Happily Letter After - Page 83

“That might be a good idea. But she couldn’t wake up to me in bed with you.”

He nodded. “I know. I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” Sebastian noticed the bracelet tied around my wrist and looped his finger through it, giving it a tug. “New jewelry?”

“Birdie and I did crafting tonight. She actually told me that she was making it for her best friend, and then right before she went to bed, she brought it out and gave it to me.”

He smiled. “My kid’s got good taste in women. She takes after her old man.”

“Yeah. I thought it was so sweet. She actually struck up an interesting conversation tonight.”

“Oh yeah? About what?”

“Well, first she wanted to know what she would call me if we got married.”

Sebastian’s brows jumped. “Shit. What did you say?”

“I basically sidestepped. I told her that if that happened, the three of us would sit down and have a conversation about it.”

Sebastian raked a hand through his hand. “Good call. I’m glad she asked you that and not me.”

“Then she asked me what would happen if we broke up and I met someone else and got married to him.”

He frowned. “Does she know something I don’t know?”

I laughed. “No. But I think she really wanted me to make a commitment to her that we’d stay friends, or whatever we are, even if things don’t work out between you and me. Loss is obviously weighing on her. For whatever reason, she’s concerned she might lose me, too.”

Sebastian sighed. “You’re the first woman she’s connected with since her mom died.”

I nodded. “Yeah. I realize that. That’s why I thought we should discuss it a bit before I made that kind of a promise to her.”

Sebastian’s gaze grew serious. “You want to promise her that you’ll always be friends, regardless of what happens between us?”

I nodded. “I do. I know I’ve only known her a few months, but she’s really special to me. I love her, Sebastian. So if you’d be okay with me keeping contact with her if we split up, no matter what—even if, say, you go out with someone else and she doesn’t like your ex-girlfriend coming around once in a while—then I’d like to make the promise to always be there for her.”

Sebastian swallowed. His eyes became glassy and he cupped both my cheeks. “Sadie Gretchen Bisset Schmidt, I freaking love you. I’ve known it for a while, but I was too chicken to admit it to myself. Yet you and my ten-year-old daughter are completely fearless with giving love.” He shook his head. “You both put me to shame. I wish I had half the balls you two do.”

My heartbeat quickened and warmth flooded my chest. “You really love me?”

“I do. I love you, Sadie.”

My hand covered my heart. “I love you, too, Sebastian. And I’ve known it for a while. In fact, I can prove it to you!”

The corners of his lips twitched. “How?”

I smiled from ear to ear. “Ich liebe dich!”CHAPTER 27


Saturday morning, the doorbell rang just as I was getting ready to leave for work.

“I got it, Magdalene!”

A young guy in a UPS uniform held out a tablet. “Sebastian Maxwell?”


“Sign here, please.”

I scribbled my name, assuming it was the new iPads I’d ordered for the restaurant. Our entire system was electronic, and since we broke another one two days ago, now we were down to one. After I signed, the driver handed me a small envelope.

“Have a good day.”

“You too,” I said.

I shut the door and started to walk back into the house, still thinking nothing of what was in my hands. Until I saw the logo on the packaging.

Holy shit.

I froze midstep.

I knew that logo.

The lab.

But they’d said seven to ten business days, and it hadn’t even been a full week yet. An overwhelming sense of dread washed over me.


I stared down at the envelope. My entire life could be turned upside down by what was inside. I felt sick, completely nauseous.

Birdie came skipping to the front vestibule where I still stood. She looked at my expression and down at the envelope. “What’s that?”

“Uh . . . nothing.” I shoved it into my back pocket. “Just a bill for something I got delivered to the restaurant.”

“Sadie is coming this afternoon, right, Daddy?”

My chest hurt even thinking about Sadie anywhere near this envelope. “Yeah, honey. She said she’s going to come about five.”

“Could we come to the restaurant for dinner?”

I had no idea how I would be able to look either one of them in the face by that time. Yet I nodded. “Sure. If it’s alright with Sadie. You’re always welcome.”

Birdie jumped up and down. “I’m going to ask Sadie if we can get all dressed up fancy!”

I smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “Okay. I need to get going. I’ll probably see you later, then.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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