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It's Never Easy - Boudreaux Universe

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“I told you they’d like you. I don’t know why you were worried.” I cast a quick glance at her before turning my attention back on the road.

“You were right.”

I can’t help smiling. Today went well. And I hope this evening will be filled with orgasms and no tears. At least for her. I haven’t told Nea why I’ve been trying to stay busy today. Even though we had the dinner tonight, I had focused all my energy on getting the gallery ready for the next exhibit. And even as I did that, I was at war with myself, knowing I would have to have a conversation with her tonight. That I’m going to have to tell her about what’s about to storm into our lives.

“Are you okay?” Nea’s question drags me from the impending darkness, and I drag my gaze toward her before I turn to look at what she’s gesturing at. My hands are twisted around the steering wheel so tightly, my knuckles are white. I didn’t even notice, but deep down, the way my stomach has twisted is evidence enough that I’m anxious.

“Yeah, fine.” The lie slips easily from my tongue, and I inwardly admonish myself. She doesn’t need my lies. And she definitely doesn’t need me making excuses. Nea has been good to me, and even though I am still worried about bringing my darkness on her, I know I have to give her honesty. And as if she’s reading my mind, she calls me out on it.

“I can tell when you’re lying.” I can feel her eyes burning through me, but I don’t turn to her. I can’t face her. Pulling up the driveway, I stop outside the house. Nea doesn’t ask why I brought her here, and I don’t speak. In a way, she’s giving me a reason to admit my pain, but I can’t bring myself to do it. All these years, I’ve hidden behind the articles and reviews I’ve written. Even when I had Shay, I hid in my studio.

I shouldn’t do it to Nea. She deserves better.

“Let’s go inside, and we can talk,” I finally say to her. She doesn’t look impressed with my suggestion, but after a moment, Nea nods, and we exit the vehicle.

She walks ahead of me. There’s a space between us, not a physical one, but an emotional one. And it’s got me tense. What I have to tell her isn’t going to go down well, and I have a feeling that even before this has had a chance to start, it could be coming to an end.

The moment we step inside the house, Nea makes a beeline for the sofa, curling up on the cushions but keeping her gaze trained on the window.

I settle beside her, but she scoots up before turning to look at me. “Are you breaking up with me?”

“What?” My brows furrow in confusion. “No. Why would I do that?”

“You said we need to talk, Julian.” Her tone is biting, and I don’t blame her. I did say that, but when I did, I never realized how it would sound to her.

“We do, but it’s more just me telling you about my past, about something that’s happening, and I needed to speak to you, so you don’t freak out about it.”

Her eyebrows lift toward her hairline, her eyes widen, and her mouth purses as she regards me. Jesus, I’m making a fucking mess of this.

“Can we just talk, and I’ll explain?”

“You’re welcome to talk as much as you like,” she mutters. “But I’d like it plain and simple. I don’t need you to tiptoe around me. I’m not some crazy woman who’s going to slash your tires if you do want me to leave.”

“My ex-wife is coming here,” I blurt, not wanting her to carry on her tirade. She’s right. I can’t treat her with kid gloves. She’s an adult, all grown up, and I should treat her as an equal.

“Why is she coming here?” Nea questions, setting her feet on the floor, and I have a feeling if I did break up with her, she’d make a run for it. But this is so far from what she’s thinking.

“When I sent her the divorce papers, I believed that she signed them. Her lawyer had confirmed everything was finalized.”

“And it’s not?”

“Apparently, my lawyer called this morning to tell me they’d been contacted by Shay’s legal team, and they want money from me. It turns out, they doctored the paperwork.”

“You can sue them, or take them to prison, or something.” Nea’s on her feet, pacing back and forth as she speaks, and I can’t help but admire her strength. At first, I really thought she’d run, but she hasn’t.Chapter 21NeaHe doesn’t say a word. He watches me with those dark eyes and that handsome face that doesn’t fail to anger me. Julian had me at wit’s end on our first meeting. When I walked in here for my interview, all I wanted was to slap the grump off his face. But now, all I want to do is slap the worry off his face.

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