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It's Never Easy - Boudreaux Universe

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The party is in full swing an hour later. People are mingling, looking at the art, and I haven’t stopped smiling since we opened the doors. I’m holding a glass of champagne when a couple walks up to me.

“You must be the new protégé,” the woman says, holding out her hand. “I’m Kate, and this is Eli. My husband and Julian go way back.”

“Oh, it’s lovely to meet you,” I say, shaking her hand and her husband’s. They look at me for a long moment before I ask Eli, “So, you’ve probably seen his art before?”

“I have, but not often. He’s never enjoyed showing off his talents.” The man is handsome, and Kate is utterly stunning, and I can’t help my appraisal of them. They make a stunning couple.

“That’s shocking,” I tell him. “He has a natural flair for capturing emotion on canvas.” I sip my drink, hoping my words haven’t sounded too forward. Too excited for me to be just his employee.

“He is one of a kind. I’ve seen some incredible talent from Julian, and always told him to put it out there. I’m glad to see he’s listened,” Eli tells me. “And don’t let him upset you in any way. The man is a grumpy asshole when he wants to be.”

“Am I?” Julian’s deep drawl comes from beside us, causing Eli to chuckle. “I thought you said you’d be late,” Julian tells his friend as they shake hands. I take note of how Julian kisses Kate’s knuckles as he lifts her hand to his mouth.

“We were, and then Eli drove like a bat out of hell to get here on time,” she informs Julian with a smile. Eli places his hand on her lower back before he presses a kiss to her cheek.

“She loves when I do that.”

Kate rolls her eyes, causing us all to laugh. The comfortable banter amongst them hits me with a pang. In this moment, I miss Phee. I wish she were here already, beside me, offering me the advice I so clearly need when it comes to my new job, my new life.

“I think we should check out Julian’s paintings,” Kate says. “It’s lovely to meet you. Hopefully, we’ll see you soon?” It’s a question that has me nodding even though I’m not sure they will.

“Yes, I’m sure,” is all I can muster before they leave me with Julian, who’s staring at me. I can feel the burn of his gaze on the side of my face. I don’t know if I should look at him because if I do, I know I’ll be lost in those dark eyes.

Stay professional.

“They seem to like you,” he says when I don’t speak.

“I didn’t know a man like you had friends,” I tell him, but offer a grin to ensure he knows I’m joking. And it works because he guffaws. The sound is like music to my ears. I haven’t heard him laugh before, I mean truly laugh, and the smile on his face makes my heart leap wildly in my chest.

I take him in for a long moment. I was right, the corners of his eyes crinkle when he grins, and it only seems to make him even more handsome than before.Chapter 14JulianI’m just done saying goodbye to Eli and Kate at the end of the night when I head back into the gallery to find Nea tidying the glasses by setting them on the trays.

“You don’t have to do that, Nea, they’ll be back in the morning to collect everything,” I tell her. It’s almost midnight, and I know I should probably drive her home, but instead, I offer, “There is a guest room. I’d prefer you to stay tonight. We’ve both been drinking, and it would be safer.”

“Are you sure?” She turns to regard me, her eyes shining, and I can’t stop myself from closing the distance between us. Everything inside me is calling for me to kiss her, to touch her soft skin, to pull her into my arms. But there’s that sliver of doubt that I’m not meant to do this. That I’ll only hurt her.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Even as I say it, I’m not sure I’m talking about the glasses anymore, or even her staying over. There’s an underlying confession that’s sitting on my lips, just waiting for her to say yes, to give me the green light and tell me she feels something between us as well.

“Thank you,” she whispers, her lips curling into a gentle smile, shy, yet her eyes hold fire that has me moving forward, wanting to be burned in her flames.


“I can’t help it,” I tell her honestly. “I don’t know why I want to kiss you.” It’s the god’s honest truth because I can’t explain what this girl is doing to me. She’s sunshine and light, but she dresses like nighttime and darkness. She’s a walking paradox, and I want more of her.

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