A Beastly Kind of Earl - Page 29

“The selva is intense,” he said abruptly.

“The… I beg your pardon? What is the ‘selva’?”

“The tropical forest. It teems with life. Everything is bigger, brighter, bolder. One can encounter snakes longer than a warship, butterflies as big as a man’s palm. One can almost see the plants growing. With so much life, death is closer too. There is no past, no future, only the present, as one avoids the myriad of ways to die.”

She tried to understand what he was saying. “So one knows, when one goes into the selva, that one might not make it out alive.” Laughter bubbled up in her throat. “It is rather like a ball, then.”

He made a small sound that might have been a chuckle. “All those poisonous flowers. Vines that will choke you.”

“Man-eating animals.”

“Precisely. I’d risk the selva over Almack’s any day.” He paused. “The point is, I knew the dangers beforehand. No one betrayed me, unlike y–your sister. That makes my loss easier to bear.”

His words stole her breath and a pang shot through her heart. He didn’t understand. Ma and Pa thought she had betrayed them.

Yet he was being kind. Again.

Before she knew what she was doing, Thea’s fingers were untangled and she was moving forward. She placed one palm on his scarred cheek. He did not flinch or object, so she let it rest there. His skin was like her skin, warm and alive and soft, but for stubble of his beard. These scars were not ugly; they were simply part of him. She placed her other palm on his other cheek, and she cradled that bold face in her hands.

“You’re just a man,” she whispered.

He studied her with a faintly troubled expression, as though she was a puzzle he had already solved a dozen times, yet still did not understand. She wished she had the right to ask what thoughts were forming behind those eyes of his.

Then he covered her hands and gently lowered them away from his face, his fingers big and warm as they curled around hers. He was so close, all delicious solidity. If he could wrap his arms around her, pull her against his chest… Oh, how she yearned to be held. It had been so long since anyone had held her.

Too long, clearly, if she looked to him for comfort! She must not forget she was nothing but the means to an end for him, as he was for her. He would never be her friend.

She tugged her fingers free and edged away.

“You need not fear me,” he said, clasping his hands behind his back.

“You threatened my friend.”

“I never intended any harm. That was merely a maneuver to force your hand.”

“It was badly done of you.”

“I daresay it was.”

“You don’t seem sorry.”

He shrugged. “I wanted something. I went after it. I got it. In this case, what I wanted was you.”

A thrill coursed through her and she fought to quell it. How the moonlight made her silly!

“You mean, you wanted me to agree to marry you, so I could not marry Beau Russell and you could get some money.”

“Exactly.” He wiped a hand over his eyes. “I promise, you will be safe.”

How marvelous, to feel safe again. She had always believed herself safe, until those minutes in that ballroom, when her world was whipped out from under her and she learned that everything she believed in could disappear in the blink of an eye.

“Sometimes I wonder if someone like me can ever be safe,” she said. He frowned and she did not want to talk to him anymore. “I’m tired, my lord. I trust you and your plants will sleep well tonight.”

Thea turned away to go inside, and had taken barely three steps when—


She turned back.

“Those people in there were right,” he said. “Percy and Francis should get their comeuppance.”

She must be more tired than she realized, because all she could think was that the world didn’t work like that. Her scheme seemed silly, so puny and hopeless.

But in the morning, she would feel brave again. So she pretended it was already morning and she was already feeling brave.

“They will,” she said.

Then, before she could do something foolish—something like throwing herself into his arms and pressing her face to his broad chest—she turned and ran inside.

Chapter 6

Ah, London. Rafe muttered curses as he cut through the commerce-fueled hubbub of the City two days later. Grime, stench, noise, people. As usual, London put Rafe in a foul temper, which had the effect of arranging his face into an expression that made people scurry to obey.

So it was with pleasing speed that he and his solicitor—a co-conspirator in Rafe’s fraudulent marriage scheme—convinced the trustees that he truly was married and secured their agreement to release the funds. But such things took time, the solicitor advised: Rafe should keep Thea close to allay any suspicions before the money was definitely his.

Tags: Mia Vincy Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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