing unrequited love. Which meant what? That lingering feelings had just...lingered? That Del sparks had been smoldering this whole time, waiting to be brought to life?

Too many questions and not enough answers, she told herself as she collected her bag and headed out of the house. She paused to water her geraniums, then walked briskly to Brew-haha. Coffee was the obvious first step. Then maybe a thorough list or two would help her clear her mind.

She was in love with Del. The thought repeated itself in time with her steps. They’d made love in her old bed, and it had happened.

Okay, she was pretty sure the act of doing it hadn’t caused her to fall for him. The sex had been great, but without magical powers. But the intimacy had caused the revelation. Even more confusing was what to do now.

She told herself she didn’t have to do anything. She could continue with her regularly scheduled life and pretend nothing was different. Under the right circumstances, denial was perfectly healthy. Actually that made the most sense. Del was only going to be in town for a few more weeks. When he was gone, she would revisit what had happened and figure it out. But until then, she was going to stick her head in the sand and make like an ostrich.

Twenty minutes later, she had taken the first sip of life-giving coffee. She was still deciding what to do next when she saw Elaine walking Sophie toward the park.

Maya waved at her friend, then hurried toward her.

“You’re up early,” she said, hugging her. “How are you feeling?”

Elaine smiled at her. “The same as I was when you called me yesterday morning to check on me. Good. Tired, but getting through.”

Maya bent down to greet Sophie. The beagle wiggled to get close for pats, her happy tail wagging.

“We decided a walk would be good for us,” Elaine said. “Want to join us?”

“I’d love to.”

They started for Pyrite Park, Sophie in the lead. The sweet dog stopped to sniff regularly.

“We missed you at the wedding yesterday,” Maya said.

“I know. I was actually feeling okay, so I could have gone. But when I got the invitation, I just wasn’t sure. Tell me everything.”

Maya immediately flashed on being in bed with Del, his body over hers. The sensation of skin on skin was so intense, so real, for a second she thought she was back in time.

She quickly pushed the thoughts away. Although Elaine was her friend, she was also Del’s mother. There was no way they were having that conversation. Talk about TMI.

“Phoebe was beautiful.” Maya pulled out her smartphone and pushed a couple of buttons. “I took a few pictures before the wedding.”

Elaine looked at them. “She looks wonderful. So happy. Good for them.”

“I agree. Zane was nervous, which was great fun. They’re a sweet couple.”

Elaine linked arms with her. “When are you going to find a nice young man and settle down?”

“I have no idea. I’m open to meeting someone.”

Which had been true until last night, Maya thought, wondering if maybe she could get a timing pass on the lie.

“Any sparks with Del?”

If Maya had been swallowing at that moment, she would have choked. “You’re my friend. I love you, but no. We’re not talking about me getting together with your son.”

“Why not? Don’t you think he’s wonderful?”

Maya relaxed. Now she could be honest. “I do. And he’s leaving and I’m not.”

Tags: Susan Mallery Fool's Gold Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024