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The Billionaire's Baby Bargain

Page 13

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“Well he’s a fool to let you go,” Martha muttered. “Two months pregnant and already glowing. You’re so pretty.”

“Thank you.” Chloe gave a small smile. Though pretty was stretching it with her hair in two braids and the blue calico dress she had on that was the uniform at Dixie’s Diner.

A commotion outside had Chloe’s attention jerking away. All the kids in the restaurant had their noses pressed to the window and were chattering in excitement.

“What’s going on outside?” Martha asked.

Chloe frowned slightly and stepped forward. “I haven’t a clue. But I’ll go check it out.”

She was almost to the window when the front door dinged and someone stepped inside. No. The blood drained from her face and she took a quick step backward.

No, it couldn’t possibly be him.

Tall, dark and daunting, Andrés strode into the restaurant, waving and smiling at the children, who stared at him as if he were Santa Claus. Outside the front door, which was still open, she spotted the source of the children’s fascination. A black stretch limo.

Andrés’ head lifted then to sweep around the restaurant. His gaze connected with hers.

All sounds around Chloe dimmed to nothing. Her world shrunk to just the two of them. Her heart pounded in her throat and her body began to tremble. All the fear, excitement, and uncertainty of the past couple of days caught up with her. She remembered how it had felt to be in his arms in Spain after the attack on the beach, the comfort she’d found there.

It hit her now, the same need for the comfort of Andrés’ embrace again, for him to tell her that everything would be okay while he held her. The compulsion was so strong that she bit her lip to keep from rushing to him and burying her face against his chest. Though more than anything, she wanted to feel his heart beat beneath her cheek.

But she knew the impulse was foolish. Andrés wasn’t here to offer comfort or help ease her fear. No, if anything, he would soon become the source of it.

Chapter 5

With agonizing slowness, he looked her over in a visual caress from head to toe, lingering on her stomach. His eyes glittered with anger and his mouth tightened into a grim slash. He moved toward her, his stride resolute and terrifying.

Chloe’s pulse jerked, bouncing into double time. The room shifted around her. She had the strongest urge to run, to turn and flee like the devil was on her heels, but her legs refused to cooperate. And like hell would she give him that satisfaction anyway.

How could he possibly be here? She hadn’t even called him twenty-four hours ago and he lived half a world away.

Stay strong. She lifted her chin, folded her arms across her chest, and waited to meet him head on.

“Good evening, Chloe.”

He arrived in front of her, his expression once again unreadable and his demeanor relaxed. But she wasn’t fooled; she could sense the furor beneath. Her stomach did a series of flips and another harsh shudder ran through her body.

“I’m working,” she finally blurted, hoping to hold off whatever confrontation he had in mind.

“Yes, I see,” he murmured. “When are you off? I will wait.”

Her breath caught. “You can’t—”

“She’s free to leave early.” All of a sudden Martha was at their side, smiling at Andrés. “I’m supervising this shift and since we’re slow, I see no problem with her leaving.”

“Ah, you’re not only lovely, but also a compassionate woman. Thank you,” Andrés murmured, and Martha giggled in reply.

Chloe bit back a groan. Of course he would charm her friend. He could charm a snake from its skin with a smile.

“Shall we then?” Strong fingers curled around her arm, and though Andrés’s words were spoken calmly, she knew he wasn’t giving her a choice.

“I need to grab my jacket,” she said, almost numb now. She pulled away from his grip and walked into the back.

After she removed her jacket off the wall hook, she spun around and found him right behind her. She stumbled away from him, her heart slamming into her chest, until she was literally against the wall.

“You are even more beautiful than I remembered, Chloe.” He gave a half smile and reached out to caress the strands of hair on one of her braids.

Beautiful? Hardly. They were from two different worlds. How had she ever thought she stood a chance with this man? She looked like she’d just come off a farm, and Andrés would’ve fit in at a political dinner. Still as overwhelmingly handsome as ever, he was dressed impeccably in a tuxedo that probably cost more than her month’s pay.

“Just stop, Andrés. If you came all this way for me, then you can just turn around and go home,” she said vehemently.

“What makes you think I came for you?” he asked silkily and arched a brow. “You’re carrying my child, cariño. Or have you forgotten?”

Chloe blanched and let out a ragged breath. For a few minutes she’d been so overwhelmed with seeing him again, had been caught up in the familiar passion and turbulent emotions that she’d been foolish enough to think she was the motivation for him being here. Once again, she took home the prize for being a top-class fool.

“Though I certainly wouldn’t protest you in my bed, Chloe,” he murmured and moved his hand to the back of her neck, pulling her forward. “In fact, I believe we have unfinished business.”

“No.” She pressed her hands against his chest to halt his advance. He couldn’t touch her. If he touched her, she would be as lost now as she was in Valencia.

But he ignored the objection, swooping his head down and capturing her mouth in a thorough kiss that claimed.

Her mind screamed to stop him. She struggled furtively in his hold, but her traitorous body responded and welcomed his touch again. She was the desert and he the water she’d been denied. In the end her lips parted helplessly beneath the experienced pressure of his mouth.

Pleasure warmed her body, sizzling through her blood and searing her soul. It was a reminder of just exactly how much this man could affect her. His tongue found hers, teasing a response from her.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Chloe froze in Andrés’ embrace. The rushed footsteps indicated Martha had already left again after her intrusion.

“Let go.” Chloe pushed him away, unable to believe she’d lost her head again so easily.

Andrés released her, but she knew it was only because he’d chosen to. For a moment she thought she saw compassion and longing in his gaze. It quickly disappeared and once again flickered with an arrogance that made her stomach roil.

“I think that should help,” he said calmly.

Chloe scurried past him to the front of the restaurant, trying to regain her senses. “Help with what?”

He didn’t reply, but a moment later his arm slid around her waist. She tried to jerk away, but his fingers tightened on her hip in warning. “Be still,” his words lashed quietly at her. “If you make a scene, I will see that you regret it.”

Chloe froze unconsciously, his tone sending chills down her spine. They moved toward the entrance, where Martha stood behind the cash register.

“Try to get her to rest a little,” her friend called out, almost beaming. “She’s been on her feet all day and is exhausted.”

“Of course. I’ll see her to bed as soon as possible,” he agreed and brushed a kiss across Chloe’s forehead.

Chloe blushed from her roots to her toes. So that’s what he’d meant by ‘help’. He’d just convinced Martha they’d made up and she was now completely besotted with him again. How dare he? How dare Andrés come in here and act like a doting lover? He was a jerk. A quick-to-judge, arrogant, womanizing jerk.

Somebody opened the door to the restaurant, and Andrés stepped outside, urging her into the drizzly Seattle night. Dismay rushed through her when the limo driver climbed out and opened the door for them.

Despite her reluctance, Andrés maneuvered her into the back of the limo and then climbed in next. The door was swiftly shut after them, leaving them alone in the back of the opulent vehicle.

Chloe slid all the way over to the far side of the bench seat, placing as much distance between herself and Andrés as possible. His mouth curved slightly he pressed the button to have the window between them and the driver slide up, increasing the intimacy of the moment.

Licking her suddenly dry lips, Chloe tried to calm her nerves. The limo pulled away and she turned her focus out the tinted window. The kids in the restaurant still had their noses pressed up against the window, watching the limo leave.

They probably thought it was like something out of a fairytale. The tired waitress being whisked off by a handsome man into a waiting limousine.

Her heart twisted and she squeezed her eyes closed. But Chloe knew better now. Fairytales were a far stretch from reality, and the sooner a girl stopped believing in them, the better.

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