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Quarantine and Chill - AMBW Standalone Romance

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“Which is why we have to live our lives even more. Which is why we have to take chances and make bold decisions.”

She smiled. “And one bold decision is moving in with you?”


She let out a long breath. “You’re not feeling—”


“You didn’t let me finish.”

“It doesn’t matter. Move in with me. Fuck Los Angeles. I want you here. I need you here.” My eyes watered, but I wouldn’t let one tear go. “Please. I’ll beg if I have to. Kidnap you if I must.”

She blinked.

“Fuck logic. Fuck taking our time. There’s a virus out there, destroying families and taking the young and old. Rich and poor. Black and white. Let’s be happy.”

Her voice went low. “Okay.”

Excited, I rose into a sitting position.

She was forced to sit up too.

I grinned. “Okay?”

“Yes. I’ll move in.”

“It’s official? You’re my live-in girlfriend?”

“Yes, Mr. Patel. I believe that would be the official title.”

I beamed. “I have you all to myself. I told you I wasn’t going to let you go.”

She came over to me. “Good. I don’t think I can be without you now. For over a month now, we’ve been together so much.”

I pulled her into my arms and glanced up at the table. “How did you get the sandwiches from the restaurant? They smell good, but even better. It’s been so long since I’ve gone over there. I thought they closed. Do they deliver?”

“No. I made them.”

“I didn’t think you left the condo.” I kissed the curve of her neck. “You’re an amazing cook. I can’t wait to bite into them.”

“I hope I got them right.”

“You did.”

She chuckled. “You haven’t even tasted them.”

“I’m so pussy whipped. I don’t give a damn. I’m going to love the sandwich. You can’t do any wrong with me.”

She gave me a wicked smile. “Hmmm. Pussy whipped?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good.” She frowned. “However, condoms must return. One slipup, but no more.”

I groaned. “I assumed that after that electrifying moment.”

“Just because we’ve moved in, doesn’t mean we need to start a family.”

I shrugged. “We already have his cousin on the way. Why not?”

“His cousin? I’m not pregnant.”

“I’m just saying.”

“Wow.” She left my hold and stood. “No he or she, Kamal. We are taking it slow after this. Let’s move in and then see what happens.”

“Of course. And the wedding will be in a year. That gives us tons of time—”

“I’m ignoring you.”

I laughed and joined her at the table. “We’ll talk more about this later.”

She sucked her teeth.

The meal ended up being delicious. She not only matched Fernando’s sandwich, she perfected it. I yearned to lick my plate, but I had to preserve some sense of manners. I didn’t want to scare her off from her decision to stay with me by acting like a barbarian.

And I had no doubt that her moving in was a great idea. I’d rushed it with Amber. Although we had a few years of a long-distance relationship, I didn’t know Amber like I thought I did. Meanwhile, I’d grown up with Jade. My family saw her as family. And this past month with her had been some of the best weeks of my life.

That night, we lay in bed and made love again. Her lips represented the sweetest, softest delight. Her warmth comforted me. Her scent filled the space. And with each dip of my tongue and twist of hers, I knew that she would be mine forever.Chapter 21

JadeOne year later


By the middle of the summer, America perfected the antibody tests. They screened for antibodies in our blood—cells that could fight off an infection, like COVID-19. When September hit, New York City went door to door testing everyone who answered. It was a quick finger prick of blood. The results showed within five minutes. The ones who had positive results showed that their body had built an immunity to a virus. To Kamal and my shock, we had the antibodies. Sometime during the pandemic, we’d been infected. Our immune system strengthened and fought the virus off.

All those with positive antibody test results returned to their normal lives. Many who were unemployed had to bring their test results to job interviews.

Vaccines appeared by September. Many of the population didn’t want to try them. The ones that did, returned to work too. A Chinese scientist came up with a cure by Christmas which gave everybody hope that 2021 would be a better year.

It was. Although the cure was still in several trials, everyone returned to traveling, partying, and enjoying their lives. The whole world had their fingers crossed that new waves of the coronavirus would never return.

Meanwhile, in 2021, a new president was elected and a normal persisted. Masks continued for some. While others trashed them. Restaurants and salons struggled to get back on their feet. While biotech corporations and companies like Amazon reported a multibillion-dollar gain in profits for last year. The economy looked beat-up. With a couple of band-aids from the government, it improved.

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