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Dirty Obsessions - The Lion and The Mouse

Page 118

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“And if the Dragon doesn’t see this as some show, but an actual threat?”

“Then what comes will come.”

“Let me outbid the contract.”

“Not an option.”

“I can get Kenji alone under the guise that I want to meet him. I can even have my cousin, Kazimir, put the meeting together. Kenji will have to agree.”

Hiro’s voice held skepticism. “Bratva meeting the Yakuza for tea? Kenji will have an army hidden ready, to deal with any threat coming his way.”

I glared.

The blond Xecutioner tapped Hiro’s shoulder and whispered in his ear. Hiro let out a long breath and looked at me. “If you did this meeting of tea, would you bring Ava with you?”


“If you bring her, then he’ll know it isn’t a threat.”

“I don’t want her involved—”

“Ava did the contract. Not you. You’re lucky I’m even discussing this matter with you. She should be here.” Hiro placed the lollipop back in his mouth. “However, I’m open to this new plan. Bring Ava to Tokyo for tea with the Dragon. Let Kenji know that he should bring his wife. She’s a fan of Ava.”

“There’s no need to bring the women into this.”

“There is. A feminine touch keeps the knives and guns away. Besides, Kenji’s wife keeps his cock tight in her hands. If she’s there, he’ll actually listen to what I must say.”

“That’s why you wanted to lure the wife out.”

“Nyomi is a good woman. Very sensible. She’ll keep him calm. Plus, she’s pregnant. He won’t want any weapons around.”

“What’s the point of this?”

“I need to talk to him.”


Hiro shook his head.

“I have questions. If you’re going to involve Ava, then at least give me answers.”

Hiro waited a few seconds and then glanced at his men. The blond shrugged. Hiro turned back to me. “The Dragon wants to retire and have me take over. I can’t. Once you’re an Xecutioner there is no other family. We are one blood. One heart. This is an oath that ends when I die.”

“And the Dragon is not happy with this oath.” I thought back to the people Hiro freed in Tokyo. “So, the Dragon captured other Xecutioners and kept them hidden from you?”

The blond stirred but said nothing.

Hiro spoke, “Kenji planned on getting rid of all the Xecutioners, thus ending my oath. When he imprisoned the group he captured, he’d given me a deadline to take over the yakuza. If I didn’t, then he would kill them all.”

“And when you freed them, I helped you get the upper hand?”

Hiro nodded. “Now, he has no hold on me. But I will always have to look over my shoulder. And the Xecutioners will never truly be safe with him searching for us.”

I considered this. “If this meeting happens and I’m involved, Kenji and I will forever be enemies.”

“Maybe yes. Maybe no. Most important. You and I will be friends forever.” Hiro pulled the lollipop out and licked the image. “Would you like to be best friends with me?”

I glared at him.

“Me too, Mosquito. Me too.” Chuckling, he walked off.

The Xecutioners followed.

“Hiro,” I called after him.

Hiro stopped but didn’t turn around.

“I have to bury my father. Give Ava and me two weeks before we work on this plan.”

“That I can do, Mosquito.” He glanced over his shoulder. “And I’m sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be to lose a father, even if you hated him more than loved him.”

I had no response.

He left with his squad of killers. They jumped on their bikes, put on their helmets, and sped away.

“I know how hard it can be to lose a father, even if you hated him more than loved him.”

I headed back to the limo, not sure if I helped the situation or not. I at least had two weeks to come up with some plan to get Ava out of the contract. Worst case scenario, if we did go to Tokyo it would be together, instead of her twirling on a stage in front of a bunch of gangsters.

When I climbed into the limo, my phone rang.

I answered, “Yes?”

Worry rode Naveen’s words. “Have you seen the news?”

The limo drove off, leaving the Peter and Paul Fortress behind.

I rubbed my head, hoping there wouldn’t be any new problems arising. “No. I didn’t see the news. What’s wrong?”

“Someone bombed Paris.”

I widened my eyes. “Where?”

“The same place that Kazimir and the French exchanged their women.”

I nodded. “So Kazimir bombed Paris.”

“I was thinking that it could be him.”

“You’re smarter than that, Naveen. You know it was him. In fact, are you even surprised?”

“I’m glad I left Paris.”

“You’re in Prague?”

“At the castle right now. Rolan is here with his girlfriend.”

I quirked my brows. “Girlfriend?”

“Ava’s grandmother.”

“Is that supposed to be funny, Naveen?”

“What? No. That’s how he introduced her when I showed up.”

An ache hit my temples. “Rolan was supposed to keep his hands off Ava’s grandmother.”

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