Naughty and Notorious - Page 17

I step out of the office and close the door behind me with my chest aching. It doesn't look like I have to try to make Judge’s life hell, because it turns out that being myself is enough. None of this is going how I thought it would, and Judge is a whole lot more than I could have ever dreamed up.

It’s just too bad that he’s disappointed with the woman he forced to marry him.Chapter TwelveJudgeWhen I wake up it’s still dark outside. I check my watch and see it’s around three in the morning. I didn’t mean to fall asleep, but with enough whiskey, that’s bound to happen. I sit up on the couch and rub my eyes with the heels of my hands.

I was a mess when we got back to the house, and I felt like I had no control. I still don’t know what the fuck I would have done if I hadn’t made it to Kitty in time, but when she was safe in the house again, I needed a drink. A lot of them. Not only to calm my nerves but to keep me from going to her. All I wanted to do was rip her wet clothes off and take her right there on the floor in the bathroom. But I held off and decided I needed to put some walls between me and her naked body.

At some point I thought she’d come find me, but I must have fallen asleep before that happened. Thoughts of where she is now have me standing up and searching for her.

In the living room it looks like she was here with the messy blanket and pillows, but it’s quiet now and the lights are off. I make my way to our bedroom, and although my mind is still a little foggy, my heart is leading the way.

When I get there, I see her curled up at the end of the bed and not hardly on it at all. I shake my head as I go over and scoop her up in my arms and carry her to her side.

“Judge,” she says softly as I place her down.

When I go to stand up, her arms stay locked around my neck, and the action makes me smile. “I’m coming right back,” I say and brush my lips across hers.

She releases me, and I stand up to strip off my clothes. When I’m finished, I slide the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders and peel it down.

“Why are you taking my clothes off?” she mumbles, half asleep.

“Because I need you,” I say simply, and she blinks a few times at me. After a moment she nods and lifts her hips for me to take it the rest of the way off.

We’ve both still got on our underwear as I get in the bed and pull her to me. I close my eyes and breathe her in for a long moment, wanting to feel her skin against mine.

“Are you sorry you married me?” she asks, her voice startling me. I thought she’d fallen asleep.

“What?” I’m so shocked by her question that I turn her over to face me. “Why would you ask that?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs and worries her bottom lip, and I can see tears forming in her eyes.

“Kitty, no.” I cup her face and shake my head. “Don’t you ever think that I’m sorry for one second to have you in my life.” I close my eyes and take a breath. “I’m so damn scared.” I let out a long sigh because it’s almost painful for me to admit it. “I can’t lose you.”

“But you didn’t want to see me tonight, and then I found you asleep in your office—”

I rub my thumb across her lip to cut her off. “I’m so damn sorry I made you think for even one second that I didn’t want you.” I lean in close and kiss her softly before I look into her eyes. “I love you, Kitty. I know that it may take time for you to feel the same about me, but I fucking love you.” I roll her over so she’s pinned under me, and she can’t miss the meaning behind my words.

“Kitty, you have always been the one for me, and I’ve been biding my time for the moment I could have you.” As I move between her legs, her thighs wrap around me, and I touch her cheek. “There’s nothing I want more than you being a pain in my ass for the rest of my life.”

She smiles a little when I tell her this, and I lean down and kiss her softly once more. This time her body relaxes, and I feel her hands on my chest.

“You don’t have to say it back, or say anything, but let me show you just how much I need you.” I rock against her so she can feel my hard length against her pussy. “You’re my wife, beautiful girl, and you’re mine forever.”

Tags: Alexa Riley Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024