Happily Letter After - Page 20

“Sure. Just a moment. They’re in the cabinet in the kitchen. Please, make yourself at home while I grab one.”

A part of me felt so guilty about what I was doing, yet another part of me couldn’t help but look around, given the opportunity. The uglier part won out when I saw the framed photos on the mantel above the big fireplace that I’d spotted earlier from the window. My heart squeezed when I picked up the first one. It was a picture of Sebastian and his wife bundled up in winter coats and hats, in front of a snow-covered mountain. They both had on skis, and Sebastian held Birdie up in the air with one arm—and she had a snowboard strapped to her little feet. She couldn’t have been more than five or six in the picture. Her chubby cheeks were all red, and she wore the biggest, happiest smile I’d ever seen. Even though Sebastian looked super handsome, it was Birdie’s smile that I couldn’t peel my eyes from.

Magdalene returned before I could stop staring. Seeing what had captured my attention, she smiled sadly. “That’s Mr. Maxwell and his daughter, Birdie.” She made the sign of the cross. “And his beloved wife, Amanda. She’s gone now. God rest her soul.”

I felt myself starting to get all choked up, so I coughed to clear my throat and set the frame back down. “Well, they’re a very beautiful family.”

Magdalene nodded. She handed me the dog treat, and I returned my attention to Marmaduke. I hoped like hell he remembered what he’d learned. Following what we’d practiced, I let him see the treat and then held up my hand with it tucked inside. “Sitz,” I said. Miraculously, Marmaduke sat right down.

Magdalene smiled. “Oh my goodness. You’re very good at your job. This big boy doesn’t listen to anyone.”

As nutty as the entire situation was, I still felt proud of what I’d accomplished. “Thank you.” I smiled. “Or danke.” I almost laughed after I said that last comment, but I couldn’t help getting into the act. After my demonstration, I gave Magdalene some tips I’d picked up from the internet, and then it was time to go.

“Okay. Well. Good luck with him. He’s a sweet dog.”

Magdalene walked me to the door. “You’ll be back next week, right?”

“Umm. Well . . .”

“Birdie is going to be so upset she missed today. To be honest, we’d forgotten all about your coming when she made these plans with her troop. I’m sure she’ll be standing at the door waiting for you next Tuesday.”

Standing at the door waiting for me.

I pictured Birdie with her nose pressed to the glass, excited to work on the dog’s training.

I couldn’t let her down. Could I?

One more week won’t hurt too much, will it? I mean, I was already this far in—how could I end things without at least meeting little Birdie now? Plus, she’d be so disappointed if the trainer quit after the very first day.

“You know what, sure. I’ll see you next Tuesday.”

I walked outside and took a deep breath.

Shit. Here we go again.CHAPTER 8






“What the hell are you listening to?” Devin had once again caught me goofing off at work. “Is that German . . . and barking?”

I pressed the “Pause” button as fast as I could. I’d been watching another YouTube tutorial on German-language dog training. They were all I’d been watching lately whenever I had any spare time. In fact, German dog training had consumed me, to the point where last night I’d dreamed I was on trial for some crime, and the entire courtroom was filled with dogs shouting at me in German.

“No.” I shook my head and lied. “No German. I don’t know what you thought you heard.”

“No? What was it, then?”

There was no way I was getting out of this one.

I conceded. “Okay, it was.”

“I know it was . . . because my grandma Inga is German. Are you taking a trip soon?” She beamed at the prospect of my traveling abroad. “An international dating piece! I’d totally be down to be your assistant on that one!”

Devin had no clue about the mess I’d gotten myself into. But I was going to burst if I didn’t tell someone. If anyone would understand and not have me committed, it would be Devin. Only Devin.

“No international dating article.” I sighed. “But I have to tell you something, and you’d better sit down for this.”Devin couldn’t even stand to sit anymore. She paced excitedly across the space between my cubicle and hers. “Oh my God. This is too good to be true.”

“It’s a mess is what it is! And it’s ending after this next visit.”

She stopped for a moment. “So you plan to play German dog trainer one more time and then what?”

I tapped my pen and blew out a long breath. “Then I have to come up with a way out of this.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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