Deviant - Black Mountain Academy - Page 32

My phone chimes loudly in the empty room, causing me to jump away from Elian’s hands. When I pull out the device, I find his brother’s name flashing on the screen.

“Answer it,” he tells me, knowing who’s calling.

I swipe my finger across the screen and place the phone at my ear. “Hello.”

“Have you made your choice yet?” he asks, the deep gravel of his tone making me ache.

“No,” I answer honestly. I need time. I said that before, when I knew about them both wanting me, but now that I have to choose, I’m uncertain. My gaze cuts to Elian’s, the blue shimmering with need, and I know if Ahren were here, he’d be looking at me the same way.

The door clicks behind me, causing me to spin on my heel, and I find Ahren on the threshold of the classroom. His dark eyes finding me, he lowers his hand holding his phone.

“Then I guess I better be here for the decision,” he says, shutting himself inside and making his way toward the desk. He stops beside me, his arm snaking around my waist. “Did my brother tell you that he was testing you for this?”

“What?” I glance over at Elian who’s shaking his head slowly. He looks at his brother, anger dancing in those endless pools. “What is he talking about?” Even as I ask the question, I know what Ahren means. They both know about my past.

“I got your file when you joined my class. I read up on what happened, why you came to Black Mountain, and I know about your past,” Elian tells me. He doesn’t flinch when he speaks, and he doesn’t look away from me, the honesty in what he’s telling me shining in his stare. “I know about the night you were arrested. And I know about your… proclivities.”

“So, you and your brother decided to toy with me?” The surprise is clear in my voice. I can’t be overly angry; the story made the media frenzy follow me around as if I were a celebrity. But I have to own it. I’m not ashamed of that night, it was fun, but what I am remorseful for was the drugs that night of the break in. I never want to dive down that rabbit hole ever again.

“Yes, I did play with your emotions, as well as Ahren’s,” Elian finally answers, bringing me back to the present. “I wanted to see if you could be swayed.”

“But he’s feeling guilty and wants your forgiveness,” Ahren finishes his brother’s sentence. “I won’t stand in your way, pretty girl,” Ahren tells me. “This is your choice. And I will respect it. As I said to you on Friday, all I ask is for a fair chance to be your friend, even if you choose Elian.” I find his honesty refreshing. His dark eyes simmer with affection, and even though we haven’t known each other that long, I’m almost certain he’s going to play a huge part in my life.

I turn to his brother. “Do you enjoy fucking around with people’s lives?” I ask Elian who’s watching intently. As angry as I am right now, I don’t walk out like I should. “Tell me something, and I want complete honesty.”

“Anything.” Elian waves his hand as if he’s not bothered by everything that’s transpired here today. “I will never lie to you.”

“Tell me, why me? Of all the girls in your class, you chose me. And why hurt your brother like this?” The thought of choosing one brother over the other makes my chest ache. It may be stupid, but I do like Ahren.

“Because when I look at you, you’re the only woman in my class I want to fuck so hard she doesn’t remember her name the next day,” Elian says with a nonchalant shrug. “Putting my job on the line for a woman is not something I take lightly. My brother is stronger than you can imagine. His hurt is only his ego. Nothing more. But my reason for doing what I did was to give you a chance with someone closer to your age, someone you can walk hand-in-hand down the street with. And I needed to know if this was merely a game to you.”

“But that’s not what she wants, Elian.” Ahren steps closer to me. His hand landing gently on my shoulder, and I glance into his dark stare. “I have to head out,” he tells me, then leans in to press his lips to my cheek. Before he pulls away, he whispers, “It’s okay. I promise you; he will be good to you. Just remember, you hold all the power.” He turns and heads for the door because he knows my choice before I voice it. “Brother.” He tips his head toward Elian before shutting us in the classroom alone.

Tags: Dani Rene Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024