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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

Page 17

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Yefim cleared his throat and spoke in Russian. “Is everything okay?”


“Good. I thought you may have received another threat since going into your dressing room.”

“No. I’m just pondering my next moves.”

He held the front door open for me. “You’re good at moving, so I believe you will be successful.”

Walking out of the theater, I smiled at him. “Thank you, Yefim. You’re so sweet.”

It was the first time I witnessed a scarred man blush in embarrassment.

I strolled away.

With the door open, Misha stood next to the limo, but his gaze didn’t fall on me. He studied Yefim.

Stop looking at Yefim that way. He’s a cool guy. There’s nothing to be jealous about.

I waved my hand to grab his attention. Misha directed it back to me and then slowly moved his view from my face down to the end of my dress.

I stopped in front of him. “You think my guard is hotter than me?”

He twisted his face in confusion. “Excuse me?”

“Why were you staring at Yefim? When I walked out, your gaze should have been on me.”

“Yefim?” He glanced at the guard and then returned to me. “You two are on a first-name basis?”

“First, we discuss your attention.”

The line of his jaw twitched. “You know damn well you have all my attention.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Don’t test me, Ava. I’ll have ostrich feathers all over this ground and you naked and bent over the limo. Would you like your new friends to see that?”

Smiling, I climbed into the limo.

He smacked my ass before I could sit down.

While I thought we would be alone, Maxwell sat across from me, pouring champagne for Alyssa, Ulyana, and Isabella.

He handed each one their glasses. “Ladies, I won’t say any more words until you teach me Russian.”

Isabella pouted. “But I love your accent so much. Say bullshit again, Maxwell.”

He winked. “Bullshit.”

They all giggled.

Laughing, I turned to talk to Misha and realized he hadn’t gotten inside. Instead, he stood a few feet away, talking to Yefim.

I leaned out of the limo. “Misha, what are you doing?”

“Sorry. I’m coming, Ava. Give me one minute.”

“I will not. Be nice to Yefim. I like him.”

An uncomfortable expression covered Yefim’s face.

Misha didn’t finish whatever he was saying and headed to the car. Maxwell said some more curse words among giggling.

I pushed their chatter out and stared at Misha when he climbed in. “What did you say to Yefim?”

“That tomorrow he will be guarding your grandmother from now on.”

“Absolutely not. He stays on my command.”

Misha shut the door and studied me. No expression showed on his face. “Is that right?”

“That’s correct.”

The limo sped off.

“There are two limos of ballerinas following us. Apparently, we are the party this evening.” Misha wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “You look captivating.”

“Don’t change the subject, Misha. I don’t want you to transfer Yefim.”

“Transfer.” He smiled. “Yefim is lucky he didn’t get a harsher end.”


“I didn’t like the way you smiled at him.”

“Too bad. All of my guards are terrifying—”

“That keeps others away.”

“Which I appreciate, but I would like to not be afraid of my own guards.”

He frowned.

“That means I know basic information about them.” I kissed his cheek. “Like their names. And I feel comfortable with talking to them because they’re around me all day.”

“They’re not your buddies or friends. They’re around you to—”

“Protect me. I understand, but I will still talk to them from time to time.”

He sighed.

“And guess what else?”

“Yes, Ms. Jones.”

“I may also smile at them.”

He scowled.

Isabella loudly barked. The other girls followed.

“Yeah and then wave your fists in the air.” Maxwell nodded. They pumped their fists and barked. Maxwell gave them a thumbs up. “You’ve got it.”

I returned to Misha. “Yefim didn’t even want to tell me his name. I hate the fact I got him in trouble.”

“A guard is expected to be nameless and faceless. They’re silverware. They have small purposes. With a fork, you need it to cut and pick up bits of food. That’s it. Do you ask the fork its name?”

“I like to know the names of my forks and spoons.”

He smirked. “And if your fork dies protecting you?”

“That’s even more reason why I would like to know his name. He is keeping me safe. The least I can do is learn a little about the person that is guarding me.”

“Will you bend on this?”

“No compromises. I won’t bend on this. And if you don’t leave Yefim alone, I won’t be bending over for you either.”

Misha grinned.

“You think that’s funny?”

“I think that I’ll have to teach you another lesson this evening about denying me those panties.”

Warmth gathered in my chest. “I’m open to those lessons.”

Leaning my way, he brushed his lips along my chin, slipped them up to my ear, and whispered, “You’ll have Yefim back tomorrow.”


“Tonight.” Sighing, he pulled out his phone, leaned away, and spoke into it.

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