Happily Letter After - Page 39

Later that night, my daughter ran into the study, where I’d been doing some inventory work for Bianco’s.

She seemed frantic when she said, “Daddy . . . you have to call Sadie.”


She lifted a tablet she was holding. “She forgot her iPad mini here.”

I took the device from her and looked down at it. “Oh. Well, I’m sure she can do without it until she sees us again.”

“No! She told me she uses it for work. She puts all her notes on it. You know, from her dates and stuff. She let me borrow it to watch something with her Hulu account while she was talking with Magdalene. I put it down to go steal cookies from the pantry while they weren’t paying attention. Then I started talking to them in the kitchen, and she left without taking it. I forgot I had it in my room until now.”

I blew out an exasperated breath. “Alright. I’ve got her number. I’ll give her a call. I can let her know it’s here if she wants to come get it.”

“Thanks, Daddy.”

She placed her arms around my neck, and I gently squeezed her little frame.

Rubbing her back, I said, “Go get some sleep. It’s late.”

Birdie ran out of the room, and I listened to her footsteps as she headed down the hall.

I stared at the phone in my hands for several seconds before scrolling down to Sadie’s name.

When she picked up, I heard a ton of background noise before she finally said, “Hello?”

“Hey . . . it’s Sebastian Maxwell.”

She spoke over the muffled sounds. “Oh. Hey. How are you?” It sounded like she might have been inside a crowded restaurant or bar.

“I’m calling because you left your iPad here. Birdie was adamant that I let you know.”

“Oh crap. That’s right. I’d let her borrow it and completely forgot to take it back before I left.”

“Anyway, we can hang on to it. I just wanted to let you know it was here, in case you were looking for it.”

“Do you mind if I stop by tonight and get it?”

Not expecting that, I hesitated. “Sure.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry for the bother. I can be there in about a half hour.”

I ran a hand through my hair. “Okay.”

“Great. Thanks. See you in a bit.”

After we hung up, I stayed at my desk, bouncing my legs up and down, swiveling in my seat, tapping my pen, crumpling up paper. Anything but concentrating on work. I finally gave up and took the iPad out into the living room while I anticipated her arrival any minute.

When that knock finally came, nothing could have prepared me for the sight on the other side of the door. When I opened it, I found Sadie standing there in a tiny black dress, only a fur cape covering her shoulders. She wore leather boots that went all the way up to her knees. Her long blonde hair was wavier than normal. She looked sexy as all hell, and it honestly made me have to catch my breath for a second. My gaze lingered on hers. A streetlight caught her eyes just enough for the blue of her irises to glow in the dark. Fuck, she was beautiful. A thought of what those eyes would look like staring up from under me crossed my mind. Really, Sebastian?

She took a few steps inside the doorway, even though I hadn’t exactly invited her in yet. Although it was cold out, and I would’ve anyway.

“You’re awfully dressed up. Hot date tonight?”

She looked down at herself, seeming almost embarrassed by her attire. “Oh God. No. I was on a date. Or rather . . . an assignment for work. Not a real date.”

“Ah. I should’ve known.”

“That’s where I was when you called. This was the perfect excuse to get out of it, let me tell ya.”

“No wonder you were so eager to come get your iPad so late. Another bomb, huh?”

“Let’s put it this way: he went to the bathroom more times than I could count. Either he had a bad case of diarrhea or he’s a drug addict. Either way, I’m all set.”

I broke out into a laugh. “Ouch.”

“Yeah. Let’s just hope he washed his hands each time before digging through the breadbasket.” She sighed. “Anyway . . . I’ll take my iPad and be on my merry way.”

“Oh. Yeah. I have it right here.” I scratched my head, momentarily having forgotten where I put it.

After I spotted it on the end table, I grabbed it. But not before tripping on the damn end table. Having her here was making me tense. I finally handed it to her.

“Thanks again,” she said as she took it. “I can’t believe I left this here. If it didn’t have all my notes on it from earlier this week, I might have been able to wait until the next time I came, but I have a deadline.” She looked beyond my shoulder. “I assume Birdie is asleep?”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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