The Billionaire's Baby Bargain - Page 25

“Señor Montero,” a voice purred from behind them.

Every muscle in Chloe tensed in recognition. She wanted to flee into the elevator just feet away. But Andrés was already turning them around to face the person behind them.

Estella Martinez was still as flawlessly beautiful as she had been months ago. The red suit she wore showed off her trim body and long legs. The woman’s gaze glittered with excitement and a lust she couldn’t quite conceal when she stared at Andrés.

Jealousy stabbed through Chloe to see Andrés lean down and kiss the other woman on the cheek.

“Buenos dias, Señora Martinez,” he greeted, and continued to ask her several questions in Spanish about business.

The other woman nodded and replied easily, her attention not moving from his face. But then, just for an instant, it slipped to Chloe. Señora Martinez stumbled on her words and her eyes, full of anger, narrowed with scrutiny.

“Perdón, Señora Martinez,” Andrés said smoothly and switched to English. “You remember Chloe Wilkinson?”

“But of course.” The smile on her lips did not quite reach her eyes. “Welcome back to Valencia and Diablo’s Paraíso, Chloe.”

Her words may have been friendly, but Chloe was not fooled. Right now the other woman was likely wishing her dead. Last time they’d seen each other, Señora Martinez had been vindictive and smug while she’d help cast devastation on Chloe’s life.

But now Chloe was back, and clearly with Andrés. Knowing this gave Chloe the confidence she needed to face the spiteful woman. She leaned closer to Andrés, slipping her arm through his. She gave Señora Martinez a bright smile. “Thank you, Señora. It is lovely to be here again.”

Loathing flashed in the older woman’s gaze. She quickly veiled it. “Well, I will leave you both to get settled. If you’ll excuse me, I have business to take care of.”

Andrés murmured a farewell and then turned them toward the elevator once more. As the lift rose toward the penthouse, she couldn’t help but remember the photo of Andrés and Estella in the tabloid together. Her stomach dropped and she closed her eyes, trying not to think that they might have been lovers at some point.

“What is wrong?”

“She doesn’t care for me,” she said and glanced up at Andrés through her lashes.

His mouth twitched. “Señora Martinez? What makes you think that?”

“Because I’m with you,” Chloe said with a stiff shrug. “But then, she never liked me, even before…”

“Before I brought you to my bed?” he murmured gently, and stepped close to her, catching her chin in his hands. “You have nothing to worry about. I am not interested in Señora Martinez in any manner outside of her running my hotel.”

She struggled to stay immune to his touch. “But I saw a picture of you both and it looked—”

“Where did you see it, Chloe? A tabloid?” He leaned down and brushed a soft kiss across her lips. “They will print anything to make money. Señora Martinez and I often attend the same events. You have nothing to be jealous of. You are all I want.” He kissed her again, a tender gesture that had her knees weakening.

Me, or the baby? Chloe couldn’t help but wonder, but she soon lost the ability to think, just melted into his kiss.

When the elevator came to a stop, they left the lift and entered the penthouse a moment later. Chloe crossed through the doorway but faltered as the memories slammed through her full force.

The months disappeared, and she had a glimpse of who she’d been. A naïve girl who was far too romantic and idealistic…a girl who’d almost given her heart to a man she’d thought was just a guest at the hotel.

“You think too much, cariño.” Andrés’ arm slipped around her waist and a moment later his lips brushed the back of her neck. “But fortunately I have a solution.”

A tremble ran through her body when he slid his hand up her ribcage to cup her breast, his lips caressing the curve of her ear.

Only one thing was different this time, she thought as Andrés swept her boldly up into his strong arms and carried her to the bedroom. She was still idealistic and naïve, heaven help her. But now she wasn’t half in love with Andrés—she was completely in love.

Her eyes closed and she clung to him, trying to not think about the future and that, despite her best efforts, she’d given her heart to a man who it seemed was afraid to receive it.

Chapter 9

“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. Once again, I must say I’m impressed.” Andrés set down the file he’d been holding and tapped his forefinger against it.

Estella Martinez smiled, her red painted lips curving with satisfaction. “I assumed you would be, Señor.” She leaned back in her chair and crossed one leg over another.

“Well, whatever it is that you’re doing, please continue.” Andrés glanced at his watch, his thoughts turning to Chloe, which had become a habit during the past hour.

He’d left her in the suite with the promise to return once he finished with the meeting. His lips quirked when he thought of the jealousy she hadn’t quite managed to hide.

He pushed back from the desk and flashed Estella Martinez a brief smile. “I think that should conclude our business for today, Señora. Now if you’ll excuse me—”

“Señor Montero, if I might be so bold.” Estella moved to intercept him. “I would like to discuss Señorita Wilkinson with you.”

“Indeed?” Andrés repeated, his gaze cooling with suspicion.

“Sí.” She folded her arms across her breasts and sighed. “I am compelled to warn you about her, Señor.”

“Warn me?” He tilted his head, his smile mocking, even as the muscles in his body coiled with tension.

Estella nodded and moved past him to look out the window, obviously confident that she held his attention now. “Señorita Wilkinson developed a bit of a reputation while she worked here.”

“And what kind of reputation would that be?”

“Chloe was quite friendly with the guests, as well as the male employees.” She paused, and then turned to face him once more. “A bit too friendly, it appears. I warned her about the flirtations, but she never seemed to heed my admonitions, which is why I terminated her position.”

Andrés kept quiet, showing no reaction, though anger curled hot in his belly. “Señora, I’m not quite certain of your intentions in telling me these allegations, but I will warn you to tread carefully. You’re speaking about the woman who carries my child.”

Estella’s body went rigid and her face turned red; she made a visible effort to compose herself once more. This time when she approached, her expression was subservient and her fingers woven together in front of her. “Please forgive me, Señor Montero. You are right about me being too forward. I simply thought it was best that you know.”

The anger inside Andrés grew at the audacity of the manager of his hotel. Despite her sudden meek demeanor, she was still far too bold in her attempts to ruin Chloe’s reputation.

“Fortunately, Señora Martinez, you run my resort well enough to make me forget this conversation ever took place.” Andrés turned toward the door and then strode from the room, his only thoughts now on finding Chloe.

Being back in Spain and walking along the Mediterranean was absolutely wonderful.

Chloe had woken alone in bed, her body still tingling from the intensity of their lovemaking. After realizing Andrés’ meeting with Señora Martinez was going longer than she expected, she’d left the penthouse to go walk on the beach.

Now, with the waves splashing against her sandaled feet and the wind whipping her hair into disarray, she could admit that Spain was in her blood. She loved it here. Loved being on the water or in the sprawling countryside, where Andrés’ villa lay.

Just thinking of him and the way he’d watched her with such brooding possessiveness sent heat spreading through her body.

Her chest tightened and she sighed. Maybe it wasn’t love on his part, but there was so much tenderness in him now that it completely tilted her foundation of what she thought she needed out of life.

The wind picked up and the breeze held a chill, a sharp reminder that she might be in the lovely city of Valencia, but it was still October. They seemed to have more overcast days than sunny, reminding her of Seattle. She was amazed to find she wasn’t homesick for the States.

Pushing a wayward strand of hair off her forehead, she turned and headed back to the hotel. When she spotted a familiar face, she waved to Carlos, the bellhop who’d been dating her roommate Betsy. The three of them had spent many nights swimming and enjoying the city.

Tags: Shelli Stevens Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024