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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

Page 46

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Next to the shelf, a large tower of chess boards rested on a table.

That’s an odd chessboard.

I counted eight ebony boards stacked three inches above each other and held up by a silver panel. Carved moon phases embellished the panel. Pieces were on each board. The lowest board was a sight to behold. It was the only one that touched the table. Its legs were carved out of gold and studded with gems.

I checked it out. “What is this?”

The door shut behind him. “That’s three-dimensional chess.”

I walked up to it. “I’ve never heard of this. How would you play it?”

“The players use multiple boards to represent different levels, allowing the chess pieces to move in three physical dimensions.”

O-kay. . .

To say that the set was lavish would be a huge understatement. It was immaculate and filled with great craftsmanship. Glittering gold and silver adored each carved piece. And they all wore medieval garments that were exquisitely detailed and superbly gothic in appearance. And they weren’t the standard shaped chess pieces, they looked like actual kings, queens, knights, bishops, pawns, and rooks. Their faces stared back at me as if soon they would come alive.

“Are the pieces handmade?” I asked.

“You have a good eye. You can pick them up. Everyone always wants to.”

I picked up a piece that I wasn’t familiar with.

Is this a unicorn?

The bewitching animal was craved from silver, yet the horn was gold. It weighed heavy in my hand.

I placed it back on the board. “What piece is this?”

“The unicorn. It’s a special piece only in 3D chess.”

“You’ll have to teach me this. I can play regular chess well, but this is something else.”

“Circuit should be your true teacher. He always kicks my ass, but I would love to start you off.”

I slipped my fingers along the highest board, making sure to not disturb the pieces. “Where did you get this from?”

“Star Trek introduced me to it.”

Smirking, I took my view from the chess boards and scanned the rest of the space. Tons of swords covered the wall near the bed.

“Did you fence?”

“I did at my private school, but was kicked out of the fencing class.”


“They thought I was too violent.”

I laughed. “Did they have a point?”

“Perhaps.” Taking off his jacket and slinging it on the desk, Misha pointed further back. “Make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. Treat this space as yours. Anything you need, just ask me.”

“Thank you.” I strolled over to the bathroom and peeked my head inside. It held a large freestanding bathtub, bidet, washbasin, and toilet. I returned my view to Misha. “How long will we be here?”

“Until the threat is over.”

I blinked.

“And. . .” He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

I leaned my head to the side. “And?”

“For a few days, you will be down here by yourself.”

I gulped in fear.

“That’s to keep you protected. I must go to Paris to meet with my cousin. When I do, the Xecutioners may think I’m running from them. If they do, there’s a chance they could switch the contract back to you.”

I let out a long breath. “I understand.”

“I’m glad you do.”

“Even if I didn’t, I would listen to your instructions.” I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “I put you in this mess. You saved me from being raped by one of those three men. And still, you have worked endlessly to keep Grandma and me safe.”

“Ava.” He put his finger on my chin and tilted my face to him. “I will always work at keeping your family and you safe. Never feel guilty about that.”

“Thank you.” I raised my hands, grabbed his palm, and studied his long fingers. “I can’t see the rice chip on your hand like I can on Circuit’s hands.”

“As I said before, he went too far and jumped in right when this was a new thing. I waited.” He rubbed his index finger against my palm. “Can you feel it?”

A subtle bump pressed against my skin. The chip was probably no bigger than a dot. I raised his finger and stared at it. “This is just to open your room here?”

“It does several things. It also unlocks my laptops down here which holds top secret information. Things that many governments would like sealed. Additionally, there are locations and files my cousin wants stored for safekeeping. No one could ever get inside this room or those laptops without my finger.”

“And many don’t even know that your finger is what unlocks it all?”

“Correct. Only Circuit and now you.”

Stunned, I opened my mouth.

He smirked. “Can you keep a secret?”


“You told me that I reminded you of Club Pleasure with all the secret entrances and hidden levels. You are correct, but I want to change that when it comes to you.”

“I noticed. Each day you’ve been giving me an inside look.”

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