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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

Page 38

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“Here I am?”

“About to throw me off the balcony for thinking you two should break up.”

“That is a good reason to throw you off.”

“Throw me off later. For now, let’s get down to business.” He inhaled the black cigarette and blew out smoke on his side. “The guys with the X’s are considered the Xecutioners. This is a name that people have come up with over the years. They don’t mind answering to it. Sometimes they’ll call themselves that in front of a client.”

Stepping back, I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do they call themselves?”

“They don’t. That’s why they wear the X’s.” He gestured to the back of his neck. “They have a brand here and then they have a black X tattooed on their chest, right over their heart.”


“Because they’re no longer anybody. They’re just another X in the group with no identity. They have names, but that’s just to know who to call. But their reality is that they are no one, but one moving body.”

“And the colors? Akiva said they wore violet and black.”

“They’re into fashion. Think of a band of eunuchs whose only mission is to kill. They follow a strict diet and other rules. No drugs. No women. Nothing else unless it deals with getting strong to kill.”

“No drugs or women.” Maxwell whistled. “That’s no way to live.”

“I agree.” Naveen nodded. “Their only joys are killing and clothes, so they spend a lot of time being the best at each.”

Sighing, I turned to the balcony’s view and gazed at the buildings in front of us. Weeks ago, Valentina, Maxwell, and I had been at the brothel across from this penthouse, killing the Brotherhood’s enemies.

I spied Maxwell studying that same brothel. He’d been forced to kill a man who he had considered a brother there.

Is it hard to look at that building?

Maxwell turned away and took a hit of his joint.

Naveen grabbed my attention. “When I arrived in St Petersburg, I left a message with Hiro.”

“He’s the leader?”

Naveen blew out smoke. “As much as they can have one.”

Maxwell spoke up. “When’s the last time you saw these dudes?”

“Three years ago.”

Smoke left Maxwell’s nostrils. “How do you know the number is still good?”

“It’s a simple code. Do you remember the alphabetic order attached to telephone numbers?”

I nodded.

“The 9 represents the letters wxyz.”

Maxwell took another hit of his joint. “So, you dial 9 how many times?”

“Nine times.” Naveen flicked ash onto the ground. “A recording came up, asking to state the job and contact information.”

I returned to gazing at the spectacular view of downtown St Petersburg. “What did you say?”

“I told him that I was in St Petersburg and needed to talk immediately. That the job that he may have been contracted to do here can be outbid.”

A chilly breeze blew by, reminding me that I should have put on my shirt. I placed my hands in my jacket’s pockets. “Tell me more about the Xecutioners.”

Naveen’s phone rang.

I turned around.

Naveen put out his cigarette and checked his phone. “Perhaps they’ll tell you themselves.”

“Put it on speaker.”

Naveen turned the phone on. “Hello.”

A dark voice rose on the balcony. “Meet us downstairs and only bring your two friends standing out on the balcony right now. No guards.”

Naveen frowned. “Can you guarantee a safe meeting?”

“Tonight everyone is safe. Tomorrow, we never know.”

The line went blank.

A cold chill hit me. This time it wasn’t due to the weather.

Naveen gave me a worried look. “I told you they were good.”

“Or they followed you here,” Maxwell offered.

“Or they’ve been watching this penthouse for a few days.” I headed to the door. “Let’s go.”

Maxwell called back. “Without your guys?”

“Misha has to make good on his promise,” Naveen chimed in. “They’re about honor and codes. You show up with an army and there will be a war.”

Maxwell sucked his teeth. “Better a war than Misha walking into a blood bath.”

I stopped at the balcony door. “We go without my men, but we’ll have guns on us.”

“Don’t pull them out unless you have to,” Naveen stressed. “This is a safe meeting.”

“Fuck that. I don’t know these guys.” Maxwell headed over to me.

I opened the door and stepped through.

Naveen yelled after me. “Put on a shirt. A nice one. Not wrinkled and make sure it goes well with your suit.”

Maxwell laughed. “Are we trying to fuck or kill them?”

“Laugh now,” Naveen said, “but when you deal with them. You won’t be laughing.”

It took me less than five minutes to change. Thankfully, Ava was showering in the bathroom. I knew she was annoyed with me and would want to talk more about any possible dangers. I loved that she cared, but needed her to stay out of it. I had to get a handle on all of this. Any involvement from her would only keep me distracted.

Once I put on my shirt, I left the bedroom and went to the living room.

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