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Naughty and Notorious

Page 16

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“I had a tracker on the car.”

“Put one on her,” he suggests.

Judge only grunts an agreement. I would tell them both I’m not a dog, but I keep my mouth shut. I don’t have room to talk. I could have gotten someone hurt with my own stupidity. Maybe I do need a tracker on me.

I listen to them talk about work as I drift in and out of sleep until my stomach lets out a loud growl.

“Let me guess. You didn't eat anything today.” I keep my eyes closed, hoping he lets it go. “I know you’re awake.”

“You’re not putting a tracker on me,” I huff when he stands with me in his arms.

“We’ll see about that.”

I rest my head on his chest as he carries me out of the barn. It’s still raining but not as bad as it was. When we get inside the house, he goes straight to the master bathroom, then sets me down on the sink before filling up the tub.

He comes back over to me and starts to slowly undress me. I should bat his hands away, but the gentle way he’s taking care of me has my heart clenching and a whole bunch of emotions I don’t understand overwhelming me.

When I’m completely naked, he puts me in the tub before slipping back out of the bathroom. I don’t want him to go, and as if he can read my thoughts, he comes back. He’s changed his clothes and has brought some pajamas for me.

“Meet me downstairs.”

This time he leaves me alone without another word. I pull my knees up to my chest and guess he’s mad at me after all, because he’s barely making eye contact with me. I sit in the tub until the water starts to get cold and force myself to get out.

I don’t know why I’m so nervous to see him again. I think it’s because I’ve disappointed him. Why doesn't he yell? That's what he does when he’s mad, but this silence is worse.

I brush my hair out before putting on the clothes he left for me. When I make it back to the kitchen, he has food out for us. I look at him, and he stands, his face devoid of emotion.

“Something to drink?”

“Some juice?” He nods and gets me a cup. I sit down in front of a plate filled with stir fry. “Did you make this?” His only response is to nod as he places the cup down in front of me before he takes his seat.

“Eat,” he orders, and I pick up my fork and dig in. When the first bite hits my tongue, I realize how hungry I really am. In no time, my plate is cleared. “More?” he asks, and I shake my head.

“No thank you. I don’t think I can eat another bite.” He gives me another one of those nods before taking my plate away. I watch him put the dishes away and the quiet is starting to drive me crazy.


“You can watch TV if you like. I’ve got some things to handle in my office.” Before I can respond, he’s walking out of the kitchen and leaving me alone. A few moments later I hear his office door close.

For the second time today I’m all alone, only this time I want to burst into tears. I hate that he’s mad at me.

I stand up and debate if I should follow him, but it’s clear he wants his space. Still my feet move me toward his office until I’m standing outside the closed door.

Unable to convince myself to open the door, I turn around and go back into the living room. I grab the throw blanket and turn on the television, wondering how long he’ll be in his office.

At some point I drift off to sleep, because when I wake up, the TV is off and it’s two in the morning. Is he still in his office, or did he leave me on the couch to sleep?

When I walk into the bedroom, I see it’s empty, and I bite my lip, not wanting to get into bed alone. Last night I was going to ask about sleeping in a different room, but tonight my chest is tight because Judge isn't with me.

Unable to get in the bed, I venture back toward Judge’s office with a knot in my stomach. When I push open the door, I see him passed out on the leather sofa with a bottle of whiskey on the floor next to him.

I think Judge is already starting to see I’m not cut out to be his wife. I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. He can try and dress me up in all the pretty clothes and jewelry he wants, but I’ll still be me. The girl who is always biting off more than she can chew and getting herself in trouble even when I don’t mean to.

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