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Naughty and Notorious

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This one is harder than the last, and my back comes off the bed while I scream his name. Pleasure consumes me and courses through my blood. It leaves me an exhausted mess in the center of the bed, and I close my eyes as I feel Judge brush his mouth against my thighs.I must have passed out because I jerk back awake in an empty bed. When I look at the clock I see it’s almost eleven, and I wonder how the hell I slept in. I don’t think I’ve ever slept this late in my life. Pulling myself from the bed, I get dressed for the day. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing today, so I braid my hair and put on jean shorts, boots, and a flannel shirt that I tie at the bottom because it’s too big.

“Judge,” I call out when I make it down to the kitchen, but no one is there.

I see a note that says there’s bacon and pancakes in the microwave if I’m hungry, but I’m not. I grab myself some orange juice and sit down at the island. Quickly I grow bored, so I start roaming the house, unsure of what I’m supposed to be doing.

Most of the house doesn't look lived in. All the furniture is new, and some of the rooms still smell like fresh paint. The only rooms that look to be used are the master and Judge’s office. I sit down in his office chair, and the space smells like him. I lean back in his chair, wondering if there is something I can do to help around here. I also wonder how I feel about that.

I should do my part because that’s the way things work around these parts, but then again, I’m a forced bride who’s supposed to be making my new husband's life hell. He keeps giving me orgasms and buying me things, and it makes it hard to be a jerk to him. I need to remind myself who Judge is and what he’s done.

There was no courting, and he bought me as easily as he bought everything else around here. Now I’m in his home twiddling my thumbs and feeling a bit lost. When I felt like I'd finally had a plan, Judge went and threw me for a loop before tossing me into a fountain. Now my life is once again out of my control.

I sigh as I get out of his chair and think about how I sound like a spoiled brat. Am I not getting what I wanted for so long? I bite my lip, knowing that I want more. I don't want all the pretty things Judge buys me; I want him to love me.

With my head swimming, I remember Bow is out in the barn. Whenever I was having a bad day, she could always cheer me up. I head out to the barn and still don’t see Judge anywhere. A few of the hands glance my way, but none of them speak to me. Is this how my life will be? All day I’ll sit around and wait for Judge to come home? Sounds lonely and boring. I guess it’s not as boring as sitting in a jail cell.

I was stupid to steal his car. I never in a million years thought this would be the outcome. I was mad that I thought he was marrying my sister, and that seemed like a good way to show it. Am I trying to get his attention? Oh no, I don’t want to think about that.

When I see Bow, I smile, and her eyes light up when she sees me too. I give her nose a kiss and pet her mane.

“Let’s go for a ride, sweet girl.” I put her saddle on and head out, thinking I’ll be back before anyone knows I was even gone.

At least that was the plan, but I should have known better. When it comes to my life, nothing ever goes to plan.Chapter TenJudge“This storm is coming fast,” one of my guys calls as hops in the truck.

“I know. That’s why I got out here as fast as I could.” I think about Kitty sleeping in our bed, and I work faster to try and get to her.

“I think that’s the last one,” another one says, jumping in the back.

Some of the cattle got out earlier, and we were rounding them up before the storm came in. I got an alert about a flash flood and thunderstorms getting closer, and I didn’t want to take the chance. Once we got out here, I’m glad we didn’t ignore it. The sky is pitch black in the distance, and the clouds are moving in fast.

“Thanks, guys. When we get back to the barn, make sure everything is locked up tight. This should blow over quickly, but I want to be safe.”

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