A Beastly Kind of Earl - Page 52

Papa wasted no time in reminding the prodigal marquess of our supposed life-long engagement, to which Hardbury replied, and I quote, ‘Nothing on this Earth would induce me to marry Arabella Larke.’ Alas, thus end these halcyon days of using Hardbury’s absence as an excuse not to marry. Papa insists I marry before the year is out and draws up a list of names. I am as excited as a child on Saint Nicholas’ Day, wondering what bridegroom I shall find stuffed in my stocking.

Thea was not fooled by her friend’s flippant tone, but as Arabella would detest the merest hint of sympathy or fuss, she settled on a cheerful:

Allow me to offer my excellent services as matchmaker, based on my extensive experience of being ‘married’ for nearly a whole week. Luxborough is not too awful; if you like, I could send him back your way when I am finished with him.

No sooner had she written the words than she felt a pang of something like guilt mixed with jealousy. Don’t be silly, she berated herself, and folded and sealed the letter.

Her correspondence finished, and her solitary evening drawing near, Thea perused the library shelves for books to read. She trailed her fingers over tomes on agriculture, botany, and philosophy, until she reached a shelf of plays.

A play could serve, she decided, and half pulled out the volumes, one by one, to read their titles. This sent a sheaf of loose papers fluttering to the floor. When she kneeled to gather them, she saw they were playbills for performances at a London theatre. A performance of Macbeth, with special billing for Miss Sarah Holloway in the role of Lady Macbeth. A performance of School for Scandal, featuring Miss Sarah Holloway as Lady Teazle. Indeed, Miss Sarah Holloway appeared on all of them. Clearly, someone in the Landcross family was enamored of the actress!

The name was familiar, Thea mused, as she tidied the pages. Oh yes, that night in the inn when she told her story, the man named Joe had mentioned an actress called Sarah Holloway, who disappeared. Thea glanced back down at the top playbill, and a second name leaped out at her: William Dudley. But surely that was the name of the zealot outside Lord Luxborough’s house?

What an odd coincidence.

And yet, not really. If this Sarah Holloway had been so popular, it was only to be expected that several people might mention her. And London was big enough to hold two men with such a common name.

Thea replaced the playbills and moved on. She had picked out the first readable books she saw, when she came across the heavy family Bible. Eagerly, she turned to the pages listing names with their births, deaths, and marriages. There were the five sons: John, Philip, Rafe, Christopher, and Edmund. John and Philip each had a “d.” and the year they’d died. Rafe and Christopher each had an “m.” and the year they’d married. Christopher and his wife Mary had several children, but Thea hardly noticed them, as her eye was drawn to the name of Rafe’s wife: Katharine Jane Russell, which bore not only a “d.” and a year, but also a strange marking. A box had been drawn around “Katharine Jane” with vertical lines scored through it, chillingly like the bars on a jail cell. How terrible, that someone had thus defaced the family Bible!

Thea slammed the book shut and shoved it back onto the shelf as though it might bite her, grabbed the books she had chosen, and dashed back to her room.

Where she was perfectly content, she decided, to stare out the window and daydream about finding her new home, and even more content, when dinner was served, to dine alone, for there was no one to object when she ate her syllabub first.

Rafe was duly informed that Lady Luxborough was out exploring the estate, and, lecturing himself that she did not require his company, he and Martha began making plans in earnest. Rafe sketched out a second greenhouse, Martha listed extensions to her laboratory, and both agreed to hire a man of business as soon as possible, as neither wished to deal with paperwork or the outside world.

Satisfied with the day’s work, Rafe plunged into the lake for a long, vigorous swim. On the way back to his rooms, he passed Sally and Martha, talking quietly in a hallway.

“How is the countess?” he asked Sally.

“I believe she is in her rooms.”

“I asked how she is. Not where she is.”

“Peculiar thing about being married,” Sally mused. “A man’s allowed to talk to his own wife.”

A teasing expression stole over Martha’s face. “He is also allowed to sleep with her. Then you will make babies and I can test new medicines on them.”

“You will not experiment on my babies.”

Martha shook her head. “There will be no babies if you do not sleep with your wife. Entonces, Sally. Do I explain how to make babies, or do you?”

Tags: Mia Vincy Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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