Naughty and Notorious - Page 8

When I finish my plate, Judge snags it and puts our dishes in the sink. He takes me by the hand, and I don’t stop him as he leads me outside.

We head toward one of his barns and as we approach, he lets out a low whistle. The barn doors slide open, and I see my horse, Bow, standing there. I cover my face with my hands. Judge pulls me into his big body, and I feel strong arms hold me in a safe embrace. It takes me a second to get myself under control because I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

“You-you have Bow?” I finally manage to say.

“I tracked her down when I heard your dad sold her.”

I wrap my arms around Judge and hug him as tight as I can. I can’t believe he did this. I was so heartbroken when my father sold her because we needed the money, and she was a big expense that couldn’t be justified.

“Thank you.” I look up at him. “I will accept this as an apology for throwing me in the fountain.” I smile around my tears, and he nods.

“I’ll take it.”

“I’m still going to make your life hell.” I tilt my chin up in defiance.

“I wouldn't expect anything less, Kitty.” The smile he gives me is going to make it a lot harder to live up to my words.Chapter SixJudge“Can we take her out now?” Kitty asks as she nuzzles Bow.

“Anything your heart desires, beautiful,” I answer, lifting her up on the saddle. I grab my readied horse from the stable and hop on. I trot out to where Kitty is waiting, and the way she’s looking at me, I don’t understand. It’s as if she’s really seeing me for the first time—and maybe she is.

“Where to?” She looks ahead and then back at me. “I don’t know these trails as well as you do.”

“Let’s follow the creek down and to the lake.” I look up at the sky and then back at her. “We’ve only got a couple of hours of daylight left and I don’t like the idea of keeping you out after dark.”

“Afraid I’ll turn into a werewolf?” She winks as she trots ahead.

“Nah, if you were a wolf, I’d just mount you from behind and fuck you under the moonlight.” When she whips around to stare at me with her mouth open, my horse moves past her, and I pop her in the ass on the way. “Don’t give me ideas, wife. It’s our wedding night.”

I see the blush stain her cheeks, and it thrills me as well as my cock. I know exactly how innocent she is after getting a taste of her earlier. It wasn’t enough, and just the sight of that blush has me hard and achy. She’s a damn tease, but I’ll have her soon enough.

“Why do you have to be so dirty?” she spits out at me, and I see that fire in her eyes again.

“Because you like it.” I ride alongside her now, and she won’t look at me. But she isn’t denying it either. “I bet you’re wet right now thinking about me doing it to you.”

“Judge!” She straightens her shoulders like she’s prim and proper.

“Beautiful girl, I know exactly what you were doing in that tub before I helped you out. Don’t pretend you’re so pure.” I take her hand and bring it over to cup my hard length. “Feel how bad I want it?”

I take my hand off of hers, and it takes her a second before she pulls it away. She clicks her heels to make her horse speed up, and she trots ahead of me.

“It’s all right, I like the view from back here too.”

She cuts her eyes back at me, and I lick my lips. I’m more than happy to watch her ass bounce in the saddle as she moves up and down on it.

“I didn’t know I was marrying a-a…” She searches for something mean to call me and then just ends up huffing.

“An asshole?” I try helpfully, and she makes the cutest growling sound. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had this much fun. “A pervert? Oh, what about an aggressively arrogant billionaire?”

“Yes to all of the above.” She’s looking away from me, so I speed up and ride next to her again.

“Kitty.” I hold my hand out, and she turns to face me. “Hold my hand.”

“What for?” She purses her lips, and I want to laugh again, but I keep it under control this time.

“Because I want you to.” She glares at it and back at me. “Because you want to.”

We slow our horses to an even pace, and after a moment she puts her hand in mine. We ride like that for a while until we reach the edge of the water. There’s a dock with a gazebo on it, and I stop when we get close.

Tags: Alexa Riley Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024