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Wild Heir (Fated Royals 4)

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He was my first, but as for him? I studied his magnificent body, his half-flaccid cock… I was certain I was just one of many.

What we’d done meant something to me, and I was unwilling to let him show me that it meant nothing to him. He’d told me otherwise, but in my mind, his words were twisted into a intricate game he must be playing with me. If I left first, I’d be able to get back some of the control that I had handed over so readily.

Re-center my focus on the plan. Stop getting lost in this intoxicating man.

Carefully, I moved his massive arm off of me and let my legs slide off the bed. The wood floor was chilly, but much warmer than what I was used to at my parents’ estate. I sat there for a moment, blinking off my sleepiness, and then walked softly to where my half-shredded nightdress lay on the floor.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Vasile growled, his voice doubly dark and deep from sleep.

I froze with the soft white fabric dangling from my hooked finger and looked back at him. He had one eye open, his hair a mess, and he was looking at me with such dreamy warmth that my words got caught in my throat.

“I was…”

He narrowed his eyes, making his long lashes nearly dust his rugged cheeks. He lifted up the blanket and sheets to make a space for me and raised his eyebrow.

“Get your ass back in bed and I’ll pretend you didn’t just try to sneak out. Deal?”

A pulse of desire radiated out from between my legs at the sound of his voice.

So much for taking control of the situation.

Sighing, I padded back to the bed and crawled in beside him. He pulled me up against his body, spooning me and enveloping me with his warmth and strength. He crossed his thick forearms over my chest and shifted his hips slightly so that his cock rested between my thighs.

I let my body relax into his as I looked out the mullioned windows through half-closed lids. The dawn light was breaking over the hills, casting long shadows from the hardy evergreens that grew in our harsh climate.

But as the light grew brighter, the real consequence of what I had done in the heat of all that passion began to dawn on me, too.

There were things I had not considered in my so-called plan.

I turned my head to look into Vasile’s eyes, and whispered, “He’ll kill me if he finds out…”

Vasile opened his eyes slowly, inhaling and clearing his throat. He focused on me, watching me carefully. I watched a series of emotions pass through his eyes. Fear, concern, acceptance… and finally hard, dark, ferocious determination.

“That motherfucker won’t lay a hand on you,” Vasile growled. “You have my word. Whatever it fucking takes, I will keep you safe.”

He pulled me closer and nestled his cheek against mine.

His body was tense for a long while, and I could feel the pounding of his heart against my back. I shivered even nestled next to Vasile’s warmth.

How far would he go to protect me?

How far was too far when it came to Vasile Greengallow?

As sleep finally took me, I willed myself to dream of a simple life. A life where girl’s were not used as pawns in the games men played.

A life where my destiny was my own.

A life where I choose love.

And love chose me.Chapter 12VasileHer words haunted my sleep. He’ll kill me…

Not because I was scared, but because she was.

I pulled her closer, sliding my hand down her body to pull her hips tighter against mine.

I didn’t care what Petre thought of me, or what he intended to do to me for what we’d just done. In fact, if I was being honest with myself, I took a certain perverse pleasure in knowing that this would anger him.

Not hurt him. Because you would need a heart for that.

Anger him.

He wasn’t the sort of person that loved, so he wasn’t the sort of person that could feel loss. But he would be mad as a box of gunpowder in a furnace. When gunpowder explodes, there’s a real chance that someone nearby is going to lose a limb.

Or worse.

I forced my eyes closed and inhaled her scent. It ran through me like a drug, the first hit and I was addicted and I know already, I’ll never recover.

In her hair, all messy from sweat and fucking, I smelled her perfume, and also the leftover hint of cloves from her cigarettes.

I found my hand sliding down between her thighs. I cupped her pussy in my palm, forcing myself to suppress a groan as I felt her wetness. But she was sound asleep in my arms, dead tired, and she let out a sexy little sleepy moan, then shook her head even in her state of hard fucked unconsciousness.

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