Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance - Page 58

“It’s not that I don’t want to move in—”

“You’re just being scary.”

“I’m being careful—”

“During a pandemic?”

“Yes. That’s a good time to be careful.”

“Forget all of that.” I nipped at her lips. “Are you going to pretend like these past days haven’t been amazing?”

“They’ve been outstanding.”

“Everyone is in their homes, terrified. Some are all alone, wishing that they had a little bit of what we’ve just found. Count your blessings and stay with me.”

“I was talking to my friend Karen last night and she told me that there’s this new phenomenon of coronabaes.”

I sighed. “I don’t know what that is, but it has nothing to do with us.”

“A coronabae is quarantine bae for short.”

I frowned.

“This is someone a man or woman starts dating while in self-isolation who they really wouldn’t even be with if times were fine—”

“Stop right there.”

“It’s a real thing.”

“You’re attractive and smart. Excellent cook and you have the best pussy that I’ve experienced in my entire life on this earth.”

She bit her lip.

“Add all of that with the fact that my mother loves you. And she hates everybody that I bring home. Then multiply that with the fact that my sister sees you as her favorite sibling and would trade you over me.”

She widened her eyes.

“Coronabae? You’re not that to me. If anything, I’m a moron for not grabbing you sooner.”

“Okay, but—”

“No. I’m into you and we’re perfect together. Stay with me. Let’s see how it works out. Let’s take it week by week. If you hate the time with me, I’ll bow out like a man and help you get home.”

She didn’t respond as if she was going over the advantages and disadvantages in her head.

I held my hands in prayer. “You’ll have all the space and free time you require, princess.”

She grinned. “We’ll need some. . .rules to make sure that it works out.”

I leaned my head to the side. “Rules?”

“Yes.” She left me.

“What rules? I don’t know. I’ll have to think of some.”

I nodded. “Fine. Come up with some rules and I’ll follow them.”

She wiped her face with the cloth.

“Damn. You’re so fucking beautiful. I’m not going to let you go back to Los Angeles.”

She laughed.

My phone rang.

“You’re lucky someone’s calling.” I left the doorway.

“Why am I lucky?” she called back.

“Because the next time you bent over to wash your face, I was going to pull those shorts down.”

“You’re so nasty, Kamal.”

“That’s one of the qualities you enjoy.” I picked up my phone and answered, “Hello?”

Tyler’s dark voice hit the line. “Are you back with her or not?”


“Miss California.”


“Interesting. You sound like you’ve been having sex, man.”

“What?! How would you know that?”

“Motherfucker, I’ve known you since you were eight. I can always tell when you’ve just had a nut.”

“First, that’s too much information.” I went out to the balcony and shut the door behind me. “Second, don’t ever tell me you can tell I’ve had sex.”

“Oh, you’ve been fucking.” Tyler chuckled. “You sound more chipper than the last time we talked.”

“That day I had just caught Amber cheating. I should sound better.”

“No, but now you sound like you’re about to start singing.”

I spotted many of the rude Park Slopers leaving their balconies and going inside their apartments. “What’s up, Tyler? How’s the wife?”

“She’s nagging me double time. I kind of wish I caught the virus. Then, she couldn’t be around me. I mentioned that she and I should social distance in the house.”

“Her response?”

“She made me sleep on the fucking couch last night.”

I laughed. “That is social distancing.”

“Yeah, man. But I wanted a little sex in between it.”

“Sounds like you’ll need to get her favorite flowers.”

“Man, she’s on her period. It would be a waste.”

“Period or not, give her some flowers. She deserves some for dealing with you.” I gazed down at the street. Not many walked today. Almost all of the stores were closed. “Why are you calling me early in the morning with this?”

“I’m sitting in the backyard, bored as fuck and sipping a beer, hoping she don’t catch me.” He lowered his voice. “So, who did you fuck?”

“A gentleman never tells.”

“Shit. Come on, Kamal. I’m vicariously living through my only single friend right now.”

I was about to respond and paused when I caught something in front of me. Down below, Amber stood across the street, looking up at me.

No. What are you doing? Go back. Fuck!

“Come on, Kamal. Just give me a little bit of detail about this new chick.”

“Hey, Tyler. I have to go.” I hung up.

Amber raised her hand and waved at me.

No! Jade and I are doing well and here you come again?

Frowning, I called Amber.

She took her phone out of her bag and placed it next to her ear. “Kamal.”

“Why are you here?”

“I just wanted to talk. Don’t worry. I was waiting for her to walk the dog before I came up.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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