Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance - Page 35

My body warmed with our closeness. I continued to hold her arm, wondering if she felt the same electric energy that I did. It pulsed between us, hot and inviting.

“Mr. Patel,” she whispered. “What do you want?”

“Just because I bought the food, doesn’t mean I can’t help cook.”

“But the deal is you clean up afterward.”

I nodded. “Fair point. You cook. I clean. You’re fine with that?”

“I am.”

I slipped my thumb along her arm. Her skin was so silky. She moved her gaze from my face and put it on my chest. I hoped I didn’t make her nervous, but I didn’t want to let her arm go. “Let me know if I can do anything else.”

Her voice went low. “I will.”

“You sure?”


I slipped my fingers down her arm and let go. “I’m lucky to have you.”

She cleared her throat and went to the fridge. “Why do you say that?”

I left the kitchen. “You make me happy. Without you, I might have been in a dark corner, drunk and sniveling like an idiot.”

“You would have been fine.”

I leaned forward on the other side of the counter. “You’re my vaccine.”

“Wow.” She pulled out tortillas. “You’re about to hit me with the charm tonight?”

“It’s a little corny, but the truth.”

“I’m your vaccine? That’s going to be the corniest pickup line of this pandemic.”

“It’s not corny.”

“Then, we can agree to disagree.”

“Nope. What I’m going to do is serenade you and–”

“If you sing to me right now, you’ll get no dinner.”

I pouted. “Fine. I’ll just search for a good movie for us to watch.”

“There we go. That’s being productive.”

I headed off to the couch and grabbed the remote control. “And will you be my blanket this evening?”

“No. In fact. . .”

I picked up the remote and turned her way. “In fact what?”

“I was thinking that. . .I mean you mentioned in the supermarket how that couch killed your back.”

“I was frustrated.”

“Well, I was thinking. . .if it isn’t weird for you. . .we can share the bed.”

My cock throbbed in my pants. It wasn’t the most appropriate reaction. Jade was being nice and accommodating. Whereas my body immediately thought of how lovely it would be to sleep next to her. I didn’t know what was happening to me—or even us—but Jade’s presence was doing something to me. I’d ignored it yesterday, so busy in my gloom. But tonight, I couldn’t pretend that I wasn’t relishing in every minute with her.

“What do you think?” She stared at me and bit her bottom lip.

I studied her. “I would love that.”

“With that big bed, I’ll promise to not lay all over you this time.”

I smirked. “I actually appreciated that part of waking up this morning. I would sleep on the couch again if that meant waking up to you all over me.”

She blinked and went to chopping onions. “I can’t with you right now. Apparently, you are unable to turn the charm off.”

“Or maybe. . .you’re bringing it out of me.” I went back to the television screen and browsed movies. If I said more, I might make her super uncomfortable.

Ganesha rubbed against my legs and gave me a soft bark as if knowing what was on my mind.

You think it’s a bad idea, nephew?

I turned back to Jade and spent a few seconds watching her cook. She was a beautiful image to behold. I couldn’t believe I had let her go free for all these years and not once made a move. Granted, my mother or sister was always around to take her away. And if they were here now, they would warn against it.

But they’re not here. . .and she looks so goddamn sexy.

Would everything have been different if I’d gotten closer to Jade over the years? Surely, life would have been more pleasurable, if I’d fallen in love with her, instead of focusing on Amber.

With how I’m thinking. . .maybe we shouldn’t sleep together.

We were both mature. We could handle sleeping in the same bed, even though he knew I would want to rub my cock against her soft ass.

Would she let? What are you saying? Of course not.

During breakfast and after the horrible news of my mother, I couldn’t stop staring at Jade. That hug had put me in good spirits. A few times at the table, she crossed her legs and I enjoyed the sight.

What if. . .

Images spun in my head—Jade naked and me pushing inside of her.

My cock grew in my pants.

I shook my head. I was hurt about my relationship and anxious over my mother. Granted, Jade was a delight and breathtaking woman, but I couldn’t take it there with her.

I cleared my throat. “Okay. Call me when you need me.”

“I will, but where are you going?”

“I’m going to check on my mother and then take another shower.”


A very cold shower. That will get my head together.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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