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Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance

Page 31

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“I told you I can rock a meal.”

He pulled out a chair and gestured for me to sit down. “I love how humble you are with your cooking skills.”

I sat down in the chair. “There’s no need to be humble when you know you’re amazing.”

He left me, went to his side of the table, and sat down. “So, what’s on our activities for today?”

“I have to walk Mr. Ganesha.”

He scrunched his face and looked around. “Where is my furry nephew?”

“He’s passed out on the bed in the back. Apparently, he was the only one to lay on the bed last night and thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Kamal grinned. “He’s not supposed to be on the bed.”

“I know, and he knows. But Mama Zora isn’t here, so he’s currently living his best life.” I snapped my fingers. “A doggy has to do what a doggy has to do.”

“I’m telling on him.”

“That’s not being a good uncle.”

He cut a piece of the omelet, put it in his mouth, and then groaned. “Hmmm.”

“You like it?”

“Love it.” He gazed at my plate. “I may eat yours.”

“Ha.” I inched my plate closer to me. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Is this regular bacon?”

“No. Turkey bacon.”

“How did you get it to taste like regular bacon?”

“Family secret.”

“These hash browns are perfect. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Just how I love it.”

“Okay, Kamal. You’re inflating my ego.”

“You deserve it.” He forked some into his mouth and chewed. “I wished you lived in New York.”

“You think, if I lived here, I would cook you breakfast.”

He faked pouted. “Of course. Right?”

“Maybe, once a month as a whole event with everyone.”

“No. Once a week.” He gave me a piercing gaze. “And everyone doesn’t have to be invited.”

A nervous laugh left me.

He sipped his orange juice. “By the way, why aren’t you in New York?”

I took a bite of the bacon. “Why are you saying it that way?”

“You’re a damn good artist. You would do well out here.”

“The rent prices are crazy.”

“No crazier than Los Angeles. And Zora is here—as well as me.”

I rolled my eyes. “And you and I are so close.”

“We will be after this week.”

“Will we?”

“I feel like we’re already closer than before.”

I stirred. “True.”

“We slept together.”

I giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

“The way you said that. It sounded like you meant we had sex.”

“Oh no.” He hit me with a wicked smile. “You would know if we had sex. There would be no insinuations about that.”

“Of course not.”

“I’m just saying. You would definitely know.”

I blinked. “I’ve got it.”

“You would never forget it.”


He laughed. “As long as we’re clear about that.”

“I wasn’t even saying it that way.”

“Still, I believe there should be a clear statement about my sexual skills. I’m a man. We’re weird like that. We like to growl and bang our chests when it comes to our talent between the sheets.”

“And you believe that you should be growling and banging your chest when it comes to yours?”

He stopped eating and stared at me. “Hmmm.”

“Yes? Cat got your tongue?”

He licked his lips. “You don’t want the answer for either one of those questions.”

I shook my head, happy to get flirty Kamal back. He’d been hit hard these two days with his now ex-girlfriend cheating and his mother infected with this deadly new virus. Although I wasn’t used to him flirting with me, I enjoyed the back and forth banter and cheery mood.

“Okay.” Kamal scooped some more food into his mouth, finished it, and then said, “How are our supplies?”

I quirked my brows. “Supplies?”

“Yes. Do we have enough food to be stuck together in this apartment?”

“Probably not.”

“Make a list of everything you want. With your cooking, I’m willing to get anything you need. How’s your skills with lobster?”

I laughed. “Good.”

“Then definitely put that on the list.”

“Should I add caviar?”

“Yes, if you love it.”

“That was a joke.”

“Not for me.” He gave me a sexy wink. “Whatever you want, princess.”

“I like the term queen.”

“How about Queenie?”

“Hmmm. I don’t know.”

“Back to princess.”

“But I just said—”

“If I can’t say queenie, then it’s princess.”

“Whatever.” I forked some of my omelet. “I’ll make a list.”

“And then we can head over to the supermarket in an hour.”

I let out a long breath. “I hate going to the grocery store nowadays. It’s always packed. Everyone is anxiety-buying. It’s insane.”

“We’ll get in and get out. Will you be wearing your superhero get-up today?”


“The mask and leather jacket, you look like you’re going to kick somebody’s ass.”

“You’re just jealous that you have a simple little hospital mask.”

“I am. As your sidekick, I demand a better uniform.”

“I’ll hook you up when I get back to Los Angeles.”

He frowned.

“You don’t like that idea?”

“No. I’m fine with waiting on my mask. I just like you being in New York.”

“You’ve only been hanging with me for less than twenty-four hours—”

“Actually, we’re at twenty-four hours now.” He checked his watch. “Yep. I’ve been around you in a reasonable amount of time to suggest that you should move here.”

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