Happily Letter After - Page 47

As I walked back to my office where I kept my laptop, I tried to psych myself up.


She was sexy.

Long red hair.

A woman who knew what she wanted.

That’s exactly what I needed.

Yeah, that’s it.

I’m definitely going to see what Sadie’s doing tonight.

Irina. I mean Irina.

Reaching my desk, I decided to pour another glass of wine before jumping online to see if Irina might be available.

I sat down and sipped but decided to shut my eyes once again. I needed a moment to clear my head.

But instead of gaining clarity, visions of Sadie flooded my mind.


She was so damn sexy.

That ass.

That flat stomach.

That sparkly freaking diamond.

Her big, beautiful eyes.

And that mouth. The way the corners turned up when she’d caught me checking out her ass . . . Jesus . . . what I wouldn’t give to fuck that mouth.

I laughed at myself and opened my eyes.

Good thing she was gone. Because God knows what dumb thing I would’ve done tonight. The woman had me losing my mind.

I took another big swig of my wine and opened my laptop.

Just as the doorbell rang . . .CHAPTER 16


He opened the door, and my mind went blank. Turning around and ringing the bell had been a split-second decision. I just hadn’t wanted to leave. The problem was, I probably should’ve thought up an excuse as to why I came back before I did it.

Sebastian’s breathing quickened with every second that he took me in. “Everything okay?”

I swallowed but continued to blank out.

What was I supposed to say? I couldn’t tell him the truth: I saw you checking me out and thought you might be interested in touching me, too?

He broke the ice. “Is this the part where I assume you’re the dog trainer and scold you for being late? Feels like déjà vu right now. Me opening the door and you looking stunned.” He flashed a crooked smile, which calmed me down a bit.

I laughed nervously.

He gestured with his head. “While you’re figuring it out, why don’t you come in? It was so warm today, but it’s getting chilly now.”

I brushed my hands over my arms. “Thanks.”

Marmaduke ran to the door and began to jump all over me. Not exactly the man I wanted on me right now.

Thankfully, he calmed down pretty quickly before heading to the corner of the room to hump a stuffed toy.

Yeah. You’re not the only one all worked up tonight, buddy.

Sebastian just stared at me, still in need of an explanation as to why I’d suddenly returned.

Jesus Christ. Grow some balls, Sadie. You’re a dating-advice columnist, for Christ’s sake, and you can’t seem to remember how to act around a man you’re attracted to.

“I came back because I wondered if you might want some company tonight,” I blurted.

Sebastian placed his hands in his pockets, looking less than comfortable with my proclamation.

His reaction made me panic a little, so I tried to laugh it off. “That’s stupid, right? You probably have plans. If so, I can just lea—”

“Do you like white or red?” he suddenly said.

It took a few seconds for his question to sink in. He was referring to wine.

I’m in?

“Actually, the red you were drinking looked really good.”

“Be right back,” he said.

I fidgeted as Sebastian went back into his study, returning to the living room with the bottle and his glass. He placed them on the coffee table before venturing into the kitchen.

After he returned, I watched as he poured me a large glass before emptying the remainder of the bottle into his own.

“Thank you,” I said.

I sat down on one end of the sofa. Then he proceeded to sit all the way at the other end at the farthest spot away from me.

I took a sip of my drink and said, “So, what were your plans tonight if I hadn’t weaseled my way into your evening?”

His lips twitched. “I hadn’t quite figured it out.”

“It’s probably rare that Birdie’s not home.”

“Yeah. I think she’s only had one other sleepover before this.”

Sebastian looked exceptionally good tonight. He was dressed more casually than normal. A navy T-shirt clung to his broad chest. He wore jeans, and his feet were bare. He had large, beautiful feet—if a man’s feet could even be considered beautiful. Well, he and his feet were totally beautiful in every way.

“Did I step in something?” he asked.

Shit. He’d caught me.

“Oh, no. I was just . . . admiring your feet.”

I cringed. Maybe I shouldn’t have admitted that.

“Thank you.” He wrinkled his forehead. “I think?” Sebastian rested his arm on the back of the sofa and continued to stay in his corner of the couch. “So where exactly do you go to work out, Sadie?”

“I do a forty-five-minute yoga class a few times a week. It’s near my place.”

“Nice. I probably should be taking up something like that for stress relief.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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