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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

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Holding the stretch, I gazed at him in the mirror. “How long did you watch me?”

“For a year.”

I bit my lip.

“It became an obsession.”

“That doesn’t make it right.”

“But it is the truth.”

“Where were the cameras in the condo?”

“Everywhere except the bathroom.”

I took my leg off the barre and turned around. “So definitely my bedroom?”

He towered over me. “Definitely.”

“And you’re confessing this now so I will stay off the topic?”

He frowned.

“Got you.” I walked off.

He gently grabbed my arm and drew me back his way. “Are you sure you’re done stretching those legs?”

“When will we be safe from the Turgenev family?”

Anger blazed in his eyes. “When they’re all dead?”

“Do you really think you’ll have to kill the whole family?”

“I’ll start with Leonid. If nothing else comes from them, then the rest is safe.”

Swallowing, I left his hold and walked to the center of the room. “Start the first song over, please.”Chapter 17


It hadn’t been a great feat to get a proper playlist for Ava’s rehearsal room. When I began watching her a year ago, I made my own list. It included all the songs that I loved watching her dance too. From then on, I carried out my days listening to the music.

Should I have confessed that I watched her?

I hadn’t thought it through. I just told her. The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stuff them back in. While I didn’t want to tell her all my plans in the criminal world, I didn’t like any secrets between us. Something about Ava made me yearn to cut open my mind and let her peek inside.

The flowing cello of Andante Cantabile filled the room.

The first time I watched Ava dance to this, I couldn’t get the song out of my head. I played it over and over for weeks. It was a radiant outpouring of melody. At this point, I knew every note. It opened with a slow-tempo introduction. The cello delivered an ominous theme. Two minutes into the song, the violins held onto a single note for ten seconds before the piece emotionally surged into its second section. In that next section, the musician plucked the cello, making a tip-toeing sound that intrigued the mind.

In the center of the room, Ava arched her back and rose onto her toes. My breath caught. Inch by inch, she raised her hands. Warmth shot through my skin. Her fingertips fluttered in the air. I stepped back and leaned against the wall. Right when the violins began to hang onto one note, she lifted one leg into the air and masterfully balanced her body on one toe.

My cock jerked to life. What could be better than this moment? Ava danced right in front of me. Only a few feet rested between us. No one else could see her—not the audience or her devoted fans. This moment would be all mine. And in any second, I could rush onto the floor and capture her. Take her away. Gather her in my arms. Peel that leotard off and pierce her with my cock.

A horny beast woke within my core. He’d been in a deep sleep. I’d gone out and killed for Ava. Stabbing and slicing men with no dread or sense of wrong. I would do anything for her. No one would harm her. And now she danced in front of me. I felt like a warrior that had just come home from war and she was the beautiful maiden performing only for me.

Arms folded and on tiptoe, she dreamily twirled around in a circle. She glided and then leaped, flying above the floor. When she landed, she coasted in a swift forward-drifting motion. Then she spun around. The movement flowed. Excitement buzzed through my body. She leaped, landed, and spun again. In that moment, I realized that she had her eyes closed. My heart raced.

And then the song and her merged. I did not know where the notes began and she ended. They united in one perfect motion. She rode melody, spinning, and skittering across the floor. This room had never known such magic in its life. This property would forever be better because of it.

Opening her eyes, she slowly danced over to me, but not too close. Three feet lay between us. She did a slow bow, then rose, and spun around.

I bit my lip.

When she faced me again, she lifted her leg and balanced on one pointed toe. “Do you know where this song comes from?”

Speechless, I only parted my lips. It was like an angel had come down from earth to speak to me.

She widened her eyes. “Misha?”

I cleared my throat. “I know the title, but that doesn’t matter. I call this Ava’s song.”

A smile spread across her face. “This is from the ballet, The Red Shoes.”

“Have you performed in it?”

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