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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

Page 42

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“But you won’t let me outbid my contract?”

“We like to deliver on at least part of the request. Leonid Turgenev gave us two contracts. While I will allow for one outbidding due to it being a woman, I will come through on the other.” Hiro’s smirk deepened. “Unless there are reasons that arise where it doesn’t matter.”

I spoke through clenched teeth, “Reasons?”

Hiro half bowed. “Good evening, Mr. Stronz.”

I scowled at him, ready to take my chances and snap his neck.

Naveen stepped in front of me and whispered. “Let’s talk this through outside.”

Maxwell patted my back. “Yeah. It’ll be fine. Let’s go.”

I dragged myself away, unsure of what would happen next. The only good side to the whole matter was that Ava would be safe from these assassins.

The danger is only for me. Just another day as usual.

Pissed, I left with Maxwell and Naveen. They remained behind me as if making sure that I wouldn’t turn around and fight the Xecutioners. Surely, I wanted to give them a try. I didn’t care that I would be outnumbered. The fact that Leonid had contracted them to kill Ava, too, enraged me to no end. I was the one that killed his grandfather, not her.

Okay, Leonid. I was going to save you for last. Now things will be different. And when I kill you, I will take my sweet time.

When we exited the brothel, cool air hit my face.

“What was that, Misha?” Naveen raised his hands in the air. “Did I not explain to you that they were lethal?”

Maxwell took a joint out and lit it. “If he didn’t remember, the pile of dead bodies should have been a clue.”

“Pile of dead bodies. That’s not that difficult to make happen.” I stared at the building. “Who does he think he is?”

“Hiro,” Naveen said.

“That was a rhetorical question.” I frowned. “The clothes. Jewelry. The matter fact macabre presentation of the Brotherhood’s men—all piled on top of each other. The Xecutioners were just showing off.”

“Of course they were. However one must admit it wasn’t a bad show.” Naveen shrugged. “Like I told you before, my goal is to keep you alive. You have Ava safe. Now we need to focus on you.”

Maxwell blew out smoke. “And it’s a simple solution too. That motherfucker was speaking in riddles, but I understood the meaning behind the words.”

Naveen turned to him. “Which is what?”

“There rule is not to kill women. I’m sure this Leonid guy was told that but remained adamant. They took the contract anyway, knowing that they could convince you to outbid him.” Maxwell handed the joint to me.

I took the joint. “Keep talking.”

Maxwell put his hands in his pockets. “So now they don’t have to kill Ava and they have you doing their bidding for whatever enemy they have in Japan.”

Naveen nodded. “It’s Kenji—the Dragon. Hiro can’t safely return to Japan to see his family because of him.”

Maxwell quirked his brows. “The Dragon? Who’s that?”

Without asking, Naveen grabbed the joint and puffed on it. “Hiro was not just a teacher, he was a professor of chess. Be careful with him and take note of everything he says.”

“The Dragon is the head of the Yakuza.” I blew out smoke. “This makes things difficult. If I blackout Japan for Hiro, then it looks like the Brotherhood sides with him. Any relationship that Kazimir has with the Dragon will be shaky after that.”

Maxwell took the joint back from Naveen. “Either way, Hiro wants you as an ally against the Dragon or at least the Brotherhood on his side. Which means, he’s not trying to kill you.”

Naveen shook his head. “That doesn’t mean Misha is safe, either.”

I widened my eyes. “But it does mean I have several options.”

“Which brings us to Hiro talking about reasons,” Maxwell inhaled the joint. Smoke left his nostrils. “Hiro said that they like to deliver. The Xecutioners’ reputation probably depends on it.”

“It does.” Naveen eyed the joint as if waiting for more.

Maxwell handed it to me. “Hiro said that he will come through on your contract unless there are reasons that arise where it doesn’t matter.”

Thinking about that, I didn’t smoke the joint. Instead, I gave it to Naveen.

“Get it?” Maxwell smiled. “Kill the one who requested the contract and then there’s no reason for the Xecutioners to deliver on it. Their reputation is intact because the motherfucker can’t speak.”

“I don’t know.” Naveen puffed on the joint. “That might be a jump to a wrong conclusion. Leonid is going to be protected. If we spend all of our time going after him and are wrong, then Misha may be dead.”

“Naw.” Maxwell smirked. “Kill Leonid, protect Ava, then go to Kazimir for more reinforcements. Boom. We’re done.”

Naveen gave the joint to Maxwell. “Misha, what do you think?”

“I think that protecting Ava is at the top of my list, and the second is killing Leonid. Once both are done, let’s see if the Xecutioners are still on the chessboard.”

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